Philadelphia: Burning Trash is NOT the Answer

May 9, 2019: 40 Orga­ni­za­tions call on May­or Ken­ney to Stop Burn­ing Philly’s Trash

See the state­ment to the may­or, and the press release. In addi­tion to these 40 envi­ron­men­tal, com­mu­ni­ty, pub­lic health, and busi­ness orga­ni­za­tions, the Amer­i­can Sus­tain­able Busi­ness Coun­cil wrote a sep­a­rate let­ter to May­or Ken­ney mak­ing the eco­nom­ic case for end­ing incin­er­a­tion of Philly’s trash.

June 13, 2019 UPDATE: Despite over­whelm­ing oppo­si­tion (41 orga­ni­za­tions signed on above, plus all 11 mem­bers of the pub­lic who spoke at the 6/5/2019 Streets Com­mit­tee hear­ing), City Coun­cil approved May­or Ken­ney’s admin­is­tra­tion’s two pro­posed waste con­tracts with Waste Man­age­ment and Cov­an­ta, allow­ing con­tin­ued incin­er­a­tion of much of Philly’s trash and of the por­tion of recy­cling bin con­tents that does­n’t have a recy­cling mar­ket. These con­tracts run for 4–7 years (four more years plus three 1‑year renew­al options).

Each year, Philadel­phia dis­pos­es of near­ly 1.4 mil­lion tons of res­i­den­tial and com­mer­cial waste. 55% of this goes to land­fills in the state. 45% is first burned in trash incin­er­a­tors. For every 100 tons burned, 30 tons become tox­ic ash that is dumped in land­fills. The oth­er 70 tons become air pol­lu­tion. Burn­ing trash is far worse for the envi­ron­ment and human health than direct use of landfills.

Since mid-2012, Philly has been con­tract­ed with two waste cor­po­ra­tions: Cov­an­ta (the nation’s largest trash incin­er­a­tor com­pa­ny), and Waste Man­age­ment (the world’s largest waste cor­po­ra­tion). The Waste Man­age­ment con­tract includes some waste going to a “Spec­Fu­el” plant in NE Philly that feeds trash as fuel to be burned in cement kilns in the Lehigh Val­ley, just north of Allen­town — anoth­er form of incineration.

These con­tracts expire June 30, 2019 and new con­tracts are now pro­posed by May­or Ken­ney’s Streets Depart­ment to con­tin­ue the sta­tus quo for anoth­er sev­en years. Ken­ney’s admin­is­tra­tion seems to pre­fer incin­er­a­tion, even though it’s the most expen­sive and pol­lut­ing way to man­age waste. They pre­tend it’s part of a “zero waste” plan, even though it harms Philadel­phi­ans with tox­ic air pol­lu­tion that also con­tributes to asth­ma attacks. May­or Ken­ney qui­et­ly declared Octo­ber 11, 2018 as Chil­dren’s Envi­ron­men­tal Health Aware­ness Day, but did noth­ing to pub­li­cize it, and is now ensur­ing the Philly’s kids will con­tin­ue to miss school due to asth­ma attacks caused by incin­er­a­tor pol­lu­tion. See more con­text, see our tes­ti­mo­ny at Philadel­phia City Coun­cil’s hear­ing on health dis­par­i­ties, as well as these talk­ing points. See these links for more info on incin­er­a­tion or zero waste.

Penn­syl­va­nia has a glut of land­fill space, which is why the state is the nation’s largest waste importer, accept­ing trash from Cana­da down to Puer­to Rico, and every state in-between. There is no short­age of land­fill capac­i­ty, and while we work to reduce the city’s waste, it’s vital to avoid the even greater envi­ron­men­tal impact of burn­ing trash and land­fill­ing tox­ic ash.

The largest recip­i­ent of Philly’s trash under the cur­rent con­tracts has been the Cov­an­ta Delaware Val­ley trash incin­er­a­tor in near­by Chester City, just south of the air­port. That incin­er­a­tor is the nation’s largest, and is the worst air pol­luter in the Philly region now that the oil refin­ery is closed. Chester is known as one of the nation’s worst cas­es of envi­ron­men­tal racism.

Where Philly’s trash has been going
(Dur­ing the cur­rent con­tracts from mid-2012 through first quar­ter of 2018)
Land­fill / Incin­er­a­torCoun­tyTons%
Cov­an­ta Delaware ValleyDelaware1,912,00124%
Whee­labra­tor FallsBucks1,360,95917%
Mod­ern LandfillYork1,253,083 
G.R.O.W.S. NorthBucks1,027,550 
Con­esto­ga LandfillBerks690,035 
Fair­less LandfillBucks674,542 
Tul­ly­town LandfillBucks517,239 
Cov­an­ta Ply­mouth Renew­able EnergyMont­gomery155,8692%
York Coun­ty Resource Recov­ery CenterYork147,5542%
Delaware Coun­ty SWA Rolling Hills LandfillBerks78,311 
Pio­neer Cross­ing LandfillBerks16,693 
Cum­ber­land Coun­ty LandfillCum­ber­land14,496 
Com­mon­wealth Envi­ron­men­tal Sys­tems LandfillSchuylkill13,810 
West­ern Berks Com­mu­ni­ty LandfillBerks11,529 
LCSWMA — Susq. Resource Mgmt ComplexDauphin10,6220.1%
LCSWMA Resource Recov­ery FacilityLan­cast­er8,7470.1%
Chester Coun­ty SWA Lan­ches­ter LandfillChester7,517 
Beth­le­hem LandfillNorthamp­ton6,515 
Advanced Dis­pos­al Ser­vices Green­tree Land­fill LLCElk5,907 
South­ern Alleghe­nies LandfillSom­er­set1,321 
Impe­r­i­al LandfillAlleghe­ny1,232 
Key­stone San­i­tary LandfillLack­awan­na375 
Clin­ton Coun­ty SWA Wayne Town­ship LandfillClin­ton310 
Casel­la McK­Kean Coun­ty LandfillMcK­ean92 
Grand Cen­tral San­i­tary LandfillNorthamp­ton1 
TOTAL 7,916,31045%

