Help Energy Justice Help You

Friends: We’ve always done excel­lent work on a shoe-string bud­get.  Our small crew has been pro­vid­ing crit­i­cal sup­port to com­mu­ni­ty envi­ron­men­tal lead­ers all over the U.S., enabling count­less vic­to­ries against coal, gas, incin­er­a­tion and oth­er exist­ing and pro­posed polluters.

We need to raise $50,000 to bring us through 2013.  We aimed to raise $10,000 of that this month, and have already raised $9,491!  I think we can make it to $15,000.  Please check out our work, reach out to us for help if you need it, and offer what­ev­er sup­port you can:

Below is an overview of our work that we shared with our email con­tacts.  Click the “read more” link below to check it out.

Thanks, and Hap­py New Year!

The Ener­gy Jus­tice Team
Mike, Traci, Aaron, Alex, Josh & Samantha

Dear Ener­gy Jus­tice friend,

Every day, we’re hear­ing from com­mu­ni­ties that need our sup­port, whether it’s to stop pro­pos­als for the coal plant near their homes, the trash incin­er­a­tor near their child’s school, the land­fill by their farm­land, or the gas pipeline through their town.

No mat­ter where you live, the impacts of dirty ener­gy and waste facil­i­ties aren’t far away.  Few groups exist to help you focus local­ly and win vic­to­ries to improve your com­mu­ni­ty’s health by stop­ping pol­luters.  Doing so moves us toward the clean ener­gy and zero waste soci­ety we’d all like to live in — and the green jobs that come with it.

In the last hand­ful of years, activists in our net­work have stopped over 100 pro­posed coal pow­er plants and sev­er­al dozen planned incin­er­a­tors that would have burned every­thing from trash to tires to trees.  We’ve con­tributed to vic­to­ries over frack­ing, cre­ma­to­ria, land­fills, moun­tain-top removal coal min­ing, and more.

Grass­roots activism works!  While large-scale leg­isla­tive efforts are slow to make change, those of us chang­ing the facts on the ground are hav­ing a major effect.  We’re not just push­ing pol­luters from one com­mu­ni­ty to anoth­er, but are knock­ing out 60–90% of entire indus­tri­al waves of pro­pos­als for dirty ener­gy and waste facil­i­ties.  We do this by cre­at­ing strong “Not in ANY­one’s Back­yard” net­works where com­mu­ni­ties help each oth­er.  As we reshape entire indus­tries, show­ing that nuclear, coal, oil, gas and biomass/incineration are not options we’ll allow, we cre­ate the eco­nom­ic space for clean solu­tions to take root.

Here is an out­line of what we offer to help you win:

-Find out what pol­luters are tar­get­ing your area: Hun­dreds of new dirty ener­gy and waste indus­try are tar­get­ing com­mu­ni­ties around the coun­try.  We often find out about cor­po­rate plans that you may not even know are tar­get­ing your area yet.  Be in touch with us to see what we know needs atten­tion in your back­yard.  If we have your cur­rent zip code, we can reach out to you when we hear about threats to your area.  Please check out and sign up for our map­ping project at This inter­ac­tive site allows you to find exist­ing and pro­posed pol­luters and to share info on them and any local efforts to stop them.

-Orga­niz­ing advice and sup­port: We reg­u­lar­ly sup­port grass­roots activists with info on the prob­lems with tech­nolo­gies they’re fight­ing, pro­vide con­nec­tions to oth­er activists who have worked on the same issue, and offer effec­tive strate­gies to win, includ­ing local legal tools such as local ordi­nances that can halt polluters.

-Net­work-build­ing: We con­nect peo­ple around var­i­ous indus­tries they’re fight­ing, main­ly through focused email dis­cus­sion lists.

  We have active email dis­cus­sion lists on:
~nat­ur­al gas
~bio­mass incineration
~trash incineration

  We’re also build­ing mem­ber­ship in lists (that aren’t cur­rent­ly very active) on:
   ~tire incineration
~poul­try waste incineration
~land­fill gas
~pow­er lines
~tox­ic waste sites

  We also have a month­ly newslet­ter on bio­mass issues, called the Bio­mass Mon­i­tor, which you can join through: (past issues are archived here)

If you’re work­ing on any of these issues and would like to join our net­works on them, write us at, let us know which lists you’re inter­est­ed in join­ing and explain your inter­est and involve­ment in the issues(s), if any.

HELP US HELP YOU: We’re hon­est­ly over­whelmed right now, try­ing to help com­mu­ni­ties in the com­ing year tack­le gas-fired pow­er plants, incin­er­a­tors and more.  We’re one of the most fru­gal and effi­cient orga­ni­za­tions you can sup­port, and your help will go far.  If you can help us this year, please do.

LOW INCOME READERS: If you are on a tight bud­get, don’t send cash!  Just for­ward this to oth­ers who might need our help or might be able to help.  🙂  We also need help build­ing our Face­book com­mu­ni­ty: you can invite your Face­book friends, that’s a big help, too.  We are proud to have you with us.

Okay, I’ll make a donation.

If you would pre­fer to send a check:
Ener­gy Jus­tice Network
1434 Elbridge St
Philadel­phia, PA 19149


Mike Ewall
Founder & Director
Ener­gy Jus­tice Network <– help us help you!  Donate today. — like 🙂





EJ Communities Map

Map of Coal and Gas Facilities

We are mapping all of the existing, proposed, closed and defeated dirty energy and waste facilities in the US. We are building a network of community groups to fight the facilities and the corporations behind them.

Our Network

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