• Are Carbon Taxes Another False Solution?

    - by Mike Ewall, Ener­gy Jus­tice Network Octo­ber 2014 Car­bon tax­es are emerg­ing as a major top-down cli­mate solu­tion envi­ros would like to see come out of Con­gress.  Plen­ty of “tax car­bon” signs were present in the 400,000-strong People’s Cli­mate March in New York City last month.  Even U.N. Sec­re­tary-Gen­er­al Ban Ki-moon is urg­ing nations to adopt…

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  • Hawaiʻi Bills

    The fol­low­ing four bills in the 2024 ses­sion of the Hawaiʻi State Leg­is­la­ture are sup­port­ed by Ener­gy Jus­tice Net­work , Hawaiʻi Clean Pow­er Task Force ‚Kokua na Aina , and the Envi­ron­men­tal Cau­cus of the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty of Hawaiʻi INCINERATOR AIR POLLUTION RIGHT-TO-KNOW(SB 2123 / HB 2796)  — Requires H‑POWER or any new waste incin­er­a­tor…

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  • Dirty Energy and Waste Projects in Hawai‘i

    In Hawai‘i, Ener­gy Jus­tice Net­work is sup­port­ing our mem­ber group,Kokua Na Aina , in edu­cat­ing and orga­niz­ing res­i­dents to stop bio­mass and waste burn­ing schemes. We’re also sup­port­ing the Hawai‘i Clean Pow­er Task Force to remove bio­mass and waste incin­er­a­tion as “renew­able” ener­gy sources under the state’s renew­able ener­gy mandate. Learn about Hu Honu­a’s plan…

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  • Toxics Release Inventory: Petition to EPA to Make Incinerators Report

    Fol­low­ing major chem­i­cal acci­dents in the 1980s, peo­ple fought for Con­gres­sion­al pas­sage of the Emer­gency Plan­ning and Com­mu­ni­ty Right-to-Know Act of 1986. This includ­ed the cre­ation of a Tox­i­cs Release Inven­to­ry (TRI) data­base man­aged by the U.S. Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency (EPA). Since 1988, for hun­dreds of tox­ic chem­i­cals, we’ve had data report­ed by chem­i­cal plants, oil refiner­ies, and many…

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  • Waste Database

    The search­able data­base below allows users to deter­mine which facil­i­ties their munic­i­pal sol­id waste (MSW) ends up in. Know­ing this cru­cial infor­ma­tion empow­ers res­i­dents to be informed about the impact of the trash they generate. For exam­ple, if you deter­mine that your trash is going to an incin­er­a­tor (many times an exam­ple of envi­ron­men­tal racism),…

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  • Florida: Trash Incineration Capital of the United States

    Flori­da has more trash incin­er­a­tors and more trash burn­ing capac­i­ty than any state in the nation. Since the 2021 clo­sure of the Bay Coun­ty incin­er­a­tor, there are now 10 trash incin­er­a­tors in Flori­da at nine sites. Incin­er­a­tion is the most expen­sive and pol­lut­ing way to man­age waste or to make ener­gy. It’s dirt­i­er than burn­ing coal, and worse than…

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  • Incineration and Environmental Racism

    Trash incin­er­a­tors (a.k.a. “waste to ener­gy” facil­i­ties) in the Unit­ed States are locat­ed in com­mu­ni­ties where peo­ple of col­or (espe­cial­ly Black res­i­dents) are dis­pro­por­tion­ate­ly impact­ed. The largest and most pol­lut­ing trash incin­er­a­tors tend to be in com­mu­ni­ties of col­or, a major envi­ron­men­tal jus­tice issue. The trends show that race is more of a fac­tor than…

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  • Nuisance Lawsuit against Covanta Plymouth Renewable Energy trash incinerator

    2:20-cv-04330-HB Lloyd v. Cov­an­ta Ply­mouth Renew­able Ener­gy, LLCHARVEY BARTLE, III, pre­sid­ingDate filed: 09/03/2020Date of last fil­ing: 04/01/2021 Doc.No. Dates Descrip­tion 1 Filed & Entered:  09/03/2020 Com­plaint (IFP or Gov­ern­ment Plaintiff)   Filed & Entered:  09/09/2020 Sum­mons Issued 2 Filed & Entered:  09/10/2020 APPLICATION for Admis­sion Pro Hac Vice (Cred­it Card) 3 Filed & Entered:  09/10/2020 APPLICATION…

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Map of Coal and Gas Facilities

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