DC United Soccer Stadium site — Toxic Contamination Documents

Zon­ing Case 16–02

A Res­o­lu­tion from ANC Regard­ing the DC Unit­ed Con­sol­i­dat­ed PUD — 10–17-16

Com­mu­ni­ty Health and Safe­ty Study (CHASS) (70 pp; Aug 2016) — con­duct­ed by the Dis­trict Depart­ment of Health to look at the over­all health and eco­nom­ic vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties of the community

New Jer­sey Insti­tute of Tech­nol­o­gy Review of the Vol­un­tary Clean-up Plan for the DC Unit­ed Sta­di­um Site (30 pp; 5/27/2016) — gives a run down of tox­ins on the site and offers some recommendations

Buz­zard Point Sta­di­um Envi­ron­men­tal Mit­i­ga­tion Study
(182 pp; Dec 2014)

Sta­tus Update of the D.C. Unit­ed Soc­cer Sta­di­um Con­struc­tion — pow­er­point from pub­lic meet­ing on 9/8/2016

Doc­u­ments Relat­ed to the Tox­ic Site Assessment:





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