Waste Coal Facilities

Waste Coal Facilities in the U.S.

St Coun­ty City Com­pa­ny Plant Name MW Pri­ma­ry Fuel Sec­ond Fuel Year Start Notes
Exist­ing Facil­i­ties Burn­ing Waste Coal as a Pri­ma­ry Fuel
PA Cam­bria Ebens­burg El Paso Corp. / Cam­bria CoGen Co Cam­bria Cogen 88 Gob   1991  
PA Cam­bria Ebens­burg Ebens­burg Pow­er Co Ebens­burg Power 49.5 Gob   1990  
PA Cam­bria Colver TIFD VIII‑W Inc (Inter-Pow­er/AhlCon­Part­ners, L.P.) Colver Pow­er Project 110 Gob Propane 1995  
PA Car­bon Nesque­hon­ing Pan­ther Creek Partners Pan­ther Creek Ener­gy Facility 83 Culm Diesel / Fuel Oil 1992  
PA Clar­i­on Clar­i­on Col­mac Clar­i­on Inc Piney Creek Project 32.5 Gob Diesel / Fuel Oil 1992  
PA Delaware Chester Kim­ber­ly-Clark Tis­sue Corp. Chester Oper­a­tions 67 Culm Pet Coke 1986 Paper mill; tried burn­ing tires in 1999; part of the envi­ron­men­tal racism sit­u­a­tion in Chester
PA Indi­ana Seward Reliant Ener­gy Seward 521 Gob   2004 New facil­i­ty sched­uled to go online in 3rd quar­ter 2004
PA Northamp­ton Northamp­ton PG&E Nation­al Ener­gy Group Northamp­ton Gen­er­at­ing LP 108 Culm Petro­le­um Coke 1995  
PA Northum­ber­land Mar­i­on Heights El Paso Mer­chant Ener­gy Co Fos­ter Wheel­er Mt Carmel Cogen 43 Culm   1990  
PA Schuylkill Frackville Gilber­ton Pow­er Co John B Rich Memo­r­i­al Pow­er Station 80 Culm Diesel / Fuel Oil 1988  
PA Schuylkill McAdoo Tractebel Pow­er Co. / North­east­ern Pow­er Co Kline Town­ship Cogen Facility 50 Culm Diesel / Fuel Oil 1989  
PA Schuylkill Shenan­doah Schuylkill Ener­gy Resource Inc St Nicholas Cogen Project 88.6 Culm   1990  
PA Schuylkill Frack­eville Waste Man­age­ment, Inc. / Whee­labra­tor Envi­ron­men­tal Systems Whee­labra­tor Frackville Energy 43 Culm Diesel / Fuel Oil 1988  
PA Schuylkill Tremont WPS Pow­er Devel­op­ment Inc WPS West­wood Gen­er­a­tion LLC 30 Culm Diesel / Fuel Oil 1987  
PA Venan­go Ken­nerdell PG&E Nation­al Ener­gy Group Scrub­grass Generating 85 Gob Bitu­mi­nous Coal 1993  
UT Car­bon   Sun­ny­side Cogen­er­a­tion Assoc Sun­ny­side Cogen Associates 51 Gob Diesel / Fuel Oil 1993  
WV Mar­i­on Grant Town Amer­i­can Bitu­mi­nous Pow­er LP Grant Town Pow­er Plant 80 Gob Tires 1992  
WV Monon­galia Mor­gan­town Domin­ion / Mor­gan­town Ener­gy Associates Beechurst / Mor­gan­town Ener­gy Facility 50 Gob Bitu­mi­nous Coal 1991  
WV Grant Bayard Domin­ion / Vir­ginia Power North Branch 74 Gob Bitu­mi­nous Coal 1992  
Exist­ing Facil­i­ties Burn­ing Waste Coal as a Sec­ondary Fuel
AL Shel­by   Alaba­ma Pow­er Co E C Gaston 254 Bitu­mi­nous Coal Gob 1960  
AL Walk­er   Alaba­ma Pow­er Co Gor­gas 565 Bitu­mi­nous Coal Gob 1972  
AL Jef­fer­son   Alaba­ma Pow­er Co James H Miller Jr 2,822.0 Bitu­mi­nous Coal Gob 1978  
MS Jack­son   Mis­sis­sip­pi Pow­er Co Vic­tor J Daniel Jr 1,000.0 Bitu­mi­nous Coal Gob 1977  
PA Sny­der Shamokin Dam Sun­bury Gen­er­a­tion LLC WPS Ener­gy Servs Sun­bury Gen 283.5 Bitu­mi­nous Coal Culm 1949  
PA Luzerne Hun­lock Creek UGI Devel­op­ment Co Hun­lock Pow­er Station 49.9 Anthracite Coal Culm 1959  
SC Orange­burg   South Car­oli­na Electric&Gas Co Cope 417.3 Bitu­mi­nous Coal Gob 1996  
SC Rich­land   South Car­oli­na Electric&Gas Co Wateree 771.8 Bitu­mi­nous Coal Gob 1970  
SC Berke­ley   South Car­oli­na Gen­ertg Co Inc Williams 632.7 Bitu­mi­nous Coal Gob 1973  
VA Chester­field   Vir­ginia Elec­tric & Pow­er Co Chester­field 359.0 Bitu­mi­nous Coal Gob 1964  
VA Hal­i­fax   Vir­ginia Elec­tric & Pow­er Co Clover 848.0 Bitu­mi­nous Coal Gob 1995  
VA Hopewell City   Vir­ginia Elec­tric & Pow­er Co Hopewell Pow­er Station 71.1 Bitu­mi­nous Coal Gob 1992  
VA Southamp­ton   Vir­ginia Elec­tric & Pow­er Co Southamp­ton Pow­er Station 71.1 Bitu­mi­nous Coal Gob 1992  
Pro­posed Waste Coal Facil­i­ties
(online dates were ini­tial pro­jec­tions, none of which have been met; none have even start­ed con­struc­tion as of mid-2008)
IL Franklin   Envi­roPow­er Franklin Coun­ty Pow­er of Illinios 525 75% Run-of-Mine Coal; 25% Waste Coal     Under con­struc­tion in July 2003
IL Franklin   WMPI PTY LLC     Coal or Waste Coal     Coal-to-Oil Refin­ery (may or may not use waste coal) WMPI web­site
WV Logan   WMPI PTY LLC     Coal and Waste Coal     Coal-to-Oil Refin­ery (may or may not use waste coal) WMPI web­site
CO Rio Blan­co Range­ly Deseret Gen­er­a­tion & Trans­mis­sion Corp.   80 Waste Coal   2004


