Tag: wildfire

  • Biofuels Plant Won’t Protect Us from Wildfire

    - by Vir­ginia Moran, May 16, 2014, Source: The Union Regard­ing the pro­posed “bio­fu­els” plant (i.e. accel­er­a­tion of cli­mate change) project, here is what I find “scary”: that res­i­dents of west­ern Neva­da Coun­ty are nev­er allowed to live our lives in peace. If we are twitchy and irri­ta­ble it is because we are con­stant­ly on guard…

  • 250 Scientists Concerned about Post-fire Logging

    250 Sci­en­tists Con­cerned about Post-fire Logging Novem­ber 4, 2013, Source: Yuba.net In an open let­ter to the U.S. Con­gress, 250 sci­en­tists request that Con­gress show restraint in speed­ing up log­ging in the wake of this year’s wild­fires, most notably the Rim fire in the Stanis­laus Nation­al For­est and Yosemite Nation­al Park. The sci­en­tists raised con­cerns that cur­rent­ly pro­posed…

  • USDA to Expand Taxpayer Handouts to Biomass Industry

    USDA Announces Ini­tia­tive to Expand U.S. Wood-to-Ener­gy Efforts - by Sue Ret­ka Schill, Sep­tem­ber 13, 2013. Source: Bio­mass Mag­a­zine  The USDA announced a part­ner­ship agree­ment to expand wood ener­gy use, which will help improve the safe­ty and health of U.S. forests. The new part­ner­ships include USDA, the Alliance for Green Heat, the Bio­mass Pow­er Asso­ci­a­tion, the Bio­mass…