Burlington, Vermont Ignores Biomass Emissions

It’s good news that IBM is help­ing Burling­ton, Ver­mont low­er its impact on the cli­mate. [“IBM Wants to Help Burling­ton Reduce Its Car­bon Foot­print,” Sev­en Days, March 27]. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the city’s refusal to fix glar­ing errors in its Cli­mate Action Plan pre­vents an hon­est look at Burlington’s actu­al con­tri­bu­tions to run­away glob­al cli­mate change.

The Burling­ton Cli­mate Action Plan reports the entire city’s car­bon diox­ide emis­sions for 2007—from all sources—at 397,272.4 tons. Yet the U.S. Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency cal­cu­lates the CO2 emis­sions of McNeil’s Gen­er­at­ing Sta­tion alone—the 50 megawatt bio­mass incin­er­a­tor sup­ply­ing rough­ly one-third of the city’s electricity—at 444,646 tons per year. A clos­er look reveals that the city only count­ed 2% of McNeil’s emis­sions from the 30 cords of wood it burns per hour from New York and Ver­mont forests along with a vary­ing per­cent­age of nat­ur­al gas (includ­ing fracked gas).

In a May 2012 email to the city, William Kee­ton, Pro­fes­sor of For­est Ecol­o­gy and Forestry Chair at UVM’s Ruben­stein School, wrote that “we can­not assume bio­mass ener­gy to be emis­sions neu­tral,” rec­om­mend­ing that Burling­ton acknowl­edge “the high like­li­hood of net pos­i­tive emis­sions dur­ing the near term so crit­i­cal for avoid­ing irre­versible high mag­ni­tude cli­mate change.”

In a Sep­tem­ber 2012 blog post, 350 Ver­mont urged Burling­ton to account for the “actu­al car­bon diox­ide smoke­stack emis­sions from the McNeil Sta­tion for the wood and gas burned, as cal­cu­lat­ed by the U.S. Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency.”

It’s very pos­si­ble for Burling­ton to emerge as a leader in the fight against cli­mate change. But how can we reduce our future car­bon foot­print if we won’t even acknowl­edge our cur­rent one?





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