Trash Incinerators: Don’t Call it a Comeback

The New York Times ran an arti­cle on Jan 11th, 2015, act­ing like incin­er­a­tors are mak­ing a come­back, and fea­tur­ing the huge Ener­gy Answers incin­er­a­tor pro­posed in Bal­ti­more as if it’s “being built” (which is not true).  Incin­er­a­tors are try­ing to come back, but our move­ment is effec­tive­ly beat­ing back the indus­try almost every­where they go, with Flori­da a rare exception.

We sub­mit­ted this Op Ed to the New York Times, but they chose not to print it (or those sub­mit­ted by sev­er­al oth­ers to cor­rect their reporting).

It’s also worth noth­ing that in Mass­a­chu­setts (one of the four states where the Times says large new trash incin­er­a­tors are being con­sid­ered) it’s ille­gal to even build them, and none are being con­sid­ered.  See our web­pages on incin­er­a­tion and zero waste for more info.

Trash Incin­er­a­tors: Don’t Call it a Comeback

The Times’ Jan. 10th “Garbage Incin­er­a­tors Make Come­back” arti­cle por­trays a false trend.  Trash incin­er­a­tors are the most expen­sive and pol­lut­ing way to make ener­gy or to dis­pose of waste.  Since they impact health and prop­er­ty val­ues, they’re one of the most unpop­u­lar tech­nolo­gies in the world, and are actu­al­ly on the decline in the U.S.

Far from a come­back, of the cur­rent­ly oper­at­ing com­mer­cial-scale trash incin­er­a­tors in the U.S., the last one to be built at a new site came online in 1995.  From 1995 until now, at nine exist­ing incin­er­a­tor sites (includ­ing West Palm Beach), oper­a­tions have expand­ed, adding near­ly 6,000 tons/day (tpd) of new capac­i­ty.  In that same time, 74 U.S. incin­er­a­tors have closed, shut­ting down near­ly 21,000 tpd of capac­i­ty.  Anoth­er 2,250 tpd incin­er­a­tor (Flori­da’s North Broward plant) is talk­ing about clos­ing soon for lack of waste to burn, as waste is sent to the new 3,000 tpd West Palm Beach incin­er­a­tor one coun­ty north, to the dis­plea­sure of West Palm Beach residents.

Many hun­dreds of pro­posed incin­er­a­tors have been stopped in the past few decades as well.  One com­pi­la­tion shows that 280 incin­er­a­tor pro­pos­als were defeat­ed in the decade between 1985 and 1994, and that trend has con­tin­ued to this day, with sev­er­al pro­pos­als defeat­ed just last year.

At the indus­try’s peak in 1991, there were 187 com­mer­cial trash incin­er­a­tors in the U.S.  There are now about 80, with two more look­ing to close in the next year.

Waste Man­age­ment, Inc., the world’s largest waste cor­po­ra­tion, has moved away from incin­er­a­tion.  Last year, they sold off their Whee­labra­tor sub­sidiary, aban­don­ing their role as the nation’s sec­ond largest oper­a­tor of con­ven­tion­al waste incin­er­a­tors.  Sev­er­al exper­i­men­tal types of incin­er­a­tors, using gasi­fi­ca­tion, pyrol­y­sis and plas­ma arc tech­nolo­gies have failed to prove capa­ble of com­mer­cial oper­a­tion.  WMI invest­ed in a vari­ety of these com­pa­nies in recent years just to aban­don them as well.

With this indus­try, there is a lot more “blow­ing smoke” than actu­al fire.  The plan in Bal­ti­more for the nation’s largest incin­er­a­tor is per­mit­ted, but not actu­al­ly “being built” as the arti­cle por­trayed.  Incin­er­a­tors sup­pos­ed­ly “under con­sid­er­a­tion” in four oth­er states aren’t any­thing like­ly to hap­pen, either, and are large­ly unknown to state per­mit­ting agen­cies.  One of those states, Vir­ginia, con­firmed that they have no active appli­ca­tions for incin­er­a­tors any­where in the state.  How­ev­er, an infor­mal pro­pos­al for one was “shot down due to pub­lic oppo­si­tion” last year, after a year-long battle.

