Tree plantations and bioenergy with carbon capture: far from “safe” geoengineering

Tree plan­ta­tions and bioen­er­gy with car­bon cap­ture: far from “safe” geo­engi­neer­ing J

June 11, 2013. Source: Almuth Ern­st­ing, Hands Off Moth­er Earth.

 Amongst geo­engi­neer­ing meth­ods, ‘afforesta­tion’, Bioen­er­gy with Car­bon Cap­ture and Stor­age (BECCS) and biochar are com­mon­ly pro­mot­ed as ‘safe’, benign’ or ‘soft’ options – unlike, say, shoot­ing sul­phur par­ti­cles into the stratosphere.

Accord­ing to a 2011 report by the Inter­na­tion­al Pan­el on Cli­mate Change, “com­bin­ing bio­mass con­ver­sion with devel­op­ing car­bon cap­ture and stor­age (CCS) could lead to long-term sub­stan­tial removal of GHGs from the atmos­phere (also referred to as neg­a­tive emis­sions).” And the UK’s Roy­al Soci­ety report on geo­engi­neer­ing in 2009 con­clud­ed that ‘afforesta­tion, BECCS and biochar all scored high on safe­ty – though not on effec­tive­ness, time­li­ness and (except for ‘afforesta­tion’) afford­abil­i­ty. All of those meth­ods would require land con­ver­sions on a vast scale.

The expe­ri­ence with bio­fu­els has shown that there are no mech­a­nisms to pre­vent the devel­op­ment of a big new mar­ket for bio­mass from lead­ing to large-scale defor­esta­tion, land-grab­bing, human rights abus­es and hunger (as land pre­vi­ous­ly used to grow food is turned over to bio­fu­el crops and trees). Yet despite their mas­sive impacts, bio­fu­els still only sup­ply 3% of glob­al trans­port fuel.

Any attempt at remov­ing sub­stan­tial amounts of car­bon diox­ide from the atmos­phere through char­ring and/or bury­ing bio­mass – or burn­ing it and cap­tur­ing some of the car­bon – would have to involve land-con­ver­sions on a far big­ger scale than has hap­pened for bio­fu­els so far. Con­clud­ing that such a mega-project would be ‘safe’ requires a strange def­i­n­i­tion of ‘safe­ty’. It requires us to ignore the fun­da­men­tal role of land and how it is used. Last month, a sci­en­tif­ic review was pub­lished which asks many of the impor­tant ques­tions about ‘ter­res­tri­al bio­log­i­cal car­bon diox­ide removal’. The arti­cle specif­i­cal­ly looks at BECCS and ‘trop­i­cal afforesta­tion’ although the find­ings are clear­ly also rel­e­vant for biochar and oth­er pro­pos­als for using bio­mass to sequester carbon.

The authors, Lydia Smith and Mar­garet Torn look at a sce­nario where either BECCS or ‘trop­i­cal afforesta­tion’ is scaled up to remove 1 bil­lion tonnes of car­bon from the atmos­phere every year – one eighth of annu­al glob­al car­bon emis­sions. Note that seques­ter­ing one bil­lion tonnes of car­bon is far less ambi­tious than what many pro­po­nents of such geo­engi­neer­ing approach­es are speak­ing about. Stan­ford University’s Glob­al Cli­mate and Ener­gy Project for exam­ple claims: “BECCS could sequester 10 bil­lion tonnes of indus­tri­al CO2 bil­lion from the atmos­phere every year”, i.e. 2.73 bil­lion tonnes of carbon.

The authors define afforesta­tion as “plant­i­ng trees in his­tor­i­cal­ly tree­less areas such as grass­lands or shrub­lands” and point out: “Afforesta­tion and com­mer­cial refor­esta­tion projects often use mono­cul­tures of fast-grow­ing species such as pine and euca­lyp­tus.” This is the result of the UN Food and Agri­cul­ture Organ­i­sa­tion and Con­ven­tion on Cli­mate Change false­ly class­ing indus­tri­al tree plan­ta­tions as ‘forests’, some­thing the authors do not com­ment on.

Here is a sum­ma­ry of what the authors cal­cu­late would result from a 1 bil­lion-tonne “trop­i­cal afforesta­tion” or BECCS project if ‘afforesta­tion’ meant euca­lyp­tus plan­ta­tions and BECCS relied on switch­grass for bio­mass: Seques­ter­ing this much car­bon in euca­lyp­tus plan­ta­tions would require + between 6.6 and 15 mil­lion hectares of grass­land and shrub­land to be con­vert­ed every year – that is 300 – 750 mil­lion hectares over 50 years; + 10–15 mil­lion tonnes of phos­pho­rous and 4.5–15 mil­lion tonnes of nitro­gen fer­tilis­ers a year for those 300–750 mil­lion hectares (pre­sum­ing plan­ta­tion expan­sion would stop after 50 years); + 1.2 – 2.7 tril­lion cubic metres more water than the orig­i­nal grass­lands, which would sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduce stream­flow, low­er water tables and decrease rain­fall over much larg­er areas, thus affect­ing oth­er ecosys­tems (and farm­lands, though the authors do not men­tion those).

