Tag: zero waste

  • Baltimore Incinerator Proposal Permit Yanked

    On March 17, the per­mit for the Ener­gy Answers trash incin­er­a­tor planned for the Cur­tis Bay neigh­bor­hood of Bal­ti­more, Mary­land was declared invalid by the Mary­land Depart­ment of the Envi­ron­ment, cap­ping years of protest from local res­i­dents and a stu­dent-led orga­ni­za­tion, Free Your Voice, part of Unit­ed Workers. The pro­posed incin­er­a­tor would be the largest in the nation,…

  • Maine Towns Vote Whether to Burn Trash or Make Biogas

    Actu­al­ly, there’s a third (and bet­ter) option and it’s called Zero Waste. - by Andy O’Brien, April 7, 2016, The Free Press On March 31, 2018, it will no longer be eco­nom­i­cal for mid­coast towns to send their house­hold trash to the  Penob­scot Ener­gy Recov­ery Co. (PERC) incin­er­a­tor in Orring­ton. That’s the date when the facil­i­ty los­es a…

  • Zero Waste to Landfill: How Incinerators Get Promoted

    - by Car­o­line Eader The incin­er­a­tor indus­try pro­motes a false belief that the only choic­es we have in han­dling our waste is to either burn it for ener­gy or to bury it in a land­fill. The exis­tence of what is known as a “waste-to-ener­gy” (WTE) facil­i­ty does not elim­i­nate the need for a land­fill. First, 10%…

  • Dirty Energy Ash Blamed for Toxic Soil in Greenwich, CT

    - by Bill Cum­mings, Decem­ber 28, 2014, CT Post The dis­cov­ery of PCBs and oth­er con­t­a­m­i­nants at Green­wich High School two years ago is only part of a mosa­ic of can­cer-caus­ing tox­i­cs that have cropped up at var­i­ous sites around one of the nation’s wealth­i­est, most exclu­sive communities. Pol­lu­tants have now been con­firmed at three oth­er loca­tions in Green­wich,…

  • Maryland “Zero-Waste” Plan Draws Fire Over Inclusion of Incineration

    - by Tim­o­thy B. Wheel­er, Decem­ber 15, 2014, The Bal­ti­more Sun With Mary­lan­ders throw­ing away far more trash per per­son than the aver­age Amer­i­can, the O’Mal­ley admin­is­tra­tion released a long-range plan Mon­day to vir­tu­al­ly elim­i­nate plac­ing waste in state land­fills in the next 25 years. The plan is draw­ing mixed reac­tion, how­ev­er, as envi­ron­men­tal­ists crit­i­cize the blue­print­’s…

  • Composting vs. Waste-to-Energy: The Politics Of Green Waste

    - by Stephen Han­d­ley, Octo­ber 3, 2014, Sus­tain­ablog In Tul­sa, Okla­homa, green waste is very much on the polit­i­cal agen­da. Accord­ing to Tul­sa World, the city’s trash board vot­ed this week to pur­sue a plan to col­lect and incin­er­ate it rather than invest in an active com­post­ing facil­i­ty. Pro­po­nents of the com­post­ing plan are deeply dis­ap­point­ed by…

  • Allentown, PA Kills Controversial Waste Incinerator Proposal

    - by Emi­ly Opi­lo, Octo­ber 1, 2014, McClatchy-Tri­bune Region­al News More than two years after the deal’s con­tro­ver­sial approval, Allen­town has ter­mi­nat­ed its con­tract with Delta Ther­mo Ener­gy, end­ing spec­u­la­tion about whether the com­pa­ny would ever build a pro­posed waste-to-ener­gy facil­i­ty in the city. In a let­ter dat­ed Sept. 26, Allen­town solic­i­tor Jer­ry Sny­der wrote that Bucks Coun­ty-based Delta…

  • Covanta Incineration Deal Discourages Rival Recycling Programs

    - Kath­leen McLaugh­lin, August 4, 2014, Indi­anapo­lis Busi­ness Journal The city of Indi­anapo­lis faces finan­cial penal­ties if it launch­es alter­na­tive recy­cling pro­grams, under a pend­ing deal with incin­er­a­tor oper­a­tor Covanta. The Indi­anapo­lis Board of Pub­lic Works will vote Wednes­day on an agree­ment that’s worth more than $112 mil­lion in rev­enue to Cov­an­ta, which would become the…

  • Zero Waste Hierarchy

    You’ve prob­a­bly heard the term Zero Waste before, but not been sure about what it meant The peer-reviewed def­i­n­i­tion of Zero Waste by Zero Waste Inter­na­tion­al Alliance involves “design­ing and man­ag­ing prod­ucts and process­es to sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly avoid and elim­i­nate the vol­ume and tox­i­c­i­ty of waste and mate­ri­als, con­serve and recov­er all resources, and not burn or bury them.” Notice…

  • Solar Power Heats 90% of Community’s Homes…in Canada

    - Drake Land­ing Solar Community The Drake Land­ing Solar Com­mu­ni­ty (DLSC) is a mas­ter planned neigh­bour­hood in the Town of Oko­toks, Alber­ta, Cana­da that has suc­cess­ful­ly inte­grat­ed Cana­di­an ener­gy effi­cient tech­nolo­gies with a renew­able, unlim­it­ed ener­gy source — the sun. The first of its kind in North Amer­i­ca, DLSC is heat­ed by a dis­trict sys­tem designed to…