• Media Disinformation on Biomass

    - by Chris Mat­era, Mass­a­chu­setts For­est Watch  Some peo­ple might call it a media fail­ure that tree-fueled bio­mass ener­gy, one of the dirt­i­est, most car­bon-inten­sive forms of ener­gy that exists, has a “clean” and “green” rep­u­ta­tion with much of the public.  It is not a media fail­ure, it is a media suc­cess when we acknowl­edge that…

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  • Oregon Senate OK’s Carbon Neutral Biomass Bill

    - April 9, 2015, KTVZ State Sen. Tim Knopp (R- Bend) car­ried Sen­ate Bill 752 on the Sen­ate floor Mon­day and the effort to declare bio­mass “car­bon-neu­tral” sailed through unanimously. SB 752 declares bio­mass to be car­bon neu­tral, tak­ing a rule pre­vi­ous­ly cre­at­ed by the Depart­ment of Envi­ron­men­tal Qual­i­ty and mak­ing it law. It is chief…

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  • Chinese Incinerator Plan Cancelled After Thousands Join Protests

    - by Mimi Lau, April 9, 2015, South Chi­na Morn­ing Post A west­ern Guang­dong city has can­celled a plan to build an incin­er­a­tor that prompt­ed a protest — of up to 10,000 peo­ple on some accounts — dur­ing which three police cars were flipped and a duty office vandalised. Luod­ing city gov­ern­ment post­ed two let­ters on its…

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  • Shuttered Claremont, New Hampshire Incinerator to Reopen

    - by Patrick O’Grady, April 15, 2015, Val­ley News The shut­tered Whee­labra­tor incin­er­a­tor on Gris­som Lane was sold at auc­tion Tues­day for $1.63 mil­lion, with the buy­er say­ing he plans to use it to burn munic­i­pal waste. As sev­er­al bid­ders stood out­side the plant hop­ing to pick up pieces of equip­ment at a bar­gain price, auc­tion­eer Stu­art Mill­ner…

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  • Biomass Corporation Sues Federal Gov’t for $47 Million

    - by Jacob Fis­chler, April 9, 2015, Law 360 Mead­West­va­co Vir­ginia Corp. slapped the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment with a $47 mil­lion suit in the Court of Fed­er­al Claims on Thurs­day, alleg­ing the U.S. Depart­ment of Trea­sury under­paid the com­pa­ny for the con­struc­tion of a bio­mass ener­gy generator. Under Sec­tion 1603 of the Amer­i­can Recov­ery and Rein­vest­ment Act,…

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  • Mining the Soil for Biomass Energy

    Min­ing the Soil for Bio­mass Ener­gy — Thurs­day, April 16 at 1 pm PT / 4 ET Jon Rhodes, water­shed hydrol­o­gist, has more than thir­ty years of pro­fes­sion­al expe­ri­ence eval­u­at­ing the impacts of log­ging and road build­ing on for­est ecosys­tems and water­sheds. Jon runs Plan­e­to Azul Hydrol­o­gy, which pro­vides afford­able water­shed exper­tise for a wide vari­ety of con­ser­va­tion…

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  • USDA Spends $9 Million More on Biomass Energy

    - U.S. For­est Ser­vice, April 9, 2015 Today, Agri­cul­ture Sec­re­tary Tom Vil­sack announced the award of over $9 mil­lion to expand and accel­er­ate wood ener­gy and oth­er wood prod­uct mar­kets. The fed­er­al funds will lever­age $22 mil­lion in invest­ments from part­ners, result­ing in a total invest­ment of $31 mil­lion in 23 states. “Work­ing with our part­ners,…

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  • Biomass Company Owes Lawrence County, Ohio Back Taxes

    - Beni­ta Heath, April 8, 2015, Iron­ton Tribune Two months after Bio­mass own­er Mark Har­ris paid off two-thirds of the back tax­es he owed on prop­er­ty at The Point indus­tri­al park, he has yet to pay any of the first half tax­es for 2014. Those tax­es, due on March 6, total $5,193.49 on all six parcels, plus…

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  • Study: Biofuel Crops Replacing Grasslands, Contributing to CO2 Emissions

    - April 4, 2015, Grand Island Independent A new study from Uni­ver­si­ty of Wis­con­sin-Madi­son researchers show that crops, includ­ing the corn and soy­beans used for bio­fu­els, expand­ed onto 7 mil­lion acres of new land in the U.S. over a recent four-year peri­od, replac­ing mil­lions of acres of grasslands. The study — from UW-Madi­son grad­u­ate stu­dent Tyler…

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  • Fire at Biomass Power Facility in Thailand

    - April 8, 2015, Bangkok Post A bio­mass pow­er plant with large piles of palm ker­nel shells used for fuel caught fire in Khao Phanom dis­trict of Kra­bi ear­ly Wednes­day morn­ing, and dam­age was esti­mat­ed at 100 mil­lion baht.  The fire at Saraff Ener­gies Co start­ed about 1.30am. The plant was tem­porar­i­ly closed for maintenance.  It first emerged…

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