West Coast Wood Exports Undercut Economy and Environment

West Coast Wood Exports Under­cut Econ­o­my and Environment

by Saman­tha Chir­il­lo, Ener­gy Jus­tice Network

Since the Euro­pean Union (EU) coun­tries set high car­bon reduc­tion stan­dards and count­ed bio­mass ener­gy as car­bon neu­tral and renew­able, bio­mass exports from the south­east­ern U.S. have skyrocketed.

Now, as Japan looks for an alter­na­tive to nuclear ener­gy, as U.S. cor­po­ra­tions get tax breaks to relo­cate facil­i­ties to the coun­tries of least reg­u­la­tion, as trans-Pacif­ic trade agree­ments give these cor­po­ra­tions pow­er over gov­ern­ments, and as Oregon’s Con­gres­sion­al del­e­ga­tion plans to log more pub­lic for­est, west coast ports are prepar­ing for log and bio­mass export expan­sion. In 2013 alone, log and chip exports from the north­west­ern U.S. already dou­bled, accord­ing to Pub­lic Inter­est Forester Roy Keene. Exports are the surest path to for­est decline, as his­to­ry has shown, says Keene. 

Ore­gon may be the biggest los­er, or at least the state with the most to lose, with a third of its total annu­al har­vest vol­ume export­ed as logs and chips, as Keene states in his arti­cle “Out­sourc­ing Forests Costs Thou­sands of Jobs.” Ore­gon does not have strin­gent for­est prac­tice laws or head­wa­ter pro­tec­tions at the state lev­el, like Wash­ing­ton and Cal­i­for­nia do. Cur­rent bills to log the Bureau of Land Man­age­ment (BLM) checker­board pub­lic for­est lands in Ore­gon fail to account for the large-scale clearcut­ting and poi­son­ing of near Ore­gon’s inter­min­gled pri­vate forests. 

Ore­gon is los­ing eco­nom­i­cal­ly, too. Ore­gon over­all ranks 4th among all the states in the num­ber of man­u­fac­tur­ing jobs lost to off­shoring, many of these in the wood prod­ucts sec­tor, when mea­sured by pop­u­la­tion, accord­ing to Ore­gon Fair Trade Cam­paign and based on U.S. Depart­ment of Labor data. With­out a sales tax, Ore­gon also los­es rev­enue when facil­i­ties pay­ing prop­er­ty tax­es move overseas. 

Of course, raw log exports from the north­west­ern U.S. have been increas­ing over the last few years, and wood chips also. Now, chip exports are increas­ing more rapid­ly than before as Asian demand increas­es. This means a drain on pub­lic for­est resources and more drain on the North­west econ­o­my. What would seem like a grad­ual occur­rence feels more like a sud­den rush.

One rea­son is a lack of envi­ron­men­tal review, pub­lic process, or media cov­er­age of export expan­sion until deals are already made. Per­mit­ting process­es involve what unfor­tu­nate­ly may be only tem­po­rary delays, as the west coast bio­mass export train seems to have already left the station. 

The port pro­pos­al in Ore­gon with the most media atten­tion so far has been the Port of New­port, which is nego­ti­at­ing with Teevin Bros. to oper­ate a log export­ing facil­i­ty at the Inter­na­tion­al Ter­mi­nal on the north side of Yaquina Bay. Oppo­nents include Cit­i­zens Seek­ing an Alter­na­tive to the Log Ter­mi­nal (CSALT) and some Com­mu­ni­ty Rights activists. A video of the Octo­ber town hall meet­ing there can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jpoSlD4xlo In Novem­ber, in case brought by Ore­gon Coast Alliance, among oth­ers, the Ore­gon Land Use Board of Appeals gave the traf­fic impact analy­sis for the pro­pos­al an incom­plete, a minor set­back perhaps.

Besides the New­port expan­sion, insid­er con­tacts tell of a new bio­mass pipeline and a new high­way to Coos Bay, pro­posed by Rose­burg For­est Prod­ucts, one of the largest pri­vate­ly held tim­ber com­pa­nies in the U.S. The pipeline would move what is called a “slur­ry” of wood chips mixed with water. Van­cou­ver, Wash­ing­ton also plans to expand its log and chip export capacity.

