Tag: ohio

  • Biomass Company Owes Lawrence County, Ohio Back Taxes

    - Beni­ta Heath, April 8, 2015, Iron­ton Tribune Two months after Bio­mass own­er Mark Har­ris paid off two-thirds of the back tax­es he owed on prop­er­ty at The Point indus­tri­al park, he has yet to pay any of the first half tax­es for 2014. Those tax­es, due on March 6, total $5,193.49 on all six parcels, plus…

  • Ohio Bioenergy Corporation Owes Over $50K in Taxes, Fees

    - by David E. Mal­loy, Decem­ber 29, 2014, Her­ald Dispatch Bio­mass, a Ken­tucky-based com­pa­ny that owns the for­mer South Point Ethanol prop­er­ty adja­cent to The Point indus­tri­al park, will have to pay more than $53,000 in back tax­es, penal­ties and costs by Jan. 27 to main­tain the 78-acre parcel. Lawrence Coun­ty Pros­e­cut­ing Attor­ney Brigham Ander­son filed…