What Planet of the Humans got Right, Wrong, and Missed

by Mike Ewall, Exec­u­tive Direc­tor, Ener­gy Jus­tice Network

[See relat­ed inter­view here.]

If I were to write a doc­u­men­tary expos­ing the dis­mal state of recy­cling in the U.S., I’d be right to point out how much is not being recy­cled, how pol­lut­ing recy­cling can be, and how inad­e­quate it is to try to solve the waste prob­lem. I’d be right to call for more empha­sis on reduc­ing and reusing before recy­cling; how­ev­er, I’d also be clear that the answer is not to stop recy­cling and just land­fill every­thing, or worse, incin­er­ate it, then land­fill tox­ic ash.

Plan­et of the Humans trash­es wind, solar, bio­mass, bio­fu­els, hydro­gen, elec­tric cars, and ener­gy stor­age as if they’re all ter­ri­ble, with­out offer­ing solu­tions, and with­out dis­tin­guish­ing which are inher­ent­ly bad, and which are gen­er­al­ly good and can con­tin­ue to be improved. It’s basi­cal­ly a sales pitch for Ozzie Zehn­er’s 2012 Green Illu­sions book (which you can find free online here).

There is a lot that Plan­et of the Humans gets right. And sev­er­al things they get real­ly wrong. Sad­ly, the film is now being used to hype up nat­ur­al gas and nuclear pow­er.

Let’s be clear.

The film was right to…

The film got it wrong about…

The film missed a lot, too. Notably…

Before div­ing into all the rights, wrongs, and miss­ings, let’s quick­ly point out a few things:

  1. There are three sec­tors of ener­gy con­sump­tion: elec­tric­i­ty, trans­porta­tion, and heat­ing. The film most­ly focus­es on elec­tric­i­ty, and each sec­tor is han­dled with a pret­ty dif­fer­ent mix of fuels. See our page on U.S. ener­gy sources for context.
  2. When dis­cussing solu­tions, elec­tric­i­ty needs should be met first by con­ser­va­tion, then effi­cien­cy, then solar, wind, and per­haps some ocean-based solu­tions once they’re ready. A mod­est amount of ener­gy stor­age will be need­ed to bal­ance it all. The trans­porta­tion and heat­ing fuel sec­tors need to be solved with con­ser­va­tion and effi­cien­cy first and sec­ond as well. For trans­porta­tion, the rest should be elec­tri­fied as much as pos­si­ble. Planes and boats will be a chal­lenge, but all land-based trans­porta­tion needs to run on elec­tric­i­ty from wind and solar. For heat­ing, solar ther­mal, heat pumps, and elec­tri­fi­ca­tion should meet as much demand as pos­si­ble. Indus­tri­al heat­ing will be a chal­lenge and should main­ly be tack­led by reduc­ing demand for ener­gy inten­sive prod­ucts like paper and cement. No sol­id fuels should be burned in any case. In over­con­sum­ing nations like the U.S., we should be cut­ting ener­gy and mate­r­i­al use at least by half.
  3. There’s a world of dif­fer­ence between ener­gy sources that require fuel and those that do not. Wind, solar, and water pow­er are gen­uine­ly renew­able, even though they have impacts. Oth­er ener­gy sources — nuclear, hydro­gen, and any­thing that involves burn­ing any­thing (fos­sil fuels, bio­mass and waste incin­er­a­tion, bio­fu­els) — require a con­stant stream of extrac­tion, con­sump­tion, pol­lu­tion, and waste. The machines for every type of pow­er involve min­ing of mate­ri­als and var­i­ous pol­lu­tion and health impacts. How­ev­er, for gen­uine renew­ables, that dam­age large­ly stops once the machine is built, and there isn’t ongo­ing pol­lu­tion per kilo­watt-hour. This is the main divid­ing line we use to dis­tin­guish clean from dirty ener­gy sources.


Bio­mass, bio­fu­els, and hydro­gen are false solutions

Ener­gy Jus­tice Net­work was fea­tured in the sec­tion on bio­mass, from an inter­view eight years ago with our for­mer staff mem­ber, Josh Schloss­berg. Jeff Gibbs was part of our nation­al Anti-Bio­mass Incin­er­a­tion Cam­paign, which brought togeth­er hun­dreds of com­mu­ni­ty activists to suc­cess­ful­ly stop sev­er­al dozen pro­posed bio­mass incin­er­a­tors between 2006 and 2015.

I first led a com­mu­ni­ty effort to stop a bio­mass incin­er­a­tor in my home coun­ty in 1997. It was­n’t even called “bio­mass” then, but was a “pow­er plant to burn clean wood chips.” I did my home­work, and start­ed what became a 20+ year effort to expose the prob­lems with all forms of bio­mass. The com­pa­ny at the time had made the mis­take of brag­ging in my local news­pa­per about learn­ing how to divide and con­quer com­mu­ni­ty oppo­si­tion and how they over­came charges of envi­ron­men­tal racism when build­ing a trash incin­er­a­tor in a black com­mu­ni­ty near Chicago.

We not only stopped that com­pa­ny cold with­in a year, but fol­lowed their Vice-Pres­i­dent as he joined a com­pa­ny to pro­mote burn­ing poul­try lit­ter (manure plus wood shav­ings used as bed­ding). We stopped that com­pa­ny and sim­i­lar poul­try waste incin­er­a­tor pro­pos­als in about 10 U.S. states, and helped peo­ple take them out in sev­er­al oth­er coun­tries on three oth­er con­ti­nents. That com­pa­ny is now total­ly shut down, too.

In our effort, we facil­i­tat­ed the build­ing of a grass­roots con­sen­sus to oppose bio­mass in all of its forms. We doc­u­ment­ed the prob­lems with bio­mass and bio­fu­els, and mapped out the industry.

Our seg­ment in the film, on McNeil Gen­er­at­ing Sta­tion in Burling­ton, VT, is still accu­rate eight years after being taped.