What does it mean to pre­pare a port for increased log and chip exports? In New­port, the plan involves build­ing a 15-acre paved log yard on port prop­er­ty. Dredg­ing, which dam­ages habi­tat, is typ­i­cal­ly a major activ­i­ty which removes silt and sed­i­ment that has accu­mu­lat­ed on the bot­tom of the bay or riv­er mouth, allow­ing larg­er ves­sels access. Road widen­ing, more truck pol­lu­tion, and more traf­fic noise are oth­er com­plaints that port res­i­dents and some recre­ation and tourism busi­ness­es have.

For strug­gling port com­mu­ni­ties where some folks rem­i­nisce about the “good ol’ days” of mas­sive log exports, export expan­sion sounds like a solu­tion to their unem­ploy­ment issue. Some, like indus­tri­al fish­ers, pig­gy­back on the gained abil­i­ty to move larg­er ves­sels year-round. Long­shore­men with fam­i­lies cel­e­brate the promise of hav­ing steady work again. But while export expan­sion ben­e­fits some jobs, exports in gen­er­al sub­tract more, so increased tim­ber har­vest has not led to the increase in jobs that Ore­gon politi­cians promise.

Accord­ing to Keene, between 2009 and 2012, the tim­ber har­vest increased 108 per­cent in Lin­coln Coun­ty, where New­port is locat­ed, while employ­ment decreased. This dis­con­nect is typ­i­cal in coun­ties dom­i­nat­ed by indus­tri­al forests. Lane Coun­ty, Ore­gon, for exam­ple, where Wey­er­haeuser is the largest pri­vate landown­er and the region’s main log exporter, saw a 75 per­cent increase in the tim­ber har­vest from 2009 to 2012 and a con­cur­rent 14 per­cent decrease in wood prod­ucts man­u­fac­tur­ing jobs.

Export expan­sion and incen­tives for cor­po­ra­tions to move facil­i­ties over­seas have had a dan­ger­ous effect on local economies—not just from a lack of spend­ing, but a lack of prop­er­ty tax when a facil­i­ty moves over­seas. Some facil­i­ties are the largest prop­er­ty own­ers in their com­mu­ni­ties, like Wey­er­haeuser was in Longview, WA. Accord­ing to Takeshi Owa­da, staffwriter forThe Asahi Shi­bun, in an August 27, 2013 arti­cle, a cur­rent trend is pulp and paper com­pa­nies con­vert­ing their facil­i­ties to pro­duce bio­mass ener­gy in Japan. Besides Tas­ma­nia and Aus­tralia, Japan is also sourc­ing bio­mass from the north­west­ern U.S., par­tic­u­lar­ly Ore­gon. This is espe­cial­ly true since Japan seeks an alter­na­tive to nuclear energy. 

While some politi­cians have called for review of the impacts of coal exports, they are silent or enabling on log and chip exports. Most notable are Ore­gon Con­gress­men Peter DeFazio, who oppos­es ‘free trade’ agree­ments and in the ear­ly 1990’s had a bill to end all log exports from pub­lic forests.  It was in the late 1980’s that much of the export from pub­lic forests end­ed. DeFazio, who became Chair of the House Nat­ur­al Resources Com­mit­tee this year, did not make this export ban part of his recent for­est pri­va­ti­za­tion bill (H 1526), which would remove pub­lic forests and their water­ways from fed­er­al pro­tec­tion, plac­ing them under Oregon’s dra­con­ian Ore­gon For­est Prac­tices Act. DeFazio’s bill passed the House. After­ward, Con­gress­man Doc Hast­ings (WA) came out with a post-dis­tur­bance pub­lic for­est ‘sal­vage’ bill (H 3188), which has been opposed pub­licly by 250 scientists. 

