Shuttered Texas Biomass Incinerator to Reopen

-  June 23, 2014, Bioen­er­gy Insight

Inven­tivEn­er­gy, an asset man­age­ment firm, has select­ed NRG Ener­gy Ser­vices, a whol­ly owned sub­sidiary of NRG Ener­gy, to restart the Aspen Pow­er bio­mass plant locat­ed in Lufkin, Texas.

NRG will also oper­ate and main­tain the facil­i­ty once it resumes oper­a­tion. The plant first opened in August 2011 and was the first wood-fired bio­mass pow­er plant in the state. It can con­sume about 525,000 tonnes of log­ging debris and munic­i­pal wood waste per year.

The Aspen pow­er plant has the capac­i­ty to deliv­er approx­i­mate­ly 50MW to the grid and uses local­ly sourced clean wood-waste bio­mass as its fuel sup­ply. Work to restart the facil­i­ty began in mid-May and com­mer­cial oper­a­tions are expect­ed to be achieved by late July. NRG is in the process of hir­ing the site man­age­ment team and oper­at­ing staff.

‘The Aspen Pow­er facil­i­ty was shut down in the fall of 2012 due to mar­ket eco­nom­ics. Since then, our pro­jec­tions show an attrac­tive oppor­tu­ni­ty for the plant to resume oper­a­tions and pro­vide com­pet­i­tive­ly-priced clean ener­gy to the Texas mar­ket,’ says John Keller, CEO and founder of InventivEnergy.




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