  • They burn whole trees, as many oth­er bio­mass incin­er­a­tors do. That was evi­dent in the pic­tures of the big piles of logged trees. We even mapped out two years of log­ging in Ver­mont to feed McNeil Gen­er­at­ing Sta­tion and pro­vide pho­tos of some of the clearcuts. (We did­n’t have the data to map out the forests they also logged in New York).
  • There’s a great need to focus on ener­gy con­ser­va­tion. Anoth­er no-brainer.
  • McNeil is the largest air pol­luter in Ver­mont. Accord­ing to the U.S. EPA’s lat­est Nation­al Emis­sions Inven­to­ry (2017), out of 151 indus­tri­al air pol­luters in the state, McNeil is still the state’s largest indus­tri­al source of glob­al warm­ing pol­lu­tion. They are also Ver­mon­t’s #1 indus­tri­al air pol­lu­tion source for of each of these love­ly chem­i­cals: Acrolein, Ammo­nia, Anthracene, Anti­mo­ny, Arsenic, Ben­zene, Benzo[a]Pyrene, Beryl­li­um, Cad­mi­um, Car­bon Monox­ide, Chlo­rine, Chloroben­zene, Chlo­ro­form, Chromi­um (VI), Cobalt, Eth­yl Chlo­ride, Eth­yl­ene Dichlo­ride, Flu­o­rene, Formalde­hyde, Hydrochlo­ric Acid, Man­ganese, Methyl Bro­mide, Methyl Chlo­ride, Methyl Chlo­ro­form, Nick­el, Nitro­gen Oxides, Phenan­threne, Propy­lene Dichlo­ride, Pyrene, Sele­ni­um, Styrene, and Vinyl Chloride.
  • Bio­mass incin­er­a­tor ash con­tains tox­ic heavy met­als and radi­a­tion. Find the heavy met­als doc­u­ment­ed in our fact­sheet on woody bio­mass incin­er­a­tion and this 1992 aca­d­e­m­ic pre­sen­ta­tion on radioac­tiv­i­ty in wood ash, cit­ing data as ear­ly as the late 1950s. This is just nor­mal wood hav­ing absorbed radioac­tive fall­out from nuclear bomb test­ing and nuclear reac­tor use. Cra­zier plans to burn radioac­tive trees from around Cher­nobyl and Fukushi­ma are even more alarming.
  • McNeil burns 400,000 green tons/year of trees, and also burns nat­ur­al gas. Accord­ing to the Ener­gy Infor­ma­tion Admin­is­tra­tion’s Form 923 data­base, between 2012 and 2019, McNeil burned an aver­age of 412,711 tons of wood per year. In 2019, they also report­ed burn­ing 12,401 mil­lion cubic feet of nat­ur­al gas.
  • You’d need 10 of these bio­mass incin­er­a­tors to replace an aver­age coal-fired pow­er plant. This is about right: 8.3 of them would be need­ed today, based on 2019 data for McNeil vs. all oper­at­ing coal pow­er plants in the U.S. Far more would be need­ed if not for the fact that the aver­age coal-fired pow­er plant gen­er­a­tion in 2019 is low because many coal pow­er plants are bare­ly run­ning these days.
  • It takes a great deal of fos­sil fuels to cut the trees and move chips around. Self-evi­dent, giv­en how much diesel truck­ing and oth­er equip­ment is used in log­ging and transportation.
  • Envi­ron­men­tal groups have been pro­mot­ing bio­mass for years. Very true, espe­cial­ly for groups like Nat­ur­al Resources Defense Coun­cil, Union of Con­cerned Sci­en­tists, Envi­ron­men­tal Defense Fund, Cen­ter for Resource Solu­tions, Nature Con­ser­van­cy, and even Sier­ra Club. While some of these groups have turned around after the grass­roots has opposed them on this for decades, they still have not turned around all the way, nor have they made up for the dam­age they’ve done. How­ev­er, some are hap­py to take fund­ing to now look like anti-bio­mass lead­ers, while those of us lead­ing the work against bio­mass for decades do not see this funding.
  • Bio­mass is not car­bon neu­tral.
  • McNeil emits over 400,000 tons of CO2/year. Still true. Accord­ing to EPA’s eGRID data­base, McNeil report­ed emit­ting 423,056 tons of CO2 in 2018. If you fac­tor in their methane and nitrous oxide (N2O) emis­sions, they emit­ted 438,748 tons of CO2 equiv­a­lents in 2018.
  • Trees grow back over decades to cen­turies. The famous 2010 Manomet Cen­ter for Con­ser­va­tion Sci­ences bio­mass study states that it takes about 45 years for new­ly-grow­ing trees to suck up extra pulse of CO2 released by burn­ing trees, to get down to the lev­el of coal. That’s not car­bon neu­tral­i­ty, but sim­ply equal­iz­ing with coal. It takes hun­dreds of years of undis­turbed tree growth to approx­i­mate car­bon neu­tral­i­ty, and it nev­er quite gets there. See this doc­u­ment­ed in our piece on how bio­mass is not car­bon neu­tral.
  • If we cut every tree in the U.S., it could pow­er the coun­try for one year. This was in the Jan 2006 Harper’s Index.

The fol­low­ing seg­ment fea­tur­ing Cather­ine Andrews in L’Anse, Michi­gan, is also accu­rate in our expe­ri­ence. Many “bio­mass” incin­er­a­tors come into a com­mu­ni­ty claim­ing to burn just “clean” wood (which isn’t clean, any­way… see our woody bio­mass fact­sheet). How­ev­er, since bio­mass is one of the most expen­sive ways to make elec­tric­i­ty, these plants often turn from pay­ing for a fuel to get­ting paid to take wastes. It’s not unusu­al for bio­mass incin­er­a­tors to turn to accept­ing con­struc­tion and demo­li­tion wood waste, rail­road ties, util­i­ty poles, tires, or plas­tics, all of which are more dan­ger­ous to burn than trees. The John H. War­den bio­mass incin­er­a­tor in L’Anse, Michi­gan burned an aver­age of 340 tons of tires per month in 2018. Burn­ing tires is more tox­ic than burn­ing coal.