Source: PA Depart­ment of Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion, Divi­sion of Report­ing and Fees

Accord­ing to EPA’s lat­est Nation­al Emis­sions Inven­to­ry, the Cov­an­ta Delaware Val­ley trash incin­er­a­tor is the 3rd largest air pol­luter in the 5‑county Philadel­phia area. Only the air­port and the PES oil refin­ery are worse.

Philly’s trash is the sec­ond largest con­trib­u­tor to this major air pol­luter. We throw our trash “away” and end up breath­ing it as air pol­lu­tion, since Philly is imme­di­ate­ly downwind.

Where the waste burned in Chester came from in 2017:

StatePA Coun­tyTons%
NJ 230,16918%
DE(most­ly NYC waste)206,69316%
NY 100,3608%
MD(Ocean City)33,4933%
NC 8,0841%
VA 4,6160.4%
PALehigh, Bucks, Chester, Berks, Lack­awan­na, Luzerne, & Mont­gomery Counties8080.1%

Source: PA Depart­ment of Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion, Divi­sion of Report­ing and Fees

How polluting are these trash incinerators?

Air Pol­lu­tion Rankings
Cov­an­ta Delaware ValleyDelawareChester CityLargest air pol­luter in Chester City, and sec­ond only to the PHL air­port in Delaware Coun­ty. Third worst air pol­luter in the 5‑county Philly region. With­in Delaware Coun­ty, their air pol­lu­tion even sur­pass­es the oil refiner­ies, fos­sil fuel pow­er plants, chem­i­cal plants, a sewage sludge incin­er­a­tor, and the waste coal-burn­ing Kim­ber­ly-Clark paper mill in Chester.
Cov­an­ta PlymouthMont­gomeryPly­mouth TownshipLargest air pol­luter in Mont­gomery Coun­ty, account­ing for 19% of all pol­lu­tion from Mont­gomery Coun­ty’s 123 indus­tri­al air pol­luters, and more that twice as bad as the sec­ond largest polluter.
Whee­labra­tor FallsBucksFalls Town­shipLargest air pol­luter in Bucks Coun­ty, account­ing for 31% of all pol­lu­tion from Bucks Coun­ty’s 104 indus­tri­al air pol­luters, and more that twice as bad as the sec­ond largest polluter.

With­in the 5‑county Philadel­phia area, which con­tains a large con­cen­tra­tion of pol­lut­ing indus­try (489 facil­i­ties), the Cov­an­ta’s incin­er­a­tor in Chester ranks high for many spe­cif­ic pol­lu­tants, includ­ing being:

  • #2 in Mer­cury ­ caus­es dam­age to ner­vous, diges­tive, and immune sys­tems, low­ers IQ in chil­dren
    - Cov­an­ta Delaware Val­ley releas­es about 60 pounds of mer­cury into the region’s air every year
  • #3 in Nitro­gen Oxides (NOx) ­ trig­gers asth­ma attacks, increas­es life­time risk of chron­ic res­pi­ra­to­ry dis­ease and stroke
    - Cov­an­ta Delaware Val­ley releas­es near­ly 2.5 mil­lion pounds of NOx into the region’s air every year
  • #3 in Sul­fur Diox­ide ­ trig­gers asth­ma attacks, increas­es life­time risk of chron­ic res­pi­ra­to­ry and heart dis­eases and stroke
  • #4 in Cad­mi­um ­ caus­es can­cer, dam­ages bones and brain func­tion, affects blood pres­sure and testos­terone levels
  • #5 in Car­bon Monox­ide ­ caus­es headaches and dizzi­ness; increas­es life­time risk of heart disease
  • #5 in Hydrochlo­ric Acid ­ irri­tates eyes, skin, and nose, dam­ages lungs
  • #6 in Green­house gas­es ­ caus­es glob­al warm­ing, increas­es in heat-relat­ed deaths, sui­cide, mos­qui­to-born dis­eases, and much more
  • #6 in Par­tic­u­late Mat­ter (PM10 and PM2.5) ­ aggra­vates lung dis­ease, trig­gers asth­ma attacks, caus­es acute bron­chi­tis; can cause heart attacks in those with heart disease





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