Tag: noise

  • Biomass Incinerator Noise a Nightmare to Neighbors

    Bio­mass Incin­er­a­tor Noise a Night­mare to Neighbors  A “con­tin­u­ous roar.” Jet planes “revving” up for take­off. Being on an “air­craft car­ri­er dur­ing oper­a­tions.” That’s how neigh­bors of the Gainesville Renew­able Ener­gy Cen­ter (GREC) describe the noise com­ing from the 100 megawatt bio­mass incinerator’s ini­tial test runs. Air pol­lu­tion, cli­mate dis­rup­tion, for­est degra­da­tion, and water con­sump­tion are the most…

  • Victims of the Biomass Plant

    Vic­tims of the Bio­mass Plant  - by Judy Hooker The city of Gainesville gov­ern­ment isn’t the intel­li­gent, for­ward think­ing group I would have imag­ined. Is it some­how cool to vic­tim­ize an oth­er­wise beau­ti­ful com­mu­ni­ty for finan­cial gain? Peo­ple and wildlife alike will pay a huge price for your cal­lous actions. I am speak­ing of the Turkey…