Andrews was also cor­rect to point out that mil­lions in Oba­ma’s “stim­u­lus” law went to sub­si­dize bio­mass incin­er­a­tors. In addi­tion to the $11.7 mil­lion to this L’Anse burn­er in Michi­gan, anoth­er $18.5 mil­lion went to a failed bio­mass incin­er­a­tor in Col­orado, $39 mil­lion went to a bio­mass burn­er in Read­ing, Penn­syl­va­nia (the poor­est city in the U.S. in recent years, and most­ly Lati­no), and near­ly $117 mil­lion went to a noisy failed bio­mass plant in Gainesville, Flori­da, the largest in the nation and a sis­ter project to McNeil in Burling­ton, Ver­mont. Over $856 mil­lion flowed from the Stim­u­lus to this dirty industry.

Bio­fu­els are also no good. Much can and has been writ­ten on the prob­lems with ethanol, cel­lu­losic ethanol, waste-based fuels, biodiesel, and algae-based bio­fu­els. Dit­to for hydro­gen. See these links to arti­cles of ours for a start.

Wind and solar have some problems, too (but also hold promise)

The film is cor­rect to point out that wind and solar aren’t angel­ic ener­gy sources with no impacts. How­ev­er, they exag­ger­ate aspects of it or use out­dat­ed info, as oth­er cri­tiques have right­ful­ly point­ed out.

Sur­pris­ing­ly, they did­n’t point out some of the things we would have thought to men­tion. With wind, while bird kills aren’t much of an issue, bat kills have been a prob­lem the indus­try has strug­gled with, as bats seem to be attract­ed to the turbines.

The rare earth met­al, neodymi­um, is main­ly mined in Chi­na with ter­ri­ble health and envi­ron­men­tal con­se­quences. Typ­i­cal­ly, two tons of neodymi­um are used in the mag­nets of each wind tur­bine. Thank­ful­ly, it’s pos­si­ble to build large-scale wind tur­bines with­out neodymi­um. This and oth­er rare earth met­als — and their human rights and envi­ron­men­tal con­se­quences — are a prob­lem for wind, bat­ter­ies, and oth­er elec­tron­ics. Indus­try has been explor­ing ways to reduce and elim­i­nate these mate­ri­als. The film could have point­ed out that one way to improve the sit­u­a­tion is for the envi­ron­men­tal move­ment to start demand­ing wind tur­bines free of neodymi­um and oth­er rare earth metals.

There’s also the issue with the wind tur­bine blades being made from fiber­glass that can­not be recy­cled, and is pil­ing up in land­fills.

Solar has a well-deserved rep­u­ta­tion for tox­ic mate­ri­als as well. It’s fair to dis­cuss this, but it would have been more help­ful to be hon­est about how these tox­ic impacts pale in com­par­i­son to fos­sil fuels. It also would have been nice if the film talked about which types are least tox­ic and what break­throughs are being made toward non-tox­ic types of solar. I would have plugged the Solar Score­card by the Sil­i­con Val­ley Tox­i­cs Coali­tion so that view­ers can make informed deci­sions on the best solar to support.

If updat­ed more recent­ly, they could have point­ed to new­er research into plant-based solar cells, which uses small amounts of the rare earth met­al, molyb­de­num, and uses nan­otech­nol­o­gy to com­bine them with blue-green algae. Nan­otech­nol­o­gy is like­ly to pro­vide many break­throughs in solar (like solar paint) and all sorts of things, but also car­ries major dan­gers and new health risks that some are call­ing the “new asbestos” — which is sure­ly an understatement.

If I were mak­ing the film, and pro­vid­ing some much-need­ed bal­ance, I’d also point out the Drake Land­ing Solar Com­mu­ni­ty in Oko­toks, Alber­ta, Cana­da. This com­mu­ni­ty, which saw weath­er as low as -26°F in Jan­u­ary, meets 90% of their win­ter heat­ing needs with solar ener­gy from the pre­vi­ous sum­mer — stored under­ground in heat­ed water. If they can heat their cold win­ters this way, few have an excuse to have to burn any­thing for space heating.

Mainstream environmental groups can be conflicted and clueless… as can “green” political and business leaders

Sad­ly, the cri­tiques of main­stream envi­ron­men­tal groups (“Big Greens”) are well deserved. Much of what was exposed in the film was mere clue­less­ness (on issues like bio­mass). Some touched on cor­po­rate fund­ing of orga­ni­za­tions, like when Sier­ra Club was tak­ing tens of mil­lions of dol­lars from the fracked gas indus­try to fight the coal indus­try… then lat­er swore off that and apol­o­gized, but start­ed tak­ing even more from Bloomberg with much the same effect. They and oth­er groups tout­ed con­ver­sion of coal pow­er plants to nat­ur­al gas or bio­mass as envi­ron­men­tal vic­to­ries, even while the impact­ed com­mu­ni­ties were left dam­aged and sold out.

There are plen­ty of main­stream envi­ron­men­tal groups who have sup­port­ed dirty ener­gy tech­nolo­gies, includ­ing bio­mass and waste incin­er­a­tion, bio­fu­els, land­fill gas-to-ener­gy, nuclear pow­er, nat­ur­al gas, coal gasi­fi­ca­tion (so-called “clean coal”), hydro­gen, hydro­elec­tric dams, open-loop geot­her­mal, waste-to-fuels schemes, and oth­er false solu­tions… or the array of poli­cies that prop them up. Many still do. It’s not accept­able for well-resourced envi­ron­men­tal groups to vocal­ly sup­port any of these dirty tech­nolo­gies or poli­cies that bet­ter-informed grass­roots activists have been fight­ing for years, then see the light, adopt a new pol­i­cy, and pre­tend it’s all okay. There’s con­crete harm that Big Greens have caused to com­mu­ni­ties through this advo­ca­cy. It’s not enough to write a few anti-bio­mass arti­cles and pre­tend that you don’t owe it to com­mu­ni­ties to now close down the bio­mass burn­ers you pro­mot­ed. It’s also not accept­able to water down the strong grass­roots-led cri­tiques of a dirty ener­gy source like bio­mass, pre­tend that some types are still accept­able, repack­age it as if your group has been on the right side all along, then suck up all the fund­ing that foun­da­tions are now will­ing to give to the issue when they were nev­er will­ing to fund the grass­roots to lead this work in the first place. Repa­ra­tions are due, and envi­ron­men­tal jus­tice Prin­ci­ples of Work­ing Togeth­er and the Prin­ci­ples of Alliances with Green Groups must be followed.

