Tag: regulations

  • Are Massachusetts’ New Biomass Regulations Strong Enough?

    The Mass­a­chu­setts Depart­ment of Ener­gy Resources final­ly released its long await­ed and much delayed bio­mass reg­u­la­tions, gar­ner­ing both cau­tious praise and crit­i­cism from grass­roots bio­mass oppo­nents. The reg­u­la­tions have dis­qual­i­fied stand-alone bio­mass pow­er facil­i­ties from receiv­ing Renew­able Ener­gy Certificates—a ratepay­er sub­sidy under the state’s Renew­able Port­fo­lio Standard—though incen­tives are still avail­able for com­bined heat and pow­er facil­i­ties oper­at­ing…