Ore­gon Sen­a­tor Ron Wyden has tak­en the lead on the Sen­ate ver­sion of for­est leg­is­la­tion, the O&C Act of 2013. The bill num­ber is not yet assigned, but the bill text is avail­able here:http://www.wyden.senate.gov/priorities/oc-act-of-2013. None of these bills address the fact that an increase in raw log exports from pri­vate forest­land have led to de fac­to sub­sti­tu­tion (increased log­ging) from pub­lic forests, nor do these bills address loop­holes that allow pseu­do-processed tim­ber (delimbed, debarked wood all the way down to veneer) and wood chips from pub­lic forests to be export­ed, con­trary to indus­try pro­pa­gan­da. Wyden also chairs the Sub­com­mit­tee on Inter­na­tion­al Trade, Cus­toms and Glob­al Com­pet­i­tive­ness, and has refused to vote against ‘free trade’ agree­ments which open up for­eign mar­kets for Ore­gon’s forests. DeFazio, Wyden, and Sen­a­tor Jeff Merkley are all strong­ly pro-bio­mass ener­gy and pro-log­ging on pub­lic forests to fuel facil­i­ties. They also strong­ly urged the Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency to defer bio­mass ener­gy from car­bon accounting.

Some also point a fin­ger at envi­ron­men­tal groups who have remained silent on the tim­ber export issue, despite clear warn­ing signs that the west coast has been fol­low­ing in the path of the east coast with exports. Some of the same envi­ron­men­tal groups have also agreed to increased log­ging on pub­lic forests and got fund­ed to par­tic­i­pate in col­lab­o­ra­tions with the tim­ber indus­try involv­ing log­ging pub­lic forests under the guise of “restora­tion” and “fire fuels reduc­tion” after the stalling of Wyden’s East­side For­est bill.

A major ele­ment of Wyden’s cur­rent bill is dou­bling the cut on West­ern Ore­gon BLM pub­lic forests. To what extent these ele­ments will ulti­mate­ly be lim­it­ed to West­ern Ore­gon BLM forests after House and Sen­ate com­bine leg­is­la­tion is unclear. The dry and burned forests in South­ern Ore­gon and pub­lic health will take a hit with the recent approval of the Iberdrola/Collins Pine bio­mass ener­gy facil­i­ty, in Lake­view, Ore­gon. Set­backs from Wyden’s bill could ulti­mate­ly apply to forests in oth­er states, too, at least as a bad prece­dent. Bio­mass ener­gy oppo­nents in Wash­ing­ton state are wor­ried the abuse to Ore­gon may bleed over to their state, tar­get­ing Sen­a­tor Cantwell (WA) as a result. Oth­ers are lob­by­ing Sen­a­tors Bald­win (WI), Franken (MN), Hein­rich (NM), and Schatz (HI).

Oth­er major ele­ments of Wyden’s leg­is­la­tion include elim­i­nat­ing the “sur­vey and man­age” safe­ty net for species pro­vid­ed in the North­west For­est Plan, as well as elim­i­nat­ing pub­lic involve­ment and the lit­iga­tive hooks under Nation­al Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Act. Instead of hav­ing a review of each tim­ber sale or project, there would be one gener­ic mega-envi­ron­men­tal impact state­ment for an entire BLM dis­trict, for exam­ple. As such, Wyden’s bill, rather than being a new and inno­v­a­tive pol­i­cy, the bill extends and solid­i­fies the new nature of for­est man­age­ment and protest against it at the land­scape lev­el. This new bill harkens back to Wyden’s East­ern Ore­gon for­est bill, opposed by the Anti-Bio­mass Incin­er­a­tion Cam­paign and 95 sci­en­tists, which failed to gain trac­tion in Con­gress. Despite fail­ing to pass into law, Ore­gon envi­ron­men­tal groups nev­er­the­less began their rev­enue shift from the tim­ber sale lit­i­ga­tion game to foun­da­tion fund­ing for col­lab­o­ra­tions with the tim­ber indus­try. These log­ging projects, some bio­mass extrac­tion ‘pilot’ projects, had far less pub­lic over­sight in the dry forests with unkempt roads of East­ern Oregon.