Not all envi­ron­men­tal groups are com­ing from the same place. Some are out­right run by cor­po­rate pol­luters. Some are sim­ply part­nered with and fund­ed by cor­po­rate pol­luters. Many more are fund­ed by foun­da­tions with cor­po­rate-friend­ly (“mar­ket-based”) agen­das, and oth­ers are fund­ed by foun­da­tions that more sub­tly shift the focus and activ­i­ties of their grantees. There’s also a large world of unfund­ed, or less-fund­ed grass­roots envi­ron­men­tal jus­tice groups and their sup­port net­works who don’t tend to have these com­pro­mis­es. See this chart of envi­ron­men­tal group types for a guide, as there’s a spec­trum from the Exxon’s to the Earth First!s of the world, with many shades in-between.

Yes, some groups can do plen­ty of good things while also being guilty of tak­ing mon­ey that com­pro­mis­es them, caus­ing them to sell out com­mu­ni­ties impact­ed by tech­nolo­gies and poli­cies they pro­mote. This hap­pens ALL the time. There’s a con­stant ten­sion between grass­roots envi­ron­men­tal jus­tice groups and main­stream envi­ron­men­tal orga­ni­za­tions, and there’s no end in sight. The com­pro­mised main­stream groups serve a pur­pose, and when cor­po­rate inter­ests lack in groups that serve their pur­pose, they’ve cre­at­ed and lav­ish­ly fund­ed new envi­ron­men­tal groups to meet their needs.

Much more can be said on this. Whole books can be writ­ten on it. Many have been. And many of us who know too much would lose fund­ing if we wrote the books that need to be writ­ten. Here are some of the web­sites and books out there on this topic:



The need to reduce population and consumption

We can­not have infi­nite growth on a finite plan­et. Growth for the sake of growth is the ide­ol­o­gy of the can­cer cell.

If every­one in the world con­sumed as we do in the Unit­ed States, we’d need at least three more Earths to meet our resource con­sump­tion. It’s self-evi­dent that we can­not con­tin­ue to pil­lage the world’s resources and expect to sur­vive long as a species. If glob­al warm­ing does­n’t com­plete­ly do us in, resource deple­tion will draw down our num­bers as we’ve already used up the cheap and eas­i­ly obtained half or more of the world’s oil, gas, coal, ura­ni­um, and oth­er resources, and the rest is in short­er sup­ply, hard­er and more destruc­tive to reach, and so cost­ly to obtain that most will stay in the ground. Green solu­tions will only car­ry us so far, so fast. We must reduce con­sump­tion massively.

The “pop­u­la­tion prob­lem” is actu­al­ly a con­sump­tion prob­lem. Put sim­ply, the equa­tion is “pop­u­la­tion times con­sump­tion.” An aver­age per­son in the U.S. con­sumes as much ener­gy as two peo­ple in Japan, five in the UK, or 71 in Bangladesh, so point­ing any fin­gers at Bangladeshis would just be racist non­sense. It’s fair to crit­i­cize any white folks for stu­pid­ly pre­tend­ing that the pop­u­la­tion prob­lem is about brown-skinned peo­ple in oth­er coun­tries not hav­ing as many kids. The film does­n’t quite do that. How­ev­er, it could be more point­ed in con­nect­ing the pop­u­la­tion issue they raise to con­sump­tion, and the need to reduce both pop­u­la­tion AND con­sump­tion in a just and equi­table way, which means focus­ing on lim­it­ing the pop­u­la­tion and con­sump­tion lev­els of the wealthy high-con­sum­ing sectors.

“Pop­u­la­tion con­trol” move­ments have a sketchy and racist his­to­ry that includes forced ster­il­iza­tion of women of col­or. This has gone on as recent­ly as 2013 in Cal­i­forn­ian pris­ons.

This his­to­ry does­n’t mean that we should­n’t have sin­cere con­ver­sa­tions about how to lim­it our num­bers AND our con­sump­tion lev­els humane­ly. We either get our species-wide act togeth­er on this in a fair and humane way, or nature will curb our num­bers in much less grace­ful ways. The COVID-19 pan­dem­ic is just a hint of big­ger things to come.


Intermittent renewables do not need to be backed up by fossil fuels

What about when the wind isn’t blow­ing and the sun isn’t shin­ing?? OMG!!

Calm down. No one is build­ing new fos­sil fuel plants to back up wind and solar. This myth has been bust­ed repeat­ed­ly for years, but is still being ped­dled, even by self-pro­claimed “envi­ron­men­tal­ists” who are pro-nuclear and anti-wind and tes­ti­fy to leg­is­la­tors try­ing to get renew­able ener­gy sub­si­dies to go to nuclear pow­er. I’m… so… tired… of… this.

A 2012 study from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Delaware has deter­mined that wind, solar and ener­gy stor­age could eco­nom­i­cal­ly ful­ly pow­er a util­i­ty scale elec­tric grid with 99.9% reli­a­bil­i­ty by 2030, cheap­ly and with­out gov­ern­ment sub­si­dies, if the prop­er mix is implemented.

As it turns out, solar is avail­able at the time of day when we need it most! And wind on the grid is always blow­ing some­where. Com­bine wind and solar and a mod­est bit of stor­age capac­i­ty, and a grid does not need “base­load” com­bus­tion ener­gy. It espe­cial­ly does­n’t need base­load like nuclear pow­er that can­not read­i­ly turn on or off. In fact, nuclear pow­er is an obsta­cle to renew­ables because it can­not be flex­i­ble. See this arti­cle debunk­ing the “base­load pow­er” argu­ment. More in exam­ple one, here.

