More Wood to be Burned for Energy in 2015

- by Erin Voegele, Novem­ber 14, 2014, Bio­mass Magazine

The U.S. Ener­gy Infor­ma­tion Admin­is­tra­tion has released the Novem­ber issue of its Short-Term Ener­gy Out­look, which includes updat­ed fore­casts for the use of wood and bio­mass fuels in U.S. heat and pow­er production.

The EIA pre­dicts that wood bio­mass will be use gen­er­ate 118,000 MWh elec­tric­i­ty per day in 2015, up from 116,000 MWh per day in 2014 and 109,000 MWh per day in 2013. Waste bio­mass is expect­ed to be used to gen­er­ate 58,000 MWh of elec­tric­i­ty per day next year, up from 54,000 MWh per day this year and 55,000 MWh per day last year.

The elec­tric pow­er sec­tor is expect­ed to con­sume 0.262 quadrillion Btu (quad) of wood bio­mass and 0.277 quad of waste bio­mass next year, up from 0.25 quad and 0.259 quad this year, respec­tive­ly. The indus­tri­al sec­tor is expect­ed to con­sume 1.198 quad of wood in 2015, down from 1.25 quad this year. The indus­tri­al sec­tor is also expect­ed to con­sume 0.0169 quad of waste bio­mass next year, down from 0.172 quad this year. The com­mer­cial sec­tor is expect­ed to con­sume 0.091 quad of wood bio­mass and 0.046 quad of waste bio­mass next year, com­pared to 0.079 quad and 0.046 quad this year, respec­tive­ly. The res­i­den­tial sec­tor is expect­ed to con­sume 0.571 quad of wood next year, down slight­ly from 0.580 quad this year. Across all sec­tors, the U.S. is expect­ed to con­sume 2.123 quad of wood bio­mass next year, down from 2.164 quad this year. The U.S. is also expect­ed to con­sume 0.492 quad of waste bio­mass next year, up from 0.478 quad this year.

More than 2.71 mil­lion homes across the U.S. are expect­ed to heat pri­mar­i­ly with wood this win­ter, up 3.9 per­cent from last year. That num­ber includes 646,000 homes in the North­east, 696,000 homes in the Mid­west, 635,000 homes in the South, and 734,000 homes in the West. In the North­east, the num­ber of homes heat­ing pri­mar­i­ly with wood is expect­ed to be up 6.9 per­cent, with respec­tive growth rates in the Mid­west, South and West fore­cast to be 6.2 per­cent, 1.7 per­cent and 1.1 percent. 




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