A major pro­pa­gan­da piece with Wyden’s bill apply­ing to the wet West­ern Ore­gon forests is so-called “eco­log­i­cal forestry,” label­ing the forestry approach, known as vari­able den­si­ty regen­er­a­tion har­vest to gen­er­ate com­plex ear­ly ser­al habi­tat (basi­cal­ly, bio­di­verse under­sto­ry species). From the industry’s per­spec­tive, it’s less effi­cient than clearcut­ting their own pri­vate forest­lands but more effi­cient than ‘thin­ning,’ which they claim has not met the orig­i­nal ‘sus­tained yield’ require­ment for BLM (O&C land) forests, ignor­ing the require­ment to also sus­tain water­ways and recre­ation val­ue. From the envi­ron­men­tal­ists’ per­spec­tive, punch­ing large holes in the checker­board land­scape already rid­dled with them is tan­ta­mount to clearcut­ting, while they ignore the neg­a­tive impacts of many ‘thin­ning’ projects, some which they col­lab­o­rat­ed on. From a forestry per­spec­tive, whether to do ‘thin­ning’ or regen­er­a­tion har­vest is worth con­sid­er­ing but miss­es the fun­da­men­tal sys­temic road­block to either fair eco­nom­ic val­ue to the pub­lic or pre­serv­ing eco­log­i­cal integri­ty: the real­i­ty of how and why pub­lic tim­ber is sold.

I vis­it­ed the three main pilot projects with foresters and agency offi­cials on which Wyden says he mod­eled his bill. Roy Keene and I vis­it­ed the one with most media atten­tion, the Myr­tle Creek Project in the Rose­burg BLM Dis­trict both before and after the trees were sold and some now logged. Our “after” vis­it was Novem­ber 5, 2013. Projects are bro­ken up into sales after review. Includ­ed in this project is Unit 8, the site of a treesit, a rare, native, nev­er-before-logged, bio­di­verse young old growth stand with bio­di­verse under­sto­ry species, already sold to Rose­burg For­est Prod­ucts. Keene, a forester of more than 30 years, could not imag­ine find­ing, much less ‘gen­er­at­ing’ any for­est more pre­cious in this area. This stand was bor­dered by com­plex ear­ly ser­al in a unit that had been pre­vi­ous­ly heav­i­ly logged but allowed to renew naturally.

As we have seen with oth­er projects, the fun­da­men­tal prob­lem need­ing the atten­tion of the Amer­i­can pub­lic is the unfair eco­nom­ics and pro­ce­dures of the fed­er­al tim­ber sale pro­gram which stack the deck so that only the largest tim­ber com­pa­nies can buy any action and log our forests at a loss to the pub­lic, not even count­ing all the tax­pay­er sub­si­dies for roads and bio­mass trans­port, for exam­ple. Project after project, Roy and I see that the agency is doing what it calls “restora­tion” log­ging small-diam­e­ter plan­ta­tions (like the Buck Ris­ing Tim­ber Sale, also part of the Myr­tle Creek Project) although some­times mere­ly regrow­ing them, on one hand, and log­ging what we con­sid­er young old growth (trees 80–120 years) to pay for log­ging the small­er trees on the oth­er hand. Most of the old­er old growth has been logged out (“cher­ry-picked” as we call it) of most West­ern Ore­gon BLM stands already, so what is left is young old growth which is unlike­ly to get pro­tect­ed under any past or cur­rent leg­is­la­tion. Any of these young old growth that have a sig­nif­i­cant amount of cull wood (rot, dam­age) could legal­ly be chipped and export­ed. No past or  cur­rent leg­is­la­tion address­es this. 

A glob­al bat­tle­ground of sorts but filled with diver­si­ty and per­haps a source of more allies for bio­mass ener­gy oppo­nents is the fair trade move­ment. Recall the WTO protest in Seat­tle. Like the Occu­py move­ment, near­ly every­one can agree on the need to take back pow­er from the cor­po­rate elite. Many on both sides Con­gress recent­ly said they oppose fast-track­ing these trade deals. They want infor­ma­tion and delib­er­a­tion. Per­haps the great­est dan­ger of  these bad trade deals is all the pow­er they give cor­po­ra­tions over gov­ern­ments and peo­ple via “investor pro­vi­sions.” If a gov­ern­ment inter­feres with a cor­po­ra­tion doing busi­ness, regard­less of ille­gal activ­i­ty, that cor­po­ra­tion can sue the gov­ern­ment (local, state, or fed­er­al) before a for­eign tri­bunal. Cor­po­ra­tions have got­ten large amounts of mon­ey out of coun­tries this way.