Ener­gy stor­age does not need to match generation

In Aus­tralia, as Ketan Joshi’s cri­tique of this film points out, they’ve found that when wind and solar make up 68% of their elec­tric­i­ty mix, they only need stor­age capac­i­ty for 1.4%. The Uni­ver­si­ty of Delaware study also found that mod­est amounts of stor­age are need­ed. The pie chart in the film imply­ing that the world needs stor­age com­pa­ra­ble to total ener­gy use was very misleading.

There are many ener­gy stor­age meth­ods. There are bat­ter­ies of var­i­ous sorts, hydro­gen (elec­trolyz­ing water when you have extra wind and solar), com­pressed air, fly­wheels, hydro­elec­tric (let­ting water down when need­ed, which is much bet­ter than spend­ing ener­gy to pump water uphill first), ther­mal stor­age (molten salt, water, etc.), and more. One that might turn out to be the cheap­est and most envi­ron­men­tal­ly-friend­ly is to cryo­geni­cal­ly liq­ue­fy air, store it, then release it as need­ed to turn turbines.

Renewables ARE replacing fossil fuels

“Ozzie Zehn­er said it was an illu­sion that renew­ables were replac­ing coal, or any fos­sil fuel.” -Jeff Gibbs, narrating

“Evi­dence from con­tem­po­rary trends in ener­gy pro­duc­tion like­wise sug­gest that as renew­able ener­gy sources com­pose a larg­er share of over­all ener­gy pro­duc­tion, they are not replac­ing fos­sil fuels but are rather expand­ing the over­all amount of ener­gy that is pro­duced.” — Plan­et of the Humans Fact Check page, defend­ing Richard York’s state­ments in the film based on his pub­lished research.

Zehn­er and York would have an argu­ment if adding renew­ables caused peo­ple to just use more ener­gy, or if it were true that renew­ables need addi­tion­al fos­sil fuels as back­up. Both are false… at least in the U.S.

From 2000 through 2019, U.S. pop­u­la­tion grew 17% as elec­tric­i­ty con­sump­tion fell 2.6%, reflect­ing ener­gy con­ser­va­tion and effi­cien­cy, which should always be high­er pri­or­i­ties than any type of gen­er­a­tion. Total ener­gy con­sump­tion (elec­tric­i­ty, trans­porta­tion and heat­ing) increased 1.6% in that time (because ener­gy use in trans­porta­tion and the com­mer­cial and indus­tri­al heat­ing sec­tors increased), but 99.9% of wind and 62% of solar is serv­ing the elec­tric­i­ty sec­tor, where ener­gy demand is falling. So, more wind and solar does not mean more ener­gy use.

The growth of wind and solar since 2000 came while coal, and fos­sil fuel use in gen­er­al, fell.

In the U.S., coal use has declined dra­mat­i­cal­ly, replaced more by fracked gas than renew­ables. The 26% drop in coal use for elec­tric­i­ty was matched by gas, wind, and solar increas­ing by 27%. By total ener­gy con­sump­tion, the 11.6% drop in coal use was matched by gas, wind, and solar increas­ing 11.6%. See our page on U.S. Ener­gy Sources for more details.

There’s noth­ing clean about gas, biomass/biofuels, or nuclear, and we’re not cel­e­brat­ing the fact that they were part of the replace­ment of coal and oil since 2000. How­ev­er, nuclear pow­er is about to fall as more reac­tors close and no new ones man­age to be built. Bio­mass and bio­fu­els are increas­ing most­ly due to indus­tri­al heat­ing uses, and ethanol in trans­porta­tion, but it’s a tes­ta­ment to our grass­roots anti-bio­mass work that most of the push for dozens of new bio­mass incin­er­a­tors has been blocked (and Jeff Gibbs deserves cred­it for being part of that). The best news is that the shale bub­ble is burst­ing, and that the growth of fracked gas to replace coal is poised to be over­tak­en by wind and solar, which are rapid­ly becom­ing the cheap­est options.

Share of U.S. Elec­tric­i­ty Con­sump­tion by Fuel

Bio­mass & Waste
Fos­sil Fuels
Source: U.S. Ener­gy Infor­ma­tion Admin­is­tra­tion, Ener­gy Con­sump­tion by Sec­tor (Tables 2.1a through 2.1f)

Share of U.S. Ener­gy Con­sump­tion by Fuel (Elec­tric­i­ty, trans­porta­tion and heat­ing sec­tors combined)

Bio­fu­els, Bio­mass
& Waste Incin­er­a­tion
Fos­sil Fuels
Source: U.S. Ener­gy Infor­ma­tion Admin­is­tra­tion, Ener­gy Con­sump­tion by Sec­tor (Tables 2.1a through 2.1f)

Wind and solar do not use more fossil fuel than they replace

“You use more fos­sil fuels to do this than you’re get­ting ben­e­fit from it. You would have been bet­ter off just burn­ing fos­sil fuels in the first place, instead of play­ing pre­tend.” -Ozzie Zehn­er

This is just wrong. See Nation­al Renew­able Ener­gy Lab­o­ra­to­ry’s Life Cycle Assess­ment Har­mo­niza­tion. Or spend a few sec­onds in Google and these are easy to find:


  • “Ener­gy pay-back times drop from around 5 years in 1992 to around just under 1 year for poly-Si and just over 1 year for mono-Si PV sys­tems cur­rent­ly.” (Re-assess­ment of net ener­gy pro­duc­tion and green­house gas emis­sions avoid­ance after 40 years of pho­to­voltaics devel­op­ment, Nature, 2016)
  • “The result­ing [ener­gy pay­back time] val­ues for the mod­ules only are 1.09 and 0.93 years for monocrys­talline and mul­ticrys­talline sil­i­con, respec­tive­ly, both under south­ern Euro­pean con­di­tions.” (Update of ener­gy pay­back time and green­house gas emis­sion data for crys­talline sil­i­con pho­to­volta­ic mod­ules, Progress in Pho­to­voltaics, 2015)
  • “All [solar pho­to­volta­ic] tech­nolo­gies gen­er­ate far less life-cycle air emis­sions per GWh than con­ven­tion­al fos­sil-fuel-based elec­tric­i­ty gen­er­a­tion tech­nolo­gies” and that “at least 89% of air emis­sions asso­ci­at­ed with elec­tric­i­ty gen­er­a­tion could be pre­vent­ed if elec­tric­i­ty from pho­to­voltaics dis­places elec­tric­i­ty from the grid.” (Emis­sions from Pho­to­volta­ic Life Cycles, Envi­ron­men­tal Sci­ence & Tech­nol­o­gy, 2008)


