Tag: vermont

  • Plainfield, Vermont Biomass Continues to Rile Neighbors

    - by Eric Blais­dell, March 27, 2015, Ver­mont Pub­lic Radio Things got so heat­ed at Plainfield’s Select Board meet­ing Mon­day night in a dis­cus­sion about God­dard College’s planned bio­mass-fueled heat plant, that one elect­ed offi­cial told board mem­bers they’d be in “deep water” if they dis­re­gard­ed some res­i­dents’ wish­es to have anoth­er meet­ing on it. The school is…

  • Vermont Yankee: Out of the Fission and Into the Fire?

    - by Ann Dar­ling, The Safe and Green Campaign The Ver­mont Yan­kee nuclear pow­er sta­tion in south­east­ern Ver­mont will close in Decem­ber of this year after oper­at­ing for over 40 years. The own­er, Enter­gy Nuclear, is based in New Orleans and is the sec­ond largest nuclear pow­er com­pa­ny in the U.S. As a mem­ber of the Safe…

  • Biomass Rejected in Favor of Solar in Springfield, VT

    -  by Susan Small­heer, July 17, 2014, Rut­land Herald North Spring­field, Vt. — Out with bio­mass, in with solar panels. Win­stan­ley Enter­pris­es announced Wednes­day that it was seek­ing state approval to build five, 500-kilo­watt solar arrays in the North Spring­field Indus­tri­al Park. Some of the land that will be used was ear­li­er pro­posed to be the…

  • Vermont: The Little State that Could?

    - by Rachel Smolk­er, Biofuelwatch nosag­bigsign I am for­tu­nate to live in the tiny state of Ver­mont, a state that has bold­ly led the way on so many issues it’s hard to list them all. We were the first to pass same-sex mar­riage and to take seri­ous steps to make health care acces­si­ble to all.…