The U.S. recent­ly final­ized the South Korea Free Trade Agree­ment, and the pend­ing bad trade agree­ment is like the com­bo deal of trade agree­ments, the TransPa­cif­ic Part­ner­ship, open­ing up U.S. and Latin Amer­i­can forests to oth­er Asian mar­kets, like Japan, to pro­duce bio­mass ener­gy, and Chi­na to man­u­fac­ture raw logs into fin­ished prod­ucts. Chi­na then “dumps” these back to us at prices U.S. man­u­fac­tur­ers can­not com­pete with. 

Accord­ing to Forest2Market, “Russia’s mar­ket share, tra­di­tion­al­ly the largest sup­pli­er of Chi­nese logs, has con­tin­ued to erode, leav­ing Chi­nese buy­ers to fill the short­age with deliv­er­ies from North Amer­i­ca.” Rus­sia placed a 25 per­cent tar­iff on log exports to pro­tect its domes­tic indus­try. When Rus­sia was accept­ed into the World Trade Orga­ni­za­tion, it agreed to low­er log tar­iffs to 15 per­cent. Accord­ing to Roy Keene, even a 15 per­cent tar­iff helps domes­tic mills com­pete for logs and cre­ates rev­enue to off­set unem­ploy­ment and the col­lat­er­al dam­age to forests from increased logging.

While Sen­a­tor Merkley suc­cess­ful­ly pushed for arbi­tra­tion upon Canada’s breach of the 2006 Soft­wood Lum­ber Agree­ment. Cana­da had under­cut U.S. prices on tim­ber from British Colum­bia. How­ev­er, Merkley has not been so out­spo­ken about such unfair­ness between Asia or Europe and the U.S. Merkley has come out with his own trade reform bill, say­ing that his“Level the Play­ing Field in Glob­al Trade Act … would ensure that sub-stan­dard wages, work­place safe­ty prac­tices, and envi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tions are prop­er­ly account­ed for as unfair sub­si­dies by for­eign coun­tries when cal­cu­lat­ing Amer­i­can duties intend­ed to off­set cheat­ing. It also rewards com­pa­nies that meet high stan­dards on a glob­al basis in wages, work­place safe­ty and envi­ron­men­tal com­pli­ance with stream­lined trade and pro­tec­tion from enforce­ment actions.” Fair trade advo­ca­cy groups, on the oth­er hand, sup­port the stronger ver­sion first intro­duced by Sen­a­tor Sher­rod Brown (OH), the 21st Cen­tu­ry Trade and Mar­ket Access Act, which accord­ing to Cit­i­zens Trade “would reassert Con­gres­sion­al and pub­lic over­sight over the TPP and future trade poli­cies. It sets a range of bind­ing nego­ti­at­ing require­ments regard­ing labor rights, the envi­ron­ment, food safe­ty …” For the lat­est on trade agree­ments and trade reform and what action is need­ed, go to www.citizenstrade.org

Some food for thought — even if you live in the Mid­west or work for a high-tech firm, U.S. poli­cies that cre­ate an unfair play­ing field in glob­al mar­kets, expand raw resource export, off­shore jobs, and under­cut envi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tions all pro­mote the race to the bot­tom for all of us . Mak­ing Ore­gon a resource colony degrades the pub­lic for­est resources of all Amer­i­cans, makes Ore­gon even more rev­enue-depen­dent on the rest of the U.S., and sets a scary prece­dent. Of course, activism at home can some­times relo­cate the exploita­tion some­where else in the coun­try or the world. If we wait till it’s our state or our job or our back­yard, it’s too late. 





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