Yet Another Fire at Wood Pellet Facility

Fire Dam­ages Ernst Bio­mass Pel­let Plant

Novem­ber 11, 2013, SourceBioen­er­gy Insight

Ernst Bio­mass’ pel­let plant in New Jer­sey, US has been dam­aged after a fire broke out on 9 November.

The inci­dent is report­ed to have caused $50,000 (€37,330) worth of dam­age to equip­ment such as the facil­i­ty’s con­vey­or sys­tem. Nobody was injured but pro­duc­tion at the facil­i­ty was tem­porar­i­ly suspended.

The cause of the fire has not yet been deter­mined but it is thought to have start­ed acci­den­tal­ly. It took fire fight­ers about four hours to extin­guish the fire.




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