Tire Burning Facilities

Below is a list of facil­i­ties that burn tires. In all like­li­hood, it is incom­plete. Please con­tact us if you know of oth­er such facil­i­ties. The list is in alpha­bet­i­cal order by state. BC is British Colum­bia. QC is Que­bec. All oth­er abbre­vi­a­tions are U.S. states. The sources are list­ed at the bot­tom of the page.

Most of the plants list­ed below cur­rent­ly burn tires. How­ev­er, there are also a num­ber of plants list­ed that stopped burn­ing tires, have a per­mit to burn tires, or have been deter­mined “at risk” for tire incin­er­a­tion by the source researchers. We will keep this list as up to date as pos­si­ble, but there is always a pos­si­bil­i­ty that the infor­ma­tion for any giv­en facil­i­ty is out­dat­ed. Before attempt­ing to cam­paign against any of these facil­i­ties it is advis­able to dou­ble check the plan­t’s cur­rent sta­tus your­self first.

A more recent list of facil­i­ties cur­rent­ly burn­ing TDF can be found near the end of the Rub­ber Man­u­fac­tur­ers Asso­ci­a­tion’s “U.S. Scrap Tire Mar­kets 2005” report.

State Town Coun­ty Com­pa­ny Plant Type Oth­er Fuels Burned Oper­at­ing? Source Misc
AL Leeds   Lehigh Leeds Cement   Yes [1]  
AL Theodore   Hol­cim   Cement   Yes [1]  
AL Mobile   IPSCO Steel   Elec­tric Arc Furnace   Yes    
AR Fore­man   Ash Grove   Cement   Yes    
AZ Tuc­son   Cal­i­for­nia Portland Ril­li­to Cement   Yes [1]  
BC Port Alberni   Paci­fi­ca Papers   Spe­cial­ty Paper (1200 tonnes/day light­weight coat­ed, tele­phone direc­to­ry and newsprint)   Yes [4] Fought by Alberni Envi­ron­men­tal Coalition
BC Rich­mond   LaFarge   Cement   Yes [1]  
BC Tilbury   CBR   Cement   Yes [1]  
CA Baja   Cemex   Cement   Yes [1]  
CA Cuper­ti­no San­ta Clara Kaiser Cement   Cement   Attempt­ing (?) [1]  
CA Dav­en­port (near San­ta Cruz) San­ta Cruz RMC Lon­es­tar Dav­en­port     Attempt­ed [3]  
CA Lebec Kern Nation­al Cement Co.   Cement Burned Haz­ardous Waste Until 8/97 No (Stopped by Activists) [3]  
CA Lucerne Val­ley San Bernardi­no Mit­subishi Cement Co. Cushen­bury Cement   Yes [1]  
CA Modesto   Modesto Ener­gy Lim­it­ed Part­ner­ship (MELP)   Ded­i­cat­ed Tire Incinerator   No (Shut down after uncon­trolled tire fire adja­cent to plant) [3]  
CA Mojave Kern Cal­i­for­nia Portland Mojave Cement   Attempt­ing [1]  
CA Mono­lith Kern Calav­eras Cement Co.   Cement Coal and Coke “At Risk” [3]  
CA Ora Grande   River­side   Cement   Attempt­ed [1]  
CA Red­ding   Cal­i­for­nia Portland   Cement   Yes [1]  
CA Red­ding Shas­ta (near Moun­tain Gate) Calav­eras Cement Co.       Yes [3]  
CA River­side River­side River­side Cement Co. Crest­more Cement Fuel oil “At Risk” [3]  
CA San Bernardi­no San Bernardi­no Cal­i­for­nia Portland Colton Cement Indus­tri­al Wastes Yes [3]  
CA Vic­torville San Bernardi­no South­west­ern Port­land Cement Quar­ry Cement   Yes [3]  
CO Port­land   Hol­nam   Cement   Yes [1]  
CO Lyons Larimer Cemex   Cement   Tire Burn­ing Halt­ed Dur­ing 2007   Fought by St. Vrain Val­ley Com­mu­ni­ty Watch­dogs, Col­orado Cit­i­zens Cam­paign, Moth­ers Against Burn­ing Tires and Rocky Moun­tain Clean Air Action.
CT Ster­ling Wind­ham Exeter Ener­gy Lim­it­ed Partnership   Ded­i­cat­ed Tire Incinerator Tires Yes [8] Burns 10–11 mil­lion tires/year. Went online in 1991. See vio­la­tion track record.
FL Brooksville Her­nan­do FL Crushed Stone   Cement   Yes [1]  
FL Brooksville Her­nan­do South­down   Cement   Yes [1]  
FL New­ber­ry Alachua Flori­da Rock Industries New­ber­ry Cement Plant Cement       Per­mit­ted to burn 3.5 mil­lion tires/year.
FL Ridge   Whee­labra­tor Technologies Ridge Incin­er­a­tor Wood, Tires, Land­fill gas   [8]  
FL Suwan­nee Suwan­nee Suwan­nee Amer­i­can (Ander­son-Colum­bia)   Cement   Seek­ing Permit [6] Fought by Save The Ichetuck­nee River
GA Clinch­field   Medusa   Cement   Yes [1]  
IA Mason City   Hol­cim   Cement   Yes [1]  
ID Inkom   Ash Grove   Cement   Yes [1]  
IL Ford Heights Cook KTI Inc. / Casel­la Waste Systems   Ded­i­cat­ed Tire Incinerator TDF No [8] Was to burn 3 mil­lion tires/year. Went online in 1996, oper­a­tion for 10 days and went bankrupt. 

