Money-burning Incinerator Proposed


April 1, 2014

DUNBORO — George Wash­ing­ton Renew­able Ener­gy is propos­ing the nation’s first mon­ey-to-ener­gy facil­i­ty, right here in Dun­boro. Crit­ics call it a mon­ey-burn­ing incinerator.

Near­ly all of the nation’s used mon­ey is sent to land­fills, but George Wash­ing­ton Renew­able Ener­gy sees an oppor­tu­ni­ty and hopes to gen­er­ate enough elec­tric­i­ty burn­ing old dol­lars to pow­er 50,000 homes.

Lin­da Thomp­son, recent may­or of Har­ris­burg, Penn­syl­va­nia, takes offense at call­ing this the first. In 2011, Har­ris­burg was the nation’s largest city to go bank­rupt, thanks to a trash incin­er­a­tor that drove the city deep into debt. Her city lost out in a bid­ding war for this new project. “Har­ris­burg deserves to host this inno­v­a­tive incin­er­a­tor. We have more expe­ri­ence burn­ing mon­ey than any city in the nation,” Thomp­son said.

In 2003, when Thomp­son was on City Coun­cil, the city’s incin­er­a­tor had already lost mon­ey near­ly every year for a decade, but she vot­ed to sup­port the may­or’s plan to go fur­ther into debt to rebuild it, say­ing that God told her to sup­port May­or Reed’s incin­er­a­tor plan. “I’ve con­sult­ed God on how to get Har­ris­burg back out of bank­rupt­cy,” Thomp­son said, “and what bet­ter way than to fuel a new incin­er­a­tor with bills say­ing ‘In God We Trust?’ ”

Dr. Paul Con­nett, a retired chem­istry pro­fes­sor from St. Lawrence Uni­ver­si­ty, and world-famous advo­cate against incin­er­a­tors, say that God is on his side. “God Recy­cles… the Dev­il Burns,” says Con­nett. “Used mon­ey should be recycled.”

Ann Leonard, of Sto­ry of Stuff Project, points out that paper bills are “designed for the dump” because oth­er mate­ri­als are mixed in, mak­ing it hard to recy­cle. “Mon­ey is a per­fect exam­ple of a prod­uct that must be redesigned for recy­cling,” she says.

Dun­boro res­i­dents aren’t pleased with the idea. They’ve formed Dun­boro Unit­ed against Mon­ey-Burn­ing (DUMB), to fight what they call a stu­pid idea. Trash incin­er­a­tors are the most expen­sive way to dis­pose of waste or to make ener­gy, says Mike Ewall of Ener­gy Jus­tice Net­work, who helped Dun­boro res­i­dents form DUMB. DUM­B­’s web­site argues that it’s insane to lit­er­al­ly feed mon­ey to an incin­er­a­tor: “It’s bad enough that we pay incin­er­a­tors to burn valu­able mate­ri­als in trash, but fuel­ing them with dol­lars is just nuts.”

“Mon­ey does­n’t grow on trees, you know.  We must pro­tect our forests,” says Saman­tha Chir­il­lo, coor­di­na­tor of Ener­gy Jus­tice Net­work’s Anti-Bio­mass Incin­er­a­tion Cam­paign.

Rachel Smolk­er, of Bio­fu­el­watch, points out that dol­lars are actu­al­ly made most­ly from cot­ton, and is con­cerned about rumors that Mon­san­to plans to genet­i­cal­ly-engi­neer cot­ton plants to pro­duce dol­lar bills as leaves.

Bob Cleaves, of the Bio­mass Pow­er Asso­ci­a­tion, takes issue with this. “Expired mon­ey is renew­able ener­gy,” says Cleaves. “We’re work­ing to add mon­ey-burn­ing to bio­mass def­i­n­i­tions in renew­able ener­gy man­dates in sev­er­al states right now. It was an over­sight not to have includ­ed it when these laws were first passed.”

Mary­land Gov­er­nor O’Mal­ley sup­ports this stance, and plans to have Mary­land be the first state to define mon­ey-burn­ing as renew­able. “We already have the nation’s best renew­able ener­gy incen­tives for burn­ing trash, poul­try waste, tires, sewage sludge and more. Mon­ey was just the log­i­cal next step,” he says.

George Wash­ing­ton Renew­able Ener­gy also cites sup­port from Fed­er­al Reserve Chair, Janet Yellen. In a recent press release in sup­port of the project, Yellen stat­ed that “mon­ey is renew­able… we’ll make more.”

Mark Robi­nowitz, host of the “Peak Choice” web­site, thinks Yellen is wrong. “Mon­ey has peaked!” he says. “Our econ­o­my can­not grow for­ev­er on a finite plan­et. We need a steady state econ­o­my.” He thinks that we’re run­ning out of mon­ey, and thus, fuel for the George Wash­ing­ton Renew­able Ener­gy facility.

Dun­boro offi­cials are still press­ing on. “Our city, and the state and fed­er­al gov­ern­ment, still seem over­run by old mon­ey,” says Dun­boro’s may­or. “We don’t see an end in sight and want to put this resource to good use.”





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