Tag: wood stoves

  • Doctor’s Orders: Wood Burning Hazardous to Your Health

    - by Dr. Bri­an Moench, Utah Physi­cians for a Healthy Environment Civ­i­liza­tion orches­trates the curb­ing of one person’s free­doms for the pro­tec­tion of oth­ers and the greater good. When two people’s free­doms are mutu­al­ly exclu­sive, civ­i­liza­tion embraces the con­cept that the free­dom to not be harmed by oth­ers takes prece­dence. Traf­fic laws, zon­ing ordi­nances, and…

  • $355,375 Grant to Install Biomass Heating in Massachusetts Elementary Schools

    - Mass­a­chu­setts Exec­u­tive Office of Ener­gy and Envi­ron­men­tal Affairs, May 5, 2015, Bio­mass Magazine The admin­is­tra­tion of Mass­a­chu­setts Gov. Char­lie Bak­er and Lt. Gov. Karyn Poli­to has announced grant fund­ing for Heath Ele­men­tary School in Heath and the Hawle­mont Ele­men­tary School in Charlemont to con­vert to high­ly effi­cient bio­mass boil­ers from their exist­ing oil heat­ing sys­tems.…

  • Wood Stoves a Major Contributor to “Unhealthy” Air Days in Clallam County, WA

    Read The Bio­mass Mon­i­tor’s cov­er­age of the sto­ry behind these air pol­lu­tion tests: “Track­ing Bio­mass Air Pol­lu­tion on the Olympic Penin­su­la”  -  by Arwyn Rice, July 14, 2014, Penin­su­la Dai­ly News   PORT ANGELES — Air qual­i­ty in cen­tral and east­ern Clal­lam Coun­ty is gen­er­al­ly good, but wood burn­ing for home heat­ing and trans­porta­tion-relat­ed pol­lu­tants are con­tribut­ing to occa­sion­al “unhealthy”…