Now, if you want to make this argu­ment, at least do it regard­ing corn-based ethanol or oth­er bio­fu­els, where you might have a case. The net ener­gy for corn-based ethanol is close enough to 1:1 that there was major aca­d­e­m­ic debate when the mad ethanol build­ing binge hit around 2005 over whether ethanol uses more fos­sil fuel ener­gy than it dis­places. See Wikipedi­a’s page on ethanol fuel ener­gy bal­ance, and the stud­ies we have archived at Ener­gy Jus­tice on net ener­gy of bio­fu­els.

Ethanol is not largely coal-powered

“Ethanol plants also seem to have a secret ingre­di­ent… ethanol is reliant on two things: a giant fos­sil fuel based indus­tri­al agri­cul­tur­al sys­tem to pro­duce corn, and even more fos­sil fuels in the form of coal.” -Jeff Gibbs, narrating

There was a point about 15 years ago where it was pre­dict­ed that all new ethanol biore­finer­ies would be pow­ered by coal. That did­n’t real­ly pan out. While we’re not aware of any pub­lic data­base on the indus­try’s heat­ing fuel sources, it’s our under­stand­ing that the indus­try con­tin­ues to be main­ly pow­ered by burn­ing nat­ur­al gas, not coal. We did help a com­mu­ni­ty in Penn­syl­va­nia fight off a plan for a biore­fin­ery that would have burned waste coal, though. Waste coal makes nor­mal coal look clean, so it’s a relief to have seen that one stopped.

This was the under­stand­ing in 2006, when it could still be said that coal was cheap and gas was expensive:

While only four of rough­ly 100 ethanol plants cur­rent­ly oper­at­ing in the U.S. are pow­ered by coal (prac­ti­cal­ly all of the rest are fueled by nat­ur­al gas), some 190 more are under con­struc­tion or soon to be built. One ener­gy ana­lyst, Robert McIl­vaine, pres­i­dent of the Illi­nois-based research group McIl­vaine Com­pa­ny, pre­dicts that “100 per­cent” of new ethanol plants built in the U.S. over the next few years will be coal-fired, “large­ly because of the exor­bi­tant cost of nat­ur­al gas right now, and the com­par­a­tive­ly pre­dictable future sup­ply of home­grown coal.” — A new reliance on coal could sap green cred from the ethanol indus­try, (Grist Mag­a­zine, 2006); also Car­bon cloud over a green fuel (Chris­t­ian Sci­ence Mon­i­tor, 2006)

Don’t get me wrong: ethanol is an awful idea, whether pow­ered by gas, coal, or fairy dust. But it’s not cor­rect to say that ethanol biore­finer­ies are large­ly pow­ered by coal. They’re large­ly pow­ered by a fos­sil fueled indus­tri­al agri­cul­ture sec­tor with lots of nitro­gen fer­til­iz­er made with nat­ur­al gas… AND more (large­ly fracked) gas to pow­er the biorefineries.

There’s nothing wrong with claiming to be 100% renewable while being tied to the electric grid

Please. There are valid rea­sons to beat up Apple, but the film’s bash­ing of Apple and Tes­la was cringe-wor­thy. The film attacks them for being con­nect­ed to the elec­tri­cal grid, as if that negates the claim that they’re oper­at­ing on 100% renew­able energy.

News flash: it’s actu­al­ly BETTER to be tied to the grid if you want to avoid hav­ing to have on-site bat­ter­ies, which could be crit­i­cized for the mate­ri­als in them. Just like any home­own­er with solar on their roof, it’s pos­si­ble to gen­er­ate more than you use, and it’s a good thing if you sell excess clean ener­gy back to the grid. Yes, you’d some­times be pulling ener­gy from the grid when you don’t pro­duce as much as you need, but that does­n’t change the fact that you’re pro­duc­ing more clean ener­gy than you’re using.

The elec­tri­cal grid is like a big pool, where buck­ets of clean and dirty ener­gy get put in, and users pull buck­ets of ener­gy out as need­ed. What mat­ters is not whether your exact elec­trons flowed from a solar pan­el to your use, but whether you finan­cial­ly sup­port gen­er­at­ing at least as much clean ener­gy com­pared to your ener­gy use.

There’s more…

This isn’t all they screwed up. Sad­ly, there’s more. Here are links to some of the bet­ter cri­tiques out there:


Systemic solutions

The film offers lit­tle oth­er than despair, stick­ing with fos­sil fuels, and either killing your­self or just not hav­ing kids. While I’ll endorse vasec­tomies, espe­cial­ly for priv­i­leged white men, the film could offer so much more. How about talk­ing about poli­cies to support…

  • fam­i­ly plan­ning, abor­tion rights, and edu­cat­ing women?
  • laws to sup­port deep cuts in ener­gy con­sump­tion through con­ser­va­tion and effi­cien­cy measures?
  • laws to man­date a shift to wind, solar, and ener­gy stor­age by 2030?
  • pub­lic power?
  • demo­c­ra­t­i­cal­ly-run, local, com­mu­ni­ty own­er­ship of pow­er systems?
  • fare-free, pub­licly-fund­ed, expand­ed mass tran­sit to get peo­ple out of their cars?
  • a tran­si­tion to Zero Waste sys­tems, from ban­ning sin­gle-use and tox­ic plas­tics to end­ing waste incin­er­a­tion, and the myr­i­ad of pub­lic poli­cies that’ll trans­form our waste­ful mate­r­i­al econ­o­my into a cir­cu­lar one with many jobs in redesign­ing prod­ucts, reuse, recy­cling, and composting?
  • a tran­si­tion to plant-based, regen­er­a­tive, organ­ic, local agri­cul­ture, end­ing food deserts, and mak­ing afford­able healthy foods avail­able to all?
  • redesign­ing the econ­o­my so that it mea­sures and rewards actu­al human progress and not just what is good for the top 1%? …and end­ing the eco­nom­ic growth mod­el that dri­ves over­con­sump­tion, replac­ing it with a steady-state economy?
  • democ­ra­tiz­ing our gov­ern­ments so that they can actu­al­ly rep­re­sent the people?
  • break­ing up cor­po­rate media so that we don’t have 4–5 cor­po­ra­tions dom­i­nat­ing all that we see and hear?

