Pennsylvania Dept. of Environmental Protection’s Pilot Project for Environmental Destruction

On Thurs­day, March 23rd, exec­u­tive deputy sec­re­tary of the PA Depart­ment of Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion, John Hines, hit send on an unan­tic­i­pat­ed and regres­sive email memo order­ing all Penn­syl­va­nia gas inspec­tors to stop issu­ing vio­la­tions against drillers with­out pri­or approval from polit­i­cal appointee Michael Krancer.

The dra­mat­ic pol­i­cy change will effec­tive­ly sup­press “Notice of Vio­la­tions” (NOV) issuances and shift enforce­ment actions from pro­fes­sion­al inspec­tors to Gov­er­nor Cor­bet­t’s appointee DEP Sec­re­tary Michael Krancer. In the past two years, Penn­syl­va­nia DEP has issued more than 1600 vio­la­tions to drillers in the Mar­cel­lus Shale, more than 1000 of which were iden­ti­fied “Most like­ly to harm the envi­ron­ment”. Con­cen­trat­ing enforce­ment respon­si­bil­i­ties and author­i­ty in senior lev­el admin­is­tra­tors can­not serve to pro­tect the air and water; rather, it makes our envi­ron­ment less safe as these few admin­is­tra­tors can­not keep pace with the gas boom.

For sev­er­al years, gas drilling in PA has been ratch­et­ing up and the DEP bud­get has been shrink­ing. Now oper­at­ing with 60% of the funds the Ridge admin­is­tra­tion (yr 2000) spent, the agency should be pro­vid­ing inspec­tors the free­dom to do their jobs as trained pro­fes­sion­als with­out polit­i­cal­ly appoint­ed admin­is­tra­tors dupli­cat­ing the work or, as many fear, giv­ing indus­try a free pass.

As Penn­syl­va­nia drilling con­tin­ues at break­neck speed, gas stock prices rise, and Pres­i­dent Oba­ma wax­es poet­ic on nat­ur­al gas as a clean fuel, this pol­i­cy shift looks like anoth­er green light for the indus­try from the Cor­bett admin­is­tra­tion. Cor­bett relied heav­i­ly on cam­paign con­tri­bu­tions (to the tune of $800,000) from the gas indus­try to win the Gov­er­nor’s Office in Novem­ber 2010.

Katy Gresh, spokes­woman for the DEP, com­ment­ed that the pol­i­cy change is an attempt to ensure con­sis­ten­cy in deal­ing with drillers. How­ev­er, DEP employ­ees and for­mer DEP Sec­re­tary John Hang­er (of the Ren­dell admin­is­tra­tion) ques­tion this motive and the pol­i­cy the admin­is­tra­tion is tak­ing to address issues of ‘incon­sis­ten­cy’. Accord­ing to an arti­cle in the Philadel­phia Inquir­er one inspec­tor stat­ed that “Not a sin­gle per­son in my office believes this is about ensur­ing uniformity.”

John Hang­er has called the pol­i­cy “extra­or­di­nar­i­ly unwise” and stat­ed that it under­mines pub­lic con­fi­dence in the inspec­tions process. It also appears that approvals by the Sec­re­tary or oth­er high rank­ing DEP admin­is­tra­tors could be far less con­sis­tent AND less accu­rate than by trained inspec­tors who have been to the drilling sites.

After the mem­os were leaked to the press, the DEP explained that this “pilot project” would have a three month tri­al peri­od. Dur­ing this peri­od, a 30 mem­ber pan­el (rep­re­sent­ing indus­try inter­ests) will search for a “pol­i­cy agree­ment between those skep­ti­cal of the boom­ing busi­ness and those ben­e­fit­ing from it.” This com­ment dis­plays the polit­i­cal maneu­ver­ings of the pol­i­cy­mak­ers and reveals an inter­est in com­pro­mise over safe­ty and envi­ron­men­tal justice.

In the 120 day tri­al peri­od we must be out­spo­ken and adamant. This heavy-hand­ed pol­i­cy was passed with­out pub­lic com­ment. It reeks of polit­i­cal incom­pe­tence and cor­po­rate insou­ciance. Nev­er has a PA admin­is­tra­tion (Demo­c­rat or Repub­li­can and none that I know of out­side of PA, either) adopt­ed this type of vio­la­tions-approval pol­i­cy. This must be reversed immediately.





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