Billions in Subsidies

  • Cel­lu­losic Bio­fu­els July, 2008.
    Short, bare bones look into the cur­rent state of Cel­lu­losic plants. The 4 Page Report was pub­lished by the Envi­ron­men­tal and Ener­gy Study Insti­tute and out­lines fed­er­al and state mon­ey that has gone to cel­lu­losic devel­op­ment along with some influ­en­tial state policies.
  • Bio­fu­els – At What Cost? (PDF)by Doug Koplow, Octo­ber 2006Government sup­port for ethanol and biodiesel in the Unit­ed States. This is an excel­lent in depth look into the eco­nom­ic costs of bio­fu­els. You can find a brief sum­ma­ry here.
  • The Race for Ethanol Sub­si­dies: Tax­pay­ers Come in Last Again (One Page)
    [Expand­ed ver­sion — four pages]

    by the Tax­pay­ers for Com­mon Sense, Fall 2006 “Instead of sup­port­ing the tra­di­tion­al Amer­i­can farmer and reduc­ing our oil demands, ethanol sub­si­dies are a cor­po­rate hand­out to big agribusi­ness dis­guised as fuel innovation.”
  • Oth­er Tax­pay­ers for Com­mon Sense Resources
  • Farm Sub­sidy Data­base by the Envi­ron­men­tal Work­ing Group
  • Give Green, Go Yel­low By Tom Philpott, 6 Dec 2006 How cash and cor­po­rate pres­sure pushed ethanol to the forefront.

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