Wind is Successfully Competing

Conway Irwin
December 7, 2013

Mor­gan Stan­ley is see­ing “vicious com­pe­ti­tion” between coal plants and wind farms in resource-rich regions.

More effi­cient tech­nolo­gies, com­bined with low costs and strong wind resources, are mak­ing wind cost-com­pet­i­tive with some of the cheap­est forms of fos­sil ener­gy in the Midwest.

“In the Mid­west, we’re now see­ing pow­er agree­ments being signed with wind farms at as low as $25 per megawatt-hour,” said Stephen Byrd, Mor­gan Stanley’s Head of North Amer­i­can Equi­ty Research for Pow­er & Util­i­ties and Clean Ener­gy, at the Colum­bia Ener­gy Sym­po­sium in late Novem­ber. “Com­pare that to the vari­able cost of a gas plant at $30 per megawatt-hour. The all-in cost to jus­ti­fy the con­struc­tion of a new gas plant would be above $60 per megawatt-hour.”

Byrd acknowl­edged that wind does receive a sub­sidy in the form of a pro­duc­tion tax cred­it for ten years at $22 per megawatt-hour after tax. “But even with­out that sub­sidy, some of these wind projects have a low­er all-in cost than gas,” Byrd said.

“The trick with both wind and solar is…the very high fixed costs to build these tech­nolo­gies. The ongo­ing vari­able cost is close to nil. So you’ve got to cov­er your cap­i­tal costs over as many units of pow­er pro­duc­tion as you can. Which is why, in the Mid­west, a wind farm can pro­duce pow­er at a capac­i­ty fac­tor of 50-plus per­cent, that’s a lot of units of pow­er to spread your cap­i­tal costs over, and that’s why the cost of these agree­ments can be in the $25 range.”

Wind is even going head-to-head with Pow­der Riv­er Basin coal. “In the Mid­west, those wind plants are, many times of the day, com­pet­ing against effi­cient nuclear plants and effi­cient PRB coal plants,” Byrd said. “PRB coal plants have a vari­able cost of between $20 and $25 per megawatt-hour, so in the Mid­west, it’s fair­ly vicious com­pe­ti­tion between very effi­cient wind farms — which are always called on first because they have no vari­able cost — and coal and nuclear.”

Byrd stressed that the con­di­tions that make wind so com­pet­i­tive in the Mid­west — strong wind resources and low costs, both for labor and con­struc­tion — are not present in oth­er regions. But where wind works, it can make good eco­nom­ic sense. U.S. wind capac­i­ty last year grew to 60 gigawatts, in the con­text of total U.S. capac­i­ty of all ener­gy types total­ing 1,100 gigawatts.

“I’m not sug­gest­ing that nation­wide, wind is at or below the eco­nom­ics of a gas plant, but we are see­ing in the best loca­tions that wind is becom­ing good busi­ness — big busi­ness,” said Byrd.

And he expects tech­nol­o­gy to con­tin­ue to improve, which could fur­ther enhance wind’s com­pet­i­tive­ness. “We know the tech­nol­o­gy is get­ting bet­ter; none of us can exact­ly fore­cast how much better.”





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