Seques­ter­ing 1 bil­lion tonnes of car­bon through BECCS using switch­grass would require: + 218–990 mil­lion hectares of land to be con­vert­ed to switch­grass (which is 14–65 times as much land as the US uses to grow corn for ethanol); + 17–79 mil­lion tonnes of fer­tilis­er a year – which would be 75% of all glob­al nitro­gen fer­tilis­er used at present; + 1.6–7.4 tril­lion cubic metres of water a year.

And even if such a euca­lyp­tus or BECCS-project was to actu­al­ly sequester a bil­lion tonnes of car­bon a year, the authors point out that the nitrous oxide emis­sions from the extra fer­tilis­er use alone would, over the course of a cen­tu­ry ‘off­set’ 75–310% of that sequestered CO2. In oth­er words: Increased fer­tilis­er use alone would like­ly mean that either of those projects would increase green­house gas emis­sions over­all and thus make cli­mate change even worse.

And that’s with­out con­sid­er­ing the vast car­bon emis­sions from clear­ing trees, shrubs and grass from hun­dreds of mil­lions of hectares of land, destroy­ing large reser­voirs of soil car­bon, or the emis­sions from all the fos­sil fuels burned to trans­port and process switch­grass and from pro­duc­ing the syn­thet­ic fertilisers.

The authors have not ques­tioned whether either approach would be guar­an­teed to sequester car­bon. Yet, in the case of BECCS, it is far from proven that Car­bon Cap­ture and Stor­age (CCS) can safe­ly lock up CO2 long-term, i.e. that CO2 will not leak back into the atmos­phere. Nor have they con­sid­ered the form of CCS most like­ly to ever become finan­cial­ly viable: Enhanced Oil Recov­ery, (using CO2 to inject into deplet­ed oil wells to force remain­ing oil out) which results in far more oil becom­ing acces­si­ble – and thus burned. In rela­tion to ’trop­i­cal afforesta­tion’– or rather euca­lyp­tus plan­ta­tion expan­sion – the authors note that all ‘afforest­ed areas’ – i.e. plan­ta­tions – would need be pro­tect­ed long-term.

Pre­sum­ably this would require the trees not being cut down so as not to release the car­bon back into the atmos­phere. This would effec­tive­ly require fenc­ing off hun­dreds of mil­lions of hectares of land and ensur­ing that such plan­ta­tion expan­sion would be addi­tion­al to the ongo­ing expan­sion for pulp and paper, bioen­er­gy and oth­er pur­pos­es – not a like­ly prospect. And pre­sum­ably the plan­ta­tions would not be allowed to burn either, though in real­i­ty large-scale plan­ta­tion fires would be vir­tu­al­ly guaranteed.

Mono­cul­ture tree plan­ta­tions world­wide are high­ly sus­cep­ti­ble to fire, none more so than euca­lyp­tus which is par­tic­u­lar­ly flam­ma­ble and depletes fresh­wa­ter faster than most oth­er plants.

It would be nice to think that, based on the many peer-reviewed stud­ies cit­ed by Torn & Smith[1], next year’s new Inter­na­tion­al Pan­el on Cli­mate Change (IPCC) report on mit­i­gat­ing cli­mate change will admit that pre­dic­tions made for BECCS and ‘trop­i­cal afforesta­tion’ were wrong and that both approach­es could (indeed are like­ly to) make cli­mate change even worse (as well as the bio­di­ver­si­ty, food, fresh­wa­ter and oth­er crises). Yet we are not hope­ful. After all, many of the stud­ies cit­ed by Torn & Smith were pub­lished well before the IPCC endorsed BECCS in its 2005 report on renew­able energy.

The illu­sion of BECCS, large-scale afforesta­tion and oth­er tech­no-fix­es to ‘cap­ture car­bon diox­ide’ allows gov­ern­ments and cor­po­ra­tions to claim that the worst impacts of cli­mate change can be pre­vent­ed through tech­no-fix­es and with­out deep and sys­temic changes, includ­ing major reduc­tions in ener­gy use in rich coun­tries. Acknowl­edg­ing that those are no more than dan­ger­ous illu­sions may again prove too polit­i­cal­ly con­tentious for the IPCC, too.





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