AUDIO: “Biomass Incinerator Noise” ANTI-BIOMASS INCINERATION CAMPAIGN CALL (November 2013)

Anti-Bio­mass Incin­er­a­tion Cam­paign — Nation­al Con­fer­ence Call 

Thurs­day, Novem­ber 14, 2013

TOPIC: “Bio­mass Incin­er­a­tor Noise”

RECORDING: Bio­mass Incin­er­a­tor Noise – Novem­ber 2013

We dis­cuss the unfor­tu­nate health and eco­nom­ic impacts of noise from bio­mass incin­er­a­tors and how res­i­dents can respond, with a focus on the Gainesville Renew­able Ener­gy Cen­ter (GREC) bio­mass incin­er­a­tor in Florida. 

Guest speak­ers:

-Deb­bie Mar­tinez, Reg­is­tered Nurse
-Peter Perkins, Ph.D., Colonel US Army (retired), Cour­tesy Pro­fes­sor at Uni­ver­si­ty of Flori­da, neigh­bor of GREC bio­mass incin­er­a­tor

-Ray Wash­ing­ton, attor­ney

Facil­i­ta­tor: Saman­tha Chir­il­lo (Ener­gy Jus­tice Net­work, OR)





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