Public Weighs in on Plumas County, CA Biomass Proposal

- by Debra Moore, April 5, 2015, Plumas Coun­ty News

The Sier­ra Insti­tute is poised to receive $2.6 mil­lion from the Cal­i­for­nia Ener­gy Com­mis­sion, but first the pub­lic will have a chance to com­ment on the bio­mass boil­er that would be built near the county’s health and human ser­vices build­ing in Quincy.

The com­mis­sion announced March 10 that it had award­ed $2.6 mil­lion to the Sier­ra Insti­tute for Com­mu­ni­ty and Envi­ron­ment after rank­ing it No. 2 out of the near­ly two dozen pro­pos­als received.

Jonathan Kusel, the exec­u­tive direc­tor of the insti­tute, said he was thrilled when he heard the news. Like­wise, Plumas Coun­ty Super­vi­sor Lori Simp­son, and Dony Saw­chuk, the county’s facility’s direc­tor, expressed their appre­ci­a­tion that the coun­ty would ben­e­fit from the award. The con­struc­tion would pro­vide jobs; the forests would be ren­dered health­i­er; and the pow­er and heat gen­er­at­ed would be more economical.

A small bio­mass boil­er, the first of its type in the state, would pro­vide heat for the col­lege dorms and pow­er and heat for the health and human ser­vices building.

But not every­one sup­ports the project. Graea­gle res­i­dent Mark Mihevc has repeat­ed­ly spo­ken out at Board of Super­vi­sors’ meet­ings about his aver­sion to bio­mass tech­nol­o­gy. Mihevc prefers a com­post approach to bio­mass and oppos­es mechan­i­cal thin­ning of forests to pro­vide fuel to pro­duce energy.

Dur­ing the Feb. 17 Board of Super­vi­sors meet­ing, when the super­vi­sors were dis­cussing a sim­i­lar bio­mass plant for East­ern Plumas Health Care, Mihevc object­ed to bio­mass boil­ers at all pro­posed loca­tions, which he described as “mas­sive indus­tri­al thin­ning that will kill the for­est.” Mihevc said that fire is nature’s path to for­est health.

Super­vi­sor Ter­ry Swof­ford object­ed to Mihevc’s char­ac­ter­i­za­tion of how thin­ning would destroy forests. “Don’t tell me that thin­ning harms the health of the for­est,” he said. “I don’t believe fire is good.”

“Forests love fires,” Mihevc respond­ed, and described “trees as more impor­tant than all of us” because of what they con­tribute to the environment.

“But what if they all burn up?” Super­vi­sor Simp­son asked at the time.

Mihevc plans to voice his oppo­si­tion to the bio­mass boil­er slat­ed for Quin­cy when the Cal­i­for­nia Ener­gy Com­mis­sion meets to for­mal­ly approve the award.

Accord­ing to Cory Irish, a com­mis­sion agree­ment offi­cer for the ener­gy com­mis­sion, the awards are sched­uled for for­mal approval dur­ing a June 10 busi­ness meet­ing, but that date could be sub­ject to change.

Kusel said that the project has been thor­ough­ly approved by the ener­gy com­mis­sion and by this point in the process, con­fir­ma­tion is more of a formality.




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