In 2005, Gene­va Ener­gy, LLC is apply­ing for a per­mit to restart this facil­i­ty and burn the equiv­a­lent of 700 pas­sen­ger tires per hour.

IL LaSalle   Illi­nois Cement   Cement   Yes [1]  
IL Ogles­by   Lone Star   Cement   Yes [1]  
KS Hum­boldt   Monarch   Cement   Yes [1]  
MD Fred­er­ick   ESSROC   Cement   Yes [1]  
MD Hager­stown   Inde­pen­dent   Cement   Yes [1]  
MD Hager­stown   St. Lawrence   Cement Coal and/or waste oil Has per­mit [4]  
MD Union Bridge   Lehigh   Cement   Yes [1]  
MN Pre­ston Fill­more Heart­land Ener­gy and Recycling   Ded­i­cat­ed Tire Incinerator TDF Defeat­ed in 2005   Would have been the world’s largest tire incin­er­a­tor. See South­east­ern Min­nesotans for Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion for info.
MO Cape Girardea   Lone Star   Cement   Yes [1]  
MO Clarksville   Hol­cim   Cement   Yes [1]  
MO Colum­bia   Mis­souri University   Pow­er plant (pro­duces steam and elec­tric­i­ty to entire university) coal and up to 20% tires Yes [2]  
NE Nor­folk Madi­son Nucor Steel Nucor Steel Nebraska Elec­tric Arc Furnace TDF Yes   Start­ed in March 2002.
NE Louisville Cass Ash Grove Cement Louisville Plant Cement TDF Pro­posed   Test Burns in 2004–2005.
NS Brook­field &nbsp LaFarge Cement Brook­field Plant Cement TDF Pro­posed   Fought by Cit­i­zens Against Burn­ing of Tires
NY Hemp­stead Nas­sau Amer­i­can Ref-Fuel   Trash Incin­er­a­tor Munic­i­pal Waste, Tires Yes [8]  
NY Hud­son Colum­bia Hol­cim / St. Lawrence Cement   Cement Tires a possibility Defeat­ed   Pro­posed kiln stopped by Friends of Hud­son.
NY Rave­na Albany Lafarge   Cement   Pro­posed   Plans to burn 5 mil­lion tires/year. Fought by Friends of Hud­son.
NY Ticon­dero­ga Essex Inter­na­tion­al Paper   Paper Mill Coal (TDF proposed) No   Fought by Peo­ple for Less Pol­lu­tion and North­east Clean Air Coali­tion. IP start­ed a test burn in late 2006 and gave up when test data showed unac­cept­ably high emissions.
NY Auburn Cayu­ga Nucor Steel Nucor Auburn Elec­tric Arc Furnace TDF Yes   Start­ed in 2002. Capa­ble of burn­ing 800 tons TDF/day
NY Nia­gara Falls Nia­gara WPS Empire State   Pow­er Plant Coal, petro­le­um coke, wood chips and TDF Yes   Uses Cir­cu­lat­ing Flu­idized Bed boilers
OR Dur­kee   Pt. Ash Grove   Cement   Yes [1]  
OH Fair­born Mont­gomery Cemex Cemex, Fair­born Cement Petro­le­um Coke Per­mit to Test Burn   Fought by Green Envi­ron­men­tal Coalition
PA Erie Erie Erie Renew­able Ener­gy LLC (Ener­gy Prod­ucts of Ida­ho and Calet­ta Renew­able Energy) Inter­na­tion­al Paper Site Ded­i­cat­ed Tire Incinerator   Pro­posed   800 tons tires/day; 70 megawatts of elec­tric­i­ty pro­duc­tion. Oppo­si­tion web­site here.
PA Northamp­ton Northamp­ton PG & E Nation­al Ener­gy Group Northamp­ton Gen­er­at­ing LP Waste Coal Burn­ing Pow­er Plant   Pro­posed    
