Cowardly Climate Report Urges Business as Usual

- by Shan­non Wil­son, Eco Advo­cates Northwest

The Nation­al Cli­mate Assess­ment Report released by the Oba­ma admin­is­tra­tion in May revealed some harsh truths about the cli­mate chaos our species is fac­ing. How­ev­er, a stu­dious read­ing of the report will show that it mere­ly pro­vides cov­er for busi­ness as usu­al, green­wash­es the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty, and pro­motes destruc­tive solu­tions such as turn­ing our remain­ing nat­ur­al forests on pub­lic lands into bioen­er­gy feed lots for industry.

The Oba­ma Cli­mate Assess­ment asserts that cur­rent world­wide emis­sions of 34 bil­lion tons of car­bon diox­ide per year can be allowed to peak at 44 bil­lion tons by 2045. This is coun­ter­in­tu­itive — and many sci­en­tists might say it’s out­right insane, based on the infor­ma­tion that the Inter­gov­ern­men­tal Pan­el on Cli­mate Change and oth­er sci­en­tists reveal in peer-reviewed research from around the world.

The Cli­mate Assess­ment notes that 50 per­cent of the CO2 released takes up to 100 years to be cycled out of our atmos­phere, and the remain­ing 50 per­cent can take upwards of 1,000 years. Based on that fact alone, emis­sions must be reduced from the cur­rent 34 bil­lion tons start­ing today if we expect the bios­phere to con­tin­ue to sus­tain humans over the next 50 years.

It seems that the Oba­ma admin­is­tra­tion and the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty expect endorse­ments from nation­al envi­ron­men­tal orga­ni­za­tions for mere­ly admit­ting that glob­al cli­mate chaos is occur­ring. How­ev­er, the report makes it clear the admin­is­tra­tion and Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty have lit­tle or no inten­tion to imple­ment tan­gi­ble plans to actu­al­ly reduce emissions.

Case in point: In 2010 Obama’s Depart­ment of Ener­gy could have adopt­ed the high­est ener­gy effi­cien­cy stan­dards for res­i­den­tial water heaters — which use the sec­ond-high­est amounts of ener­gy, after space heat­ing, of any devices in sin­gle-fam­i­ly house­hold — but declined to do so.

The high­est- and sec­ond-high­est water heater stan­dards could have saved approx­i­mate­ly 16.7 and 10 quadrillion British ther­mal units of ener­gy, respec­tive­ly (a quad is the ener­gy equiv­a­lent of about 36 mil­lion tons of coal). These stan­dards could have pre­vent­ed an esti­mat­ed 1 bil­lion and 700 mil­lion tons, respec­tive­ly, of CO2 from enter­ing the atmos­phere by 2045. How­ev­er, one of the least strin­gent stan­dards was adopt­ed instead — a stan­dard that could save approx­i­mate­ly 2.5 quads of ener­gy and pre­vent­ed just 154 mil­lion tons of CO2 from enter­ing the atmos­phere by 2045.

Telling­ly, the Oba­ma admin­is­tra­tion and Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty sided with the indus­tries that man­u­fac­ture and sell stan­dard elec­tric and gas water heaters. The indus­try argued that it would cost too much prof­it to retool their fac­to­ries. How­ev­er, Chi­nese and Japan­ese fac­to­ries are mak­ing new ultra-effi­cient heat pump water heaters. In fact, at least three Amer­i­can-owned com­pa­nies — A.O. Smith, GE, and Air­Gen­er­ate — are man­u­fac­tur­ing these heat pump water heaters in China.

That’s just one exam­ple. The admin­is­tra­tion has clear­ly sided with the coal, rail, util­i­ty, nuclear pow­er and nat­ur­al gas indus­tries because those cor­po­ra­tions com­plained about los­ing future profits.

Even more out­ra­geous, the cli­mate report tells Amer­i­cans that the Unit­ed States will make up for its fail­ure to adopt the best and most ener­gy-effi­cient tech­nolo­gies by cut­ting down and incin­er­at­ing our nation’s remain­ing nat­ur­al forests for ener­gy. The report espous­es turn­ing our remain­ing forests into bio­fu­el feed­stocks, pan­der­ing to the tim­ber and for­est bio­mass extrac­tion indus­tries, stat­ing that “For­est resources poten­tial­ly could pro­duce bio-ener­gy from 504 mil­lion acres of tim­ber­land and 91 mil­lion acres of oth­er forest­ed land.”

Not only should our forests be left unmo­lest­ed as car­bon and bio­log­i­cal reserves, but they should be restored via the removal of log­ging roads and stream restora­tion by a new Civil­ian Con­ser­va­tion Corps like the one cre­at­ed by Pres­i­dent Roo­sevelt dur­ing the 1930s. We must pro­tect the ecosys­tem ser­vices pro­vid­ed by our nat­ur­al forests — clean water, car­bon stor­age and seques­tra­tion, clean air, ero­sion con­trol, fish­eries, recre­ation, game habi­tat, and mit­i­ga­tion of weath­er extremes. These ben­e­fits accrue to com­mu­ni­ties across North Amer­i­ca and are worth tril­lions upon tril­lions of dollars.

With a cli­mate report that advo­cates busi­ness as usu­al, the Oba­ma admin­is­tra­tion is steer­ing the Titan­ic toward ice­bergs with engines at full speed. Demo­c­ra­t­ic politi­cians who say they accept the sci­ence of cli­mate change but take no real action to slow it are being cow­ard­ly. Real mit­i­ga­tion solu­tions are avail­able to reduce impacts on the cli­mate and ecosys­tems — but there is no time left for Oba­ma and Democ­rats to pan­der while the human species races toward the abyss of extinction.

Shan­non Wil­son of Eugene is direc­tor of Eco Advo­cates North­west (, a project of the League of Wilder­ness Defenders




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