IL Logan Elkhart Corn Belt Energy   91 Waste Coal   2004  
KY Mar­shall Calvert City Envi­roPow­er Ken­tucky West­ern Pow­er, LLC 500–525 Coal & Waste Coal      
KY Estill near Irvine Calla Ener­gy Estill Coun­ty Ener­gy Partners 110 Waste Coal     Received per­mit from PSC 10/2004

KY Knott   Envi­roPow­er / Ken­tucky Moun­tain Power   525 75% Run-of-Mine Coal; 25% Waste Coal   2006 approved 5/2003
PA Greene Cum­ber­land Twp Welling­ton Devel­op­ment Corp. Greene Ener­gy Resource Recov­ery Project 525 Waste Coal   2007 Pitts­burgh Tribune-Review
VA Wise   Domin­ion Power   585 Waste Coal and Run-of-Mine Coal and Biomass     Opposed by South­ern Appalachi­an Moun­tain Stewards
WV Upshur   Anker Ener­gy   450 Coal & Waste Coal   2006 on hold 9/2002
Pro­posed Waste Coal Facil­i­ties that were Defeat­ed or Withdrawn
IN Pike   Envi­roPow­er   550 Coal & Waste Coal     Indi­ana list of with­drawn pow­er plant proposals
IN Sul­li­van   Envi­roPow­er   500 Waste Coal     2002 arti­cle — Envi­roPow­er clos­es IN office
PA Alleghe­ny Aliquip­pa Sun­ny­side Ethanol LLC     Waste Coal     corn ethanol plant that would be pow­ered by a waste coal burner
PA Clearfield Karthaus Sithe / Riv­er Hill Pow­er Com­pa­ny Inc.   290 Waste Coal      
PA Clearfield Cur­wensville Borough Sun­ny­side Ethanol LLC   15 Waste Coal     corn ethanol plant (4 mil­lion gallons/year) that would be pow­ered by a waste coal burn­er (15,000 tons/month of waste coal); fought by Cit­i­zens for a Clean Curwensville
PA Schuylkill Gilber­ton WMPI PTY LLC Ultra Clean Fuels   Culm oth­er coals and wastes   Coal-to-Oil Refin­ery
PA Som­er­set Shade Twp Sithe Glob­al Pow­er LLC SG Som­er­set Power 300 Waste Coal     Air pol­lu­tion per­mit appli­ca­tion filed 12/24/2007.

Return to Waste Coal page PA Wash­ing­ton Robin­son Twp Robin­son Pow­er Com­pa­ny, LLC Beech Hol­low Facil­i­ty 300 Waste Coal     Fought by Res­i­dents Against the Pow­er Plant WV Green­bri­er   West­ern Green­bri­er Coun­ty Gen­er­a­tion / DOE   85 Waste Coal   2008 pro­posed 9/2003; Opposed by Cleanbrier

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