How to Blog

We want grass­roots activists and oth­er Ener­gy Jus­tice sup­port­ers to blog on our website.

First you can email Aaron to apply to get an account.  Let us know who you are, any groups you are involved in, and what top­ics you might write about.  Aaron will review the appli­ca­tion to make sure you aren’t a spam­mer and approve your account.

Then you can write blog posts!

What to Write About
Share what is going on your com­mu­ni­ty, state, or coun­try.  Post an arti­cle with a short com­ment.  We love to hear about com­mu­ni­ty orga­niz­ing.  We also want to hear about pro­posed facil­i­ties so that we can fight them.  We want to hear about oper­at­ing facil­i­ties and their impact on com­mu­ni­ties.  We like to know about new research.

You have the choice of writ­ing your post in an edi­tor that looks like a word proces­sor (aka WYSIWIG — What you see is what you get), or in html.  We wel­come your feed­back and ques­tions about how to use these two editors.

Adding a Link
In WYSIWIG, you can add a link by high­light­ing a word or sev­er­al words where you want the link to appear — and then click­ing on the Link but­ton.  You can also use this method to add an Email link.

Adding an Image 
Images enrich blog posts and it is great if you can include one (or more). The eas­i­est method is to post an image by using the Image but­ton and link­ing to one host­ed on anoth­er website.

Get­ting Published
Once your post is writ­ten, we will review it and post it on the home­page if it is appropriate.

Get­ting Famous
Your post will be dis­trib­uted on our blog. In addi­tion, if you have a hot top­ic and can think of some good key­words (Ex. Oba­ma 2012 envi­ron­ment) that are both rel­e­vant and like­ly to get search traf­fic, then we can run a Google ad cam­paign to get peo­ple to read your post.

Beyond Blogs — Writ­ing Pages
If you want to write (or edit an exist­ing) page about an issue to build up our Online Library then this is best han­dled with Pages.  These dif­fer from blog posts in that they are intend­ed to be more per­ma­nent.  We orga­nize them into our menu sys­tem.  If you want to write or edit pages, we’d be hap­py to give your account per­mis­sions to do so!

Con­tact Us
If you have any sug­ges­tions for improv­ing this process or need help — Email Aaron.





EJ Communities Map

Map of Coal and Gas Facilities

We are mapping all of the existing, proposed, closed and defeated dirty energy and waste facilities in the US. We are building a network of community groups to fight the facilities and the corporations behind them.

Our Network

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