New Year, New Work

I hope you have been enjoy­ing the break, hol­i­days, win­ter weath­er and new year. New Year is prob­a­bly my favorite hol­i­day of the year, and it’s not just because of the par­ties. New Year is a time of seri­ous reflec­tion. A time to look back on the past year and con­sid­er what you did, and what kind of impact you are hav­ing on the world around you. Here at Ener­gy Jus­tice Net­work we are proud of the work did in 2010 and eager to raise the bar in 2011. Here are some of our cur­rent projects.

Pow­er Shift 2011

It is now offi­cial­ly Pow­er Shift recruit­ment sea­son! Pow­er Shift will be held April 1–4 in D.C. It is a nation­al youth con­fer­ence held in D.C. every oth­er year and an incred­i­ble oppor­tu­ni­ty for young peo­ple to meet oth­er like-mind­ed young adults. Par­tic­i­pants of the sum­mit are pas­sion­ate about the envi­ron­ment, glob­al cli­mate change, polit­i­cal action, ener­gy issues, pol­i­cy mak­ing and activism, which makes Pow­er Shift an elec­tric place to be. 

This year has already start­ed with a bang: in just two weeks over 200 grass­roots lead­ers have signed up to be Pow­er Shift Coor­di­na­tors! Pow­er Shift Coor­di­na­tors recruit, raise funds and secure trans­porta­tion to DC so that their community/campus can par­tic­i­pate in this extra­or­di­nary event. 

If you’re inter­est­ed in becom­ing a Pow­er Shift Coor­di­na­tor, sign up here:

Relat­ed Links

CNN report on Pow­er Shift:

Pow­er Shift Video:‑o&feature=player_embedded

EAC Pow­er Shift Blog Post:‑1–4

At EJN we have embarked on an incred­i­ble endeav­or: we are map­ping all of the exist­ing, pro­posed, closed and defeat­ed dirty ener­gy and waste facil­i­ties in the Unit­ed States. We are build­ing a net­work of com­mu­ni­ty groups to fight the facil­i­ties and the cor­po­ra­tions behind them. We hope that this tool will be a help­ful resource to activists, wher­ev­er they may be fight­ing for a clean, zero-emis­sions future. 

Our map­ping site goes way beyond map­ping, and is fun as well as use­ful. Not only is this a great resource to visu­al­ize the state of dirty ener­gy in Amer­i­ca, but it also works as a social net­work, allow­ing you to con­nect with oth­er activists local­ly and nation­al­ly. List your group so oth­er activists will be able to con­tact you with infor­ma­tion, ideas, and encour­age­ment. Post a pic­ture of your­self or a dirty ener­gy facil­i­ty near you. Track facil­i­ties you’re inter­est­ed in or find out about a new pro­pos­al and map a dirty facil­i­ty in your area. Log on to our new map­ping site and play around! 

You can check out this cool new fea­ture of our site here:

Our map­ping fea­ture is cur­rent­ly in beta. If you run into any prob­lems, please email us. We are always look­ing for more feedback.

The Tire Incinerator

The fight con­tin­ues against tire burn­ing (or “tires-to-ener­gy”). The project – tout­ed as a green ener­gy solu­tion – is a Tire Derived Fuel (TDF) burn­ing facil­i­ty. It will use two Cir­cu­lat­ing Flu­idized Bed (CFB) boil­ers to burn 900 tons of tires a day to heat a boil­er to cre­ate steam to turn a tur­bine cre­at­ing 90MW of elec­tric­i­ty. For those who aren’t up to date, here is a quick his­to­ry lesson.


Erie Renew­able Ener­gy (ERE), along with part­ner Calet­ta Renew­able Ener­gy, first pro­posed their incin­er­a­tor project sev­er­al years ago in Erie, PA. After being kicked out of Erie by local oppo­si­tion and envi­ron­men­tal group Keep Erie’s Env­iorn­ment Pro­tect­ed (sup­port­ed by EJN), ERE decid­ed to do some­thing real­ly greasy. First, they changed their name to Craw­ford Renew­able Ener­gy (CRE). Then, sur­prise, they decid­ed the project should be moved to Green­wood Town­ship, Craw­ford Coun­ty, PA, where, accord­ing to the 2000 cen­sus (dur­ing bet­ter eco­nom­ic times than these), the per capi­ta income for the town­ship was only $14,584.

Let me stop here and point out a few of the many seri­ous prob­lems with this pro­pos­al. The 36.5 mil­lion scrap tires need­ed year­ly to run the facil­i­ty, for exam­ple, don’t seem to exist. The pro­posed site is adja­cent to Con­neaut Marsh, a rare wet­land, home to our state’s largest breed­ing pop­u­la­tion of bald eagles. Craw­ford Renew­able Ener­gy isn’t even address­ing the lin­guis­tic prob­lem with its pro­pos­al – the use of the word renewable.

No state laws in Penn­syl­va­nia or neigh­bor­ing states qual­i­fy ener­gy pro­duced from burn­ing tires as renew­able or “alter­na­tive” ener­gy. No envi­ron­men­tal orga­ni­za­tions con­sid­er tire incin­er­a­tion renew­able. No renew­able ener­gy cer­ti­fi­ca­tion pro­grams do. Tires are pro­duced from fos­sil fuels and oth­er non-renew­able resources. It should be clear they are not renew­able. Yet dirty ener­gy pro­duc­ers spend lots of mon­ey to con­fuse the con­ver­sa­tion and influ­ence the lan­guage. Next time you hear the word “renew­able,” beware.

Cur­rent Situation

In late April, Craw­ford Area Res­i­dents for the Envi­ron­ment (CARE) was formed with the imme­di­ate goal of oppos­ing the tire incin­er­a­tor. Since then CARE has worked to inform the com­mu­ni­ty on the dan­gers of the project as well as address local and region­al offi­cials with con­cerns. Togeth­er, we are doing every­thing we can to pre­vent the con­struc­tion of this incin­er­a­tor.

Alleghe­ny Col­lege decid­ed to step out and facil­i­tate a non par­ti­san debate on this issue. Although in no way affil­i­at­ed with CARE or EJN we cer­tain­ly com­mend CEED for con­tin­u­ing the dis­cus­sion and edu­cat­ing the pub­lic. CARE and EJN will also host a pub­lic meet­ing. While we don’t have a date planned yet we hope to get local press to the event and real­ly spread the truth about tire burn­ing with the public.

air pollution device in brooklyn municipal waste incinerator

As you can tell we have been keep­ing busy and are mov­ing full steam ahead into the new year. We have every inten­tion of con­tin­u­ing to work on these issues, as well as increas­ing our load. We are going to help sup­port more com­mu­ni­ties threat­ened by dirty ener­gy pol­luters. We are also always look­ing for vol­un­teers who can sup­port our efforts. If you think you might be inter­est­ed in help­ing out, please send me an email and let me know hours you’re avail­able to help.

Look­ing ahead into 2011, I see an excit­ing oppor­tu­ni­ty. A brand new year is a clean slate. It is a chance to get active, join a cause, donate time and/or mon­ey, come to Pow­er Shift – a brand new year to make a difference. 

I hope this year you’ll join me!






EJ Communities Map

Map of Coal and Gas Facilities

We are mapping all of the existing, proposed, closed and defeated dirty energy and waste facilities in the US. We are building a network of community groups to fight the facilities and the corporations behind them.

Our Network

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