hina’s Coal Problem

Christi­na Nunez

Nation­al Geographic

Pub­lished Octo­ber 22, 2013

Choked with smog that shut down roads, schools, and its main air­port, the city of Harbin (map) this week offered a strik­ing reminder that Chi­na has a long way to go in address­ing the haz­ards caused by its depen­dence on coal.

Vis­i­bil­i­ty in the north­east­ern city of more than 10 mil­lion peo­ple report­ed­ly was reduced in places toless than 65 feet (20 meters) as coal-fired heat­ing sys­tems ramped up for the win­ter months. Offi­cials also point­ed to farm­ers­burn­ing crop stub­ble and low winds as addi­tion­al caus­es for the pol­lu­tion crisis.

Harbin, also known as the Ice City, hosts an ice and snow fes­ti­val every year that fea­tures dis­plays of elab­o­rate ice sculp­tures. But the city’s frigid tem­per­a­tures, which can reach ‑40ºF (-40º C) in win­ter, mean that res­i­dences usu­al­ly need heat­ing for six months of the year. As part of a nation­al effort to reduce ener­gy inten­si­ty, Harbin in 2010 spent $1.1 mil­lion to retro­fit 21 mil­lion square feet (2 mil­lion square meters) of res­i­den­tial buildings—adding five new lay­ers of wall insu­la­tion, as well as bet­ter win­dows and roof­ing. (See relat­ed sto­ry: “In Chi­na’s Icy North, Out­fit­ting Build­ings to Save Ener­gy.”)

But build­ing retro­fits can go only so far in a coun­try where coal fuels 70 per­cent of the ener­gy con­sump­tion. Chi­na, the world’s largest con­sumer of coal, is also the world’s leader in car­bon emis­sions. (See relat­ed inter­ac­tive map: “Four Ways to Look at Glob­al Car­bon Foot­prints.”) Those emis­sions have stark con­se­quences for the coun­try’s res­i­dents, a fact high­light­ed in two recent stud­ies that mea­sured the health impacts of fos­sil fuel emissions.

Dead­ly Pol­lu­tion Problems

The lev­el of fine par­tic­u­late mat­ter, or PM2.5, in Harbin’s air this week report­ed­ly reached 1,000 micro­grams per cubic meter, exceed­ing the World Health Orga­ni­za­tion’s dai­ly tar­get lev­el by a fac­tor of 40. While Harbin’s predica­ment is alarm­ing, it is not iso­lat­ed; many cities in North­ern Chi­na, includ­ing the cap­i­tal Bei­jing and neigh­bor­ing Tian­jin, rank among the most pol­lut­ed in the world. In Jan­u­ary, Bei­jing made head­lines when its air qual­i­ty got so bad that it went beyond the very top of the U.S. Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agen­cy’s Air Qual­i­ty Index.

Research pub­lished in the Pro­ceed­ings of the Nation­al Acad­e­my of Sci­ences (PNAS) in July found that air pol­lu­tion has caused the loss of more than 2.5 bil­lion years of life expectan­cy in Chi­na. Because of a gov­ern­ment pol­i­cy that pro­vid­ed free coal for home and office heat­ing to res­i­dents of the north from 1950 to 1980, life expectan­cy there was 5.5 years short­er than in south­ern Chi­na in the 1990s. That dis­par­i­ty per­sists today, researchers say, almost entire­ly because of heart and lung dis­ease relat­ed to air pol­lu­tion from the burn­ing of coal. (See relat­ed sto­ry: “Coal Burn­ing Short­ens Lives in Chi­na, New Study Shows.”)

Bill Chamei­des of Duke Uni­ver­si­ty’s Nicholas School for the Envi­ron­ment led two air qual­i­ty stud­ies in Chi­na’s Yangtze Delta between 1995 and 2004. “Hear­ing about Harbin’s smog prob­lems, I could­n’t help but think back [to those stud­ies],” Chamei­des said via e‑mail Tues­day. “It was real­ly bad then. Every­where I went in Chi­na the sky was cov­ered with a smog­gy, fog­gy gray blan­ket. A cab dri­ver told me, tongue in cheek, that while dogs howl once a month at night at the moon, in Chi­na they howl once a month dur­ing the day-because that’s how often the sun comes out.”

A sep­a­rate study released last month found that if the world took action to reduce green­house gas emis­sions, more than 500,000 lives could be saved glob­al­ly each year. The air and health qual­i­ty ben­e­fits for East Asia alone would add up to between 10 and 70 times the cost of reduc­ing emis­sions by 2030, researchers said. (See relat­ed sto­ry: “Cli­mate Change Action Could Save 500,000 Lives Annu­al­ly, Study Says.”)

Growth, at a Cost

The chal­lenge to improve heat­ing infra­struc­ture and improve effi­cien­cy for mil­lions of square feet with­in exist­ing build­ings is made even more for­mi­da­ble by the fact that Chi­na is cur­rent­ly adding some 22 bil­lion new square feet (2 bil­lion square meters) of con­struc­tion per year. At the same time, liv­ing stan­dards are increas­ing, cre­at­ing demand for ever more pow­er; and coal remains sub­si­dized, mean­ing that con­sumers don’t see the fuel’s true cost in their heat­ing prices. (See relat­ed quiz: “What You Don’t Know About Home Heat­ing.”)

Chi­na did ear­li­er this year announce a ban on new coal plants in three indus­tri­al regions near Bei­jing, Shang­hai, and Guangzhou, cit­ing air qual­i­ty prob­lems. (See relat­ed blog post by Chamei­des: “Chi­na Puts Kibosh on New Coal Plants (in Three Regions).”)

The gov­ern­ment has also approved at least nine large-scale projects that would turn coal into syn­thet­ic nat­ur­al gas (SNG), a strat­e­gy that may help ease Chi­na’s air pol­lu­tion woes but cre­ate more envi­ron­men­tal prob­lems than it solves. “In terms of mit­i­gat­ing smog in east­ern Chi­na, replac­ing coal with SNG indeed can help quite a bit,” said Chi-Jen Yang, a researcher at Duke, in an e‑mail Tues­day. Yang co-authored a recent paper on the top­ic in Nature Cli­mate Change, not­ing that SNG pro­duces green­house gas emis­sions sev­en times that of con­ven­tion­al nat­ur­al gas while requir­ing vast amounts of water.

“I under­stand that to the Chi­nese gov­ern­ment, smog is prob­a­bly more urgent than glob­al warm­ing, which explains their pol­i­cy [favor­ing SNG],” Yang said. “I am just warn­ing that their near-sight­ed pol­i­cy will lock them into a long-term unsus­tain­able path of development.”

Yang’s warn­ing under­scores a larg­er truth echoed by Chamei­des: Though Chi­na’s ener­gy deci­sions are being felt most keen­ly right now by those in Harbin and cities like it, the longer-term effects rever­ber­ate far beyond its bor­ders. “When you think about how impor­tant Chi­na’s econ­o­my is to the U.S. con­sumer, indeed to the whole world,” said Chamei­des, “Chi­na’s pol­lu­tion is a threat to us all.”





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