PA Besse­mer Lawrence ESSROC   Cement   Yes [5]  
PA Point Twp. Northum­ber­land Tractebel/Viking Ener­gy   Wood Burn­er Wood No   Tried twice to burn tires, with encour­age­ment from state DEP. Com­mu­ni­ty oppo­si­tion stopped both attempts.
PA Allen­town Lehigh Lehigh   Cement   Yes [1]  
PA White­hall   LaFarge   Cement   Yes [1]  
PA Chester Delaware Kim­ber­ly-Clark   Paper mill (tis­sue products)   No [7] This is a case of envi­ron­men­tal racism. DEP allowed a tri­al burn in 1999, but lat­er denied the full per­mit. Denial is under appeal. See www.ejnet.org/chester/
PA Ebens­berg Cam­bria El Paso Corp. Cam­bria Cogen Pow­er Plant Waste Coal No (Tri­al burn in ’96) [4]  
PA Evans­ville   Lehigh Port­land Cement   Cement ? ? [5]  
PA Lock Haven   Inter­na­tion­al Paper   Paper   No (Shut down June 2002) [5] Burned tires from 1997–2002.
QC Joli­ette   St. Lawrence   Cement   Yes [1]  
RI     Calet­ta Renew­able Energy   Tire and Trash Incinerator Munic­i­pal Sol­id Waste Pro­posed    
SC Harleyville   Blue Cir­cle   Cement   Yes [1]  
TN Chat­tanooga   Sig­nal Mt.   Cement   Yes [1]  
TX Buda Hays Texas Lehigh Cement Plant   Cement   Pro­posed    
TX Mid­loth­i­an   Hol­cim   Cement   Yes [1]  
TX Mid­loth­i­an   No.Tex.Cem   Cement   Yes [1]  
UT Dev­il’s Slide   Hol­cim   Cement   Yes [1]  
UT Leam­ing­ton   Ash Grove   Cement   Yes [1]  
WA Seat­tle   Ash Grove   Cement   Yes [1]  
WA Seat­tle   Hol­cim   Cement   Yes [1]  
WI Ash­land Ash­land Xcel Bay Front Coal Pow­er Plant Wood waste, Tires, coal Yes [9] 2000 tpy of tires
WV Grant Town Mar­i­on Amer­i­can Bitu­mi­nous Pow­er LP Grant Town Pow­er Plant Pow­er Plant Waste Coal and TDF ?   May have only burned TDF temporarily.
WV Mar­tins­burg

  Capi­tol Cement   Cement coal would soon exper­i­ment with TDF [4]  

Groups Opposed to Tire Incineration


  1. Cal­i­for­nia Port­land Cement Com­pa­ny. Jan­u­ary 7th, 2003. www.calportland.com/colton/plantinfo/tires.html
  2. Mis­souri Uni­ver­si­ty. May 2003. www.cf.missouri.edu/energy/tdf.stm
  3. Port Alberni Envi­ron­men­tal Coali­tion. (Source: State of Cal­i­for­nia — AB 3789 Cement Kiln study — 12/1/95 Updat­ed: 10/97 by com­mu­ni­ty groups to the best of PAEC’s knowl­edge) www.portaec.net/local/tireburning/list_of_cement_kilns_in_californ.html
  4. Per­son­al com­mu­ni­ca­tion. May 2000.
  5. Penn­syl­va­nia Depart­ment of Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion. Date uncertain.
  6. Ichetucknee.org. June 2003. www.ichetucknee.org
  7. Envi­ron­men­tal Racism in Chester, PA. July, 2003. www.ejnet.org/chester/
  8. “Waste-to-Ener­gy Pow­er Plants in the U.S.,” Pow­er Plants Around the World
  9. Xcel Ener­gy web­site and West­ern Region­al Bio­mass Ener­gy Program

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