
Above chart from “Mer­cury and Util­i­ties: Cur­rent
Con­trol Tech­nolo­gies”
 (7/31/2001 EPA pre­sen­ta­tion, page 6), based on EPA’s 1999 Infor­ma­tion Col­lec­tion Request (ICR) (down­load raw data or view their sum­ma­ry data in Excel. More con­cise sum­ma­ry data com­par­ing BTU, mer­cury and sul­fur con­tent of coals by region avail­able from the U.S. Depart­ment of Ener­gy’s Ener­gy Infor­ma­tion Admin­is­tra­tion, Assump­tions to the Annu­al Ener­gy Out­look 2004, p124. 

Data for the tables on the waste coal page (com­piled from the raw ICR data) is below:

Coal Type (State) # Sam­ples Sul­fur
BTU/lb Mer­cury
Num­ber times more
mer­cury to pro­duce
same amount of power
Coal (Anthracite and Bituminous) 102677 1.68 13,196.82 0.11 1,040.59  
Waste Coal (Anthracite and Bituminous) 4017 1.64 7,931.73 0.36 601.18  
Ratio (Waste Coal / Nor­mal Coal)   0.98 0.60 3.11 0.58 5.2
Anthracite (PA) 293 0.64 10,796.04 0.16 405.25  
Waste Anthracite (PA) 993 0.51 6,733.59 0.19 236.78  
Ratio (Waste Coal / Nor­mal Coal)   0.80 0.62 1.19 0.58 1.9
Bitu­mi­nous (all) 102375 1.69 13,206.42 0.11 1,043.39  
Waste Bitu­mi­nous (all) 3011 2.39 8,751.96 0.46 844.06  
Ratio (Waste Coal / Nor­mal Coal)   1.42 0.66 4.08 0.81 6.2
Bitu­mi­nous (KY) 20836 1.44 13,216.14 0.09 1,086.09  
Waste Bitu­mi­nous (KY) 527 1.90 12,672.86 0.10 745.46  
Ratio (Waste Coal / Nor­mal Coal)   1.32 0.96 1.07 0.69 1.1
Bitu­mi­nous (IL) 6776 2.45 13,077.90 0.08 2,035.59  
Waste Bitu­mi­nous (IL) 94 2.44 10,433.61 0.08 1,109.75  
Ratio (Waste Coal / Nor­mal Coal)   1.00 0.80 0.95 0.55 1.2
Bitu­mi­nous (MD) 494 1.64 13,187.43 0.18 686.45  
Waste Bitu­mi­nous (MD) 143 3.89 10,592.63 0.34 752.82  
Ratio (Waste Coal / Nor­mal Coal)   2.38 0.80 1.90 1.10 2.4
Bitu­mi­nous (UT) 2411 0.55 12,759.20 0.05 212.64  
Waste Bitu­mi­nous (UT) 37 1.18 6,347.45 0.12 236.91  
Ratio (Waste Coal / Nor­mal Coal)   2.16 0.50 2.18 1.11 4.4
Bitu­mi­nous (PA) 13468 1.88 13,636.30 0.20 1,057.84  
Waste Bitu­mi­nous (PA) 1753 2.28 7,544.16 0.69 1,200.61  
Ratio (Waste Coal / Nor­mal Coal)   1.21 0.55 3.50 1.13 6.3
Bitu­mi­nous (WV) 25409 1.54 13,151.33 0.11 1,023.19  
Waste Bitu­mi­nous (WV) 457 2.60 8,358.19 0.46 324.25  
Ratio (Waste Coal / Nor­mal Coal)   1.68 0.64 4.04 0.32 6.4





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