The Fuel

  • Corn and Fer­til­iz­er Use USDA. See tables 9–14.
  • Archer Daniels Mid­land: The Exxon of corn? by Tom Philpott, 02 Feb 2006
  • What About the Land? By Julia Olm­stead, 05 Dec 2006
    A look at the impacts of bio­fu­els pro­duc­tion, in the U.S. and the world 
  • The Bil­lion Ton Vision U.S. Depart­ment of Ener­gy, April 2005
    Bio­mass as Feed­stock for a Bioen­er­gy and Bio­prod­ucts Indus­try: the Tech­ni­cal Fea­si­bil­i­ty of a Bil­lion-Ton Annu­al Sup­ply
    …The DOE boasts about the poten­tial for ALL U.S. for­est and agri­cul­tur­al land to dis­place 1/3 of cur­rent nation­al petro­le­um consumption.
  • Stuck in the Mid­dle with Fuel By Eliza Bar­clay, 14 Dec 2006
    As its neigh­bors back bio­fu­els, Cen­tral Amer­i­ca gears up for busi­ness
    Coun­tries pre­pare to devel­op avail­able farm­land for ethanol and biodiesel…since “there is no lim­it on [avail­able farm­land] in Cen­tral Amer­i­ca.“

    Food Vs. Fuel

  • Feed­ing the Beast: It’s time for a real “food vs. fuel” debate By Tom Philpott, 13 Dec 2006
    “109 ethanol refiner­ies cur­rent­ly churn out 5.3 bil­lion gal­lons of ethanol a year — and an addi­tion­al 56 plants (plus expan­sions at sev­en exist­ing ones) have bro­ken ground. When these new plants are on line, the indus­try’s capac­i­ty will near­ly dou­ble, to 9.7 bil­lion gal­lons a year.”
  • Ethanol could leave the world hun­gry By Lester Brown, August 16 2006
    “One tank­ful of the lat­est craze in alter­na­tive ener­gy could feed one per­son for a year.”
  • The Myth of Brazil’s Ethanol Suc­cess The Ener­gy Tri­bune Sep. 13, 2006
    “Brazil is a devel­op­ing coun­try whose con­sump­tion of crude oil is actu­al­ly minus­cule, 10 times less than the U.S. Inter­est­ing­ly, for the last 40 years, the ener­gy con­sumed in Brazil as crude oil has been less than the total calorif­ic
    val­ue of corn grown in the U.S.!”
  • How Food and Fuel Com­pete for Land By Lester Brown, Wednes­day, Feb­ru­ary 01 2006
    “On any giv­en day, there are now two groups of buy­ers in world com­mod­i­ty mar­kets: one rep­re­sent­ing food proces­sors and anoth­er rep­re­sent­ing bio­fu­el producers.”

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