UK Wood Pellet Port Catches Fire

UK Wood Pel­let Port Catch­es Fire

Octo­ber 11, 2013. Source: The Shields Gazette

PORT of Tyne boss­es have said a river­side blaze that sparked a major fire alert is now under con­trol.About 50 fire­fight­ers were called to the Port at around 3pm on Fri­day to tack­le a blaze in a stor­age shed con­tain­ing bio­mass pellets.

A spokes­woman for the Port said: “Tyne and Wear Fire and Res­cue ser­vice attend­ed a fire at a car­go-han­dling build­ing at the Port of Tyne.

“There was no dam­age to prop­er­ty and there was min­i­mal impact on port operations.

“The fire was brought under con­trol and con­tained with­in the facility.

“There has been an inci­dent affect­ing part of the wood pel­let trans­fer facil­i­ty on the South Estate in South Shields, result­ing in some dam­age to an exter­nal con­vey­or trans­fer tower.

“The fire brigade is atten­dance. The sit­u­a­tion is ful­ly under con­trol. No per­son­nel were involved.”





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