And yes, seri­ous­ly, hav­ing few­er (or no) kids is the sin­gle most effec­tive thing you can do to reduce your impact on the world.

[Click on the graph­ic above for the study behind it.]

How­ev­er, indi­vid­ual action is not enough. We need sys­temic changes, and need to rec­og­nize that there are per­va­sive pro­pa­gan­da sys­tems designed to keep you focused on indi­vid­ual actions instead of fight­ing for insti­tu­tion­al change. Click on Smokey and learn more about it. You’ll be glad you did.

Don’t be the hip­pie type who stops at mak­ing your­self the best you can be. Do all you can, but learn it in the course of join­ing with oth­ers to orga­nize for sys­temic change. The world can­not afford to wait until you’re per­fect before you start chang­ing the system.

Some “renewable” sources are more deserving of critique than wind and solar

The film did­n’t real­ly cov­er geot­her­mal or hydroelectric.

In short, geot­her­mal has been rather dam­ag­ing in many places when it’s used for elec­tric­i­ty pro­duc­tion. This is only an option in areas like the west­ern U.S. states where mag­ma is clos­er to the sur­face of the earth. It’s an “open-loop” kind where resources are actu­al­ly extract­ed from the ground, bring­ing up pol­lu­tants, and deplet­ing the resource often enough that ongo­ing drilling is required. The closed-loop kind that is used to pre-heat and pre-cool build­ings is an ener­gy effi­cien­cy mea­sure that can be done any­where. That is the bet­ter kind where a liq­uid is cir­cu­lat­ed below ground where the tem­per­a­ture is steady. This is also known as a ground-source heat pump and is a more effi­cient (and more expen­sive) ver­sion of an air-source heat pump that can also heat and cool build­ings, like a reversible air con­di­tion­er. We sup­port heat pumps, includ­ing closed-loop geot­her­mal, but not the open-loop kind for elec­tric generation.

Hydro­elec­tric dams block entire riv­er bod­ies and are quite destruc­tive. When flood­ing the land above the dam, green­house gas­es form from rot­ting veg­e­ta­tion, and mer­cury can accu­mu­late in fish once microbes con­vert mer­cury in soils to fat-sol­u­ble methylmer­cury. Indige­nous lands are often flood­ed by dams, and riv­er ecolo­gies are harmed. New dams should be opposed. Exist­ing dams should even­tu­al­ly be removed, but if there’s no move­ment toward that, at least make sure they’re being used to make pow­er while they’re around. They can be an ener­gy stor­age strat­e­gy if water is let down when need­ed, though riv­er ecolo­gies will still be harmed. Pumped stor­age (spend­ing ener­gy to pump water uphill to release it lat­er) is one of the most waste­ful ways to store ener­gy and is not rec­om­mend­ed. Ocean-based hydro tech­nolo­gies, or the kinds that work just on the side of a riv­er are more rea­son­able ways to use water pow­er with­out caus­ing as much damage.

Nuclear power is not a clean solution

Nuclear pow­er can­not exist with­out ura­ni­um min­ing, milling, con­ver­sion, enrich­ment, fuel fab­ri­ca­tion, the reac­tors them­selves, and nuclear waste dumps. Every step in this process — plus tan­gents like deplet­ed ura­ni­um use in war, enriched ura­ni­um used in nuclear bombs, and repro­cess­ing used to “recy­cle” nuclear fuel — dev­as­tates a dif­fer­ent set of com­mu­ni­ties with radioac­tive and tox­ic pol­lu­tion. Fos­sil fuels and mas­sive gov­ern­ment sub­si­dies make it all possible.

There are many rea­sons to pri­or­i­tize clos­ing aging and dan­ger­ous nuclear reac­tors. Even if you can dis­re­gard all of them by ratio­nal­iz­ing them as a hedge against fos­sil fuels, you can’t deny the fact that throw­ing bil­lions of dol­lars at each one is mon­ey that could more quick­ly be tran­si­tion­ing us to con­ser­va­tion, effi­cien­cy, solar, wind, and ener­gy stor­age. Sub­si­diz­ing aging nuclear reac­tors means a SLOWER shift away from both nuclear and fos­sil fuels.

Nuclear pow­er is far too expen­sive, cen­tral­ized, and dan­ger­ous to be con­sid­er­ing. Here’s a recap of some of the rea­sons we don’t sup­port nuclear pow­er (new or existing):

