Get Involved

Here are some ways that you can get more involved in the strug­gle for Ener­gy Justice.

Sub­scribe to EJ Now
Our month­ly email newslet­ter that cov­ers all aspects of the strug­gle for ener­gy and envi­ron­men­tal jus­tice Sub­scribe

Join an Email List
We have sev­er­al email lists for com­mu­ni­ty activists — includ­ing bio­mass, coal, nat­ur­al gas, and nuclear. If you want to join you can email us. Please give your name, your group (if applic­a­ble) and what issue(s) you are inter­est­ed in.

You can blog on this web­site about cli­mate change, ener­gy jus­tice, and what is hap­pen­ing in your com­mu­ni­ty. Email Web­mas­ter: to tell us what you want to write about and we’ll give you an account.
How To Blog on our site

Writ­ing and Research
You can help us keep our web­site and info sheets cur­rent. We are look­ing for peo­ple who want to com­pile research, write new mate­ri­als, and update exist­ing ones.

Join the Map
It is our net­work­ing tool for track­ing pro­posed and exist­ing facil­i­ties — and help­ing activists fight them.

Con­tact us if you want to intern.

Become a Mem­ber
Sign the pledge and join our network!

Sign the Bio­mass Plat­form
We are look­ing for groups (and peo­ple?) who want to sign on to our com­pre­hen­sive anti-bio­mass plat­form.
Sign On

Join the Anti-Bio­mass Incin­er­a­tion Steer­ing Com­mit­tee
If you want to help build our nation­al anti-bio­mass net­work, we have lead­er­ship posi­tions avail­able on the steer­ing committee.

Apply to Join the Ener­gy Jus­tice Board
We are recruit­ing new board mem­bers. Email us if interested.

Web Design­ers
We are look­ing for help with
-redesign­ing the main Dru­pal web­site — it needs a major over­haul.
-work­ing on Frack Uni­ver­si­ty web­site
-work­ing on the Map web­site (design­ing facil­i­ty icons, oth­er icons, but­tons, etc).
-work on

Make a Map of Your Local Com­mu­ni­ty
Use to make a map of your com­mu­ni­ty that includes income or race — to help peo­ple visu­al­ize envi­ron­men­tal injustice.

Facil­i­ty Track­er
Track facil­i­ty pro­pos­als in your state or region. Alert the net­work to new pro­pos­als so we can stop them.

State Orga­niz­er / Coor­di­na­tor
Help orga­nize grass­roots groups in your state. Be a con­tact person.

EJ Communities Map

Map of Coal and Gas Facilities

We are mapping all of the existing, proposed, closed and defeated dirty energy and waste facilities in the US. We are building a network of community groups to fight the facilities and the corporations behind them.

Our Network

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