JusticeMap — Save an Image

JusticeMap.org (beta), our web­site and set of race and income open map lay­ers that lets you demon­strate eco­nom­ic and racial injus­tice, now lets you export the map to an image. This allows you to post it on your web­site, add it to your pub­li­ca­tion, share it on Face­book, Twit­ter, email, etc.

First­ly you cus­tomize the map to make it look like you want. Then you click on “Save as Image”. You may need to allow pop­ups for our web­site to get this to work. Then the brows­er will dis­play the image in a new win­dow. To fin­ish, you can right click on the image to save it.

You can also export a high­er res­o­lu­tion image by using our Advanced Mode. Cus­tomize the map and when you want to export it use the “Large Image” link. If you want the image to be even larg­er, you can zoom out in your brows­er before doing this. For instance, you could set your brows­er zoom to 50%. Though doing this will make the map slow­er (and the but­tons hard­er to read).

We also have start­ed sup­port­ing the Open­StreetMap base map lay­er. The Open­StreetMap is both an inter­est­ing com­mu­ni­ty project and their terms of ser­vice allow for more uses of the data than Google does.





EJ Communities Map

Map of Coal and Gas Facilities

We are mapping all of the existing, proposed, closed and defeated dirty energy and waste facilities in the US. We are building a network of community groups to fight the facilities and the corporations behind them.

Our Network

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