Tire Burner Stopped in White Deer, PA!

First major vic­to­ry of the year… a com­mu­ni­ty we’ve been sup­port­ing since Octo­ber 2011 to stop a planned tire incin­er­a­tor just won! In White Deer Town­ship, Union Coun­ty, Penn­syl­va­nia, En-Tire Logis­tics pro­posed the White Deer Ener­gy Project, which would have burned tires to pow­er the Nation­al Gyp­sum plant next door. The com­pa­ny pulled out of the project, with­draw­ing their state per­mit. See the news here: Tire burn­er project ter­mi­nat­ed in Union Coun­ty. Thanks to Orga­ni­za­tions Unit­ed for the Envi­ron­ment and the Tire Burn­er Team for their great work on the ground! We’ll be work­ing with them to get a local ordi­nance passed to ensure that this can’t ever hap­pen again.





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