The same hap­pened in Fred­er­ick, Mary­land last Novem­ber after a decade-long fight with the com­mu­ni­ty caused the incin­er­a­tor deal to crum­ble, even after all per­mits were issued.  The deal began to unrav­el when the part­ner coun­ty paid $1 mil­lion to back out of the con­tract thanks to their fis­cal con­ser­vatism.  If only Har­ris­burg, Penn­syl­va­ni­a’s lead­ers lis­tened in 2003 when I warned them that the city faced bank­rupt­cy if they invest­ed in rebuild­ing their incin­er­a­tor.  Eight years lat­er, after lis­ten­ing to their con­sul­tants instead, the city was the largest at the time to seek bank­rupt­cy protection.

Sad­ly, this is not so unusu­al, as incin­er­a­tors must lock in ener­gy sales and long-term waste sup­ply con­tracts, even if con­struc­tion is pri­vate­ly financed.  Local gov­ern­ments sign­ing long-term waste con­tracts often get locked into bad deals where they pay too much for too long and are pun­ished if they reduce waste or recy­cle more, since they still pay fees on waste they no longer sup­ply to the incinerator.

Trash incin­er­a­tion is more expen­sive than land­fill­ing which the waste indus­try (even the trash incin­er­a­tor indus­try’s trade asso­ci­a­tion) has pub­licly admit­ted.  Of course, incin­er­a­tors do not avoid land­fill­ing as they need land­fills for their ash.  Every 100 tons of waste burned results in 30 tons of ash that ends up landfilled.

Two stud­ies done for the Ener­gy Infor­ma­tion Admin­is­tra­tion since 2010 show that trash incin­er­a­tion is also the most expen­sive way to make elec­tric­i­ty.  It’s the most expen­sive to build, and also the most expen­sive to oper­ate and main­tain – even though they get paid to take waste as their fuel, while oth­er (non-renew­able) ener­gy sources pay for their fuel.

The indus­try avoids using the unpop­u­lar ‘i’ word, pre­fer­ring to refer to incin­er­a­tors as ener­gy facil­i­ties, even though they’re pri­mar­i­ly waste facil­i­ties.  If you com­pare their pol­lu­tion to oth­er ener­gy facil­i­ties, you find that they’re far dirt­i­er than coal pow­er plants.  To make the same amount of ener­gy as a coal plant, the aver­age trash incin­er­a­tor in the U.S. releas­es 28 times as much diox­in (the most tox­ic man-made chem­i­cals known to sci­ence), 2.5 times as much car­bon diox­ide (impact­ing glob­al warm­ing), three times as much nitro­gen oxides (impact­ing asth­ma), six times as much mer­cury and near­ly six times as much lead (both affect­ing the brain and more), and 70% more sul­fur diox­ides (affect­ing breath­ing).  Incin­er­a­tors are this much more pol­lut­ing even though the aver­age incin­er­a­tor was built in 1987 and the aver­age coal plant was built in 1968, with few­er pol­lu­tion controls.

A state-wide analy­sis by New York’s envi­ron­men­tal agency, found that the state’s ten trash incin­er­a­tors put out 14 times more mer­cury per unit of ener­gy pro­duced than the state’s eight coal plants, and more mer­cury in total, even though the coal plants are much larger.

Recy­cling is stag­nat­ing where polit­i­cal lead­ers haven’t real­ly been lead­ers.  How­ev­er, in over 7,000 com­mu­ni­ties around the coun­try, peo­ple are using Save Mon­ey and Reduce Trash (SMART) pro­grams where they pay less if they throw out less trash (also known as “pay as you throw”).  Just like any oth­er util­i­ty, if you pay for how much you use, you’ll use less.  Com­mu­ni­ties switch­ing to these pro­grams find imme­di­ate reduc­tions in trash gen­er­a­tion of 44% on aver­age.  Over 80% of Wis­con­sin com­mu­ni­ties and over half of Iowa com­mu­ni­ties use it.  These pro­grams are now manda­to­ry in Min­neso­ta, Ore­gon, Ver­mont and Wash­ing­ton, and are being con­sid­ered in Mass­a­chu­setts and Rhode Island.

Using the most expen­sive and pol­lut­ing way to reduce tons going to land­fills by 70% makes no sense, when some cities are already show­ing the way with “zero waste” plans that divert 70% or more from land­fills and incin­er­a­tors through source reduc­tion, reuse, recy­cling and com­post­ing.  In doing so, they cre­ate 10 times as many jobs as land­fills or incinerators.

Mike Ewall, Esq. is founder and direc­tor of Ener­gy Jus­tice Net­work, a nation­al orga­ni­za­tion sup­port­ing com­mu­ni­ties threat­ened by pol­lut­ing ener­gy and waste facilities.





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