  1. it’s total­ly unnec­es­sary (con­ser­va­tion, effi­cien­cy, wind, solar and ener­gy stor­age can meet all of our elec­tric­i­ty needs)
  2. it takes about a decade to license and build a new nuclear reac­tor… not a good time frame for try­ing to tack­le glob­al warming.
  3. it’s the most expen­sive and sub­si­dized form of pow­er there is, suck­ing up the mon­ey need­ed to do any real tran­si­tion to clean ener­gy. It’s impos­si­ble to do nuclear pow­er with­out bil­lions in pub­lic sub­si­dies. Wall Street won’t touch it. None have ever been built with­out mas­sive gov­ern­ment sub­si­dies, and even with them, the indus­try is col­laps­ing under its own finan­cial weight.
  4. it’s the most dan­ger­ous form of pow­er. It’s the only one where a sin­gle plant can make entire areas of the earth unin­hab­it­able. With fos­sil fuels, it takes an entire fleet many decades to cause glob­al warm­ing. With nuclear pow­er, it takes hours for one plant to con­t­a­m­i­nate an entire region (and lat­er, the world).
  5. it’s noto­ri­ous for acci­dents, not to men­tion ter­ror­ism risks.
  6. nor­mal oper­a­tion of nuclear pow­er releas­es radioac­tive pol­lu­tion that con­t­a­m­i­nates reac­tor com­mu­ni­ties and food sup­plies that trav­el through­out the country/world.
  7. there’s no solu­tion for the waste, which lasts effec­tive­ly for­ev­er. All waste dumps in the U.S. have leaked. Fuel pools full of high­ly irra­di­at­ed fuel rods are unsafe­ly overpacked.
  8. it’s incred­i­bly cen­tral­ized and con­trolled by giant cor­po­ra­tions that cor­rupt our government.
  9. it sucks up mas­sive amounts of water (and sea tur­tles and fish…)
  10. it’s not even a solu­tion to glob­al warm­ing, as ura­ni­um enrich­ment is so ener­gy inten­sive that it takes the out­put from entire coal plants to pow­er it, not to men­tion all of the fos­sil fuels used in min­ing, milling, con­ver­sion, enrich­ment, fuel fab­ri­ca­tion, the reac­tor itself, waste man­age­ment, and trans­porta­tion between all of these steps. The enrich­ment process alone releas­es a large por­tion of the potent glob­al warm­ing-caus­ing and ozone-deplet­ing CFC-114 in the U.S. (which is banned in most oth­er uses).
  11. it lays waste to more land than coal min­ing does.
  12. it’s inti­mate­ly linked to nuclear weapons through the enrich­ment process. Coun­tries with “peace­ful” nuclear pro­grams have the same equip­ment need­ed to make nuclear bombs. Nuclear mate­r­i­al being around also makes ter­ror­ist dirty bombs easy to get.
  13. it’s one of the most racist of ener­gy indus­tries, in terms of com­mu­ni­ties impact­ed by ura­ni­um min­ing, nuclear waste dis­pos­al, deplet­ed ura­ni­um use, and ura­ni­um enrich­ment, espe­cial­ly regard­ing Indige­nous peo­ples.
  14. there isn’t enough ura­ni­um to scale up nuclear pow­er. Tho­ri­um isn’t a fea­si­ble alter­na­tive. Fusion isn’t, either.
  15. exist­ing reac­tors are aging and falling apart, becom­ing increas­ing­ly risky to oper­ate, and need to be closed imme­di­ate­ly. They’re oper­at­ing well past their intend­ed life­times and are becom­ing far too dan­ger­ous to keep oper­at­ing until fos­sil fuels are replaced.
  16. they can’t take the heat and some­times have to shut down in the hottest sum­mer days when their pow­er is need­ed for air con­di­tion­ing demand
  17. they can’t read­i­ly turn on or off, so their base­load nature makes them incom­pat­i­ble with deploy­ing a grid pri­mar­i­ly on inter­mit­tent renewables

And for you tho­ri­um fanat­ics… tho­ri­um is still super expen­sive, would take too many years to devel­op, still has dan­ger­ous radioac­tive pol­lu­tion issues, is still cen­tral­ized, con­tributes to nuclear weapons pro­lif­er­a­tion, and just isn’t need­ed. Here’s some read­ing for you:

Read up more about nuclear pow­er, and sup­port these groups:

There’s a thriving grassroots environmental justice movement that is worth supporting

You would­n’t know it from the film’s focus on white men and aca­d­e­mics, or on their choice of which envi­ron­men­tal­ists to expose, but there’s a thriv­ing envi­ron­men­tal jus­tice move­ment wor­thy of sup­port. There are many grass­roots groups lead­ing the bat­tles against bio­mass and waste incin­er­a­tors, fos­sil fuel infra­struc­ture, and oth­er dirty ener­gy projects in their com­mu­ni­ties. Most of these groups are all-vol­un­teer, and are tran­sient, form­ing as need­ed to fight cer­tain projects and often dis­solv­ing once the bat­tle is over.

Col­lec­tive­ly, grass­roots groups accom­plish far more than main­stream envi­ron­men­tal groups do by lob­by­ing for state and fed­er­al poli­cies. Don’t be fooled by the “Not in My Back­yard” (NIMBY) myth. While there’s noth­ing wrong with want­i­ng to pro­tect your own back­yard, most grass­roots groups get con­nect­ed with each oth­er and help each oth­er see the big­ger pic­ture, and fight for “Not in ANY­one’s Back­yard” (NIABY) when faced with pol­lut­ing and unnec­es­sary tech­nolo­gies. While main­stream envi­ron­men­tal groups spent huge sums adver­tis­ing for your dona­tions and lob­by­ing to pass bills that large­ly can­not get passed in cor­po­rate con­trolled leg­is­la­tures, grass­roots groups are reshap­ing entire indus­tries one com­mu­ni­ty at a time. They’re not just push­ing pol­luters from one com­mu­ni­ty to a weak­er one. We’re savvy about that, and usu­al­ly fol­low a com­pa­ny to the next com­mu­ni­ty and stop them again until they give up. In the waves of dirty ener­gy and waste facil­i­ty devel­op­ment in the past few decades, between 50% and 99%+ of each wave of devel­op­ment gets crushed one com­mu­ni­ty at a time. This means hun­dreds of planned coal plants, gas-fired pow­er plants, bio­mass and waste incin­er­a­tors, pipelines, liq­ue­fied nat­ur­al gas ter­mi­nals, land­fills, and oth­er nox­ious facil­i­ties are blocked from being built any­where. No leg­isla­tive effort comes close to the impact of a well-net­worked grass­roots envi­ron­men­tal jus­tice movement.

Ener­gy Jus­tice Net­work serves and sup­ports many of these groups and can help con­nect you with any local com­mu­ni­ty groups we know in your area. We can also help you fig­ure out what exist­ing or pro­posed threats need atten­tion in your com­mu­ni­ty. We’re part of oth­er envi­ron­men­tal jus­tice net­works as well, and can steer you to the right peo­ple depend­ing on where you are and what you’re inter­est­ed in doing to make your com­mu­ni­ty a bet­ter place. You can join and sup­port us, and con­tact us for help.





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