Tag: new hampshire

  • Shuttered Claremont, New Hampshire Incinerator to Reopen

    - by Patrick O’Grady, April 15, 2015, Val­ley News The shut­tered Whee­labra­tor incin­er­a­tor on Gris­som Lane was sold at auc­tion Tues­day for $1.63 mil­lion, with the buy­er say­ing he plans to use it to burn munic­i­pal waste. As sev­er­al bid­ders stood out­side the plant hop­ing to pick up pieces of equip­ment at a bar­gain price, auc­tion­eer Stu­art Mill­ner…

  • Berlin, NH Biomass Incinerator Operational, But At What Cost To Ratepayers?

    - by Chris Jensen, August 21, 2014, New Hamp­shire Pub­lic Radio A new bio­mass plant in Berlin is final­ly pro­duc­ing elec­tric­i­ty for Pub­lic Ser­vice of New Hamp­shire under a con­tro­ver­sial 20-year con­tract that a report says will cost PSNH ratepay­ers $125 mil­lion more than if the elec­tric­i­ty was pur­chased on the open market… That esti­mate came from…

  • Half the Wood for New Hampshire Biomass Incinerator from Out of State

    - by Chris Jensen, May 23, 2014, New Hamp­shire Pub­lic Radio About 51 per­cent of the wood pur­chased for the new Burgess BioPow­er bio­mass plant in Berlin dur­ing its first two months of oper­a­tion came from New Hamp­shire, accord­ing to a new “sus­tain­abil­i­ty” report filed with the state’s Site Eval­u­a­tion Committee. Thir­ty-five per­cent came from Maine. Five per­cent from Vermont.…

  • Connecticut Buys Fake “Clean” Energy from New Hampshire Biomass Incinerator

    [Oth­er than ignor­ing all health and envi­ron­men­tal impacts of bio­mass incin­er­a­tion, this arti­cle false­ly claims that the Burgess BioPow­er incin­er­a­tor in New Hamp­shire can oper­ate at 90% effi­cien­cy, while in real­i­ty bio­mass pow­er incin­er­a­tors oper­ate at 20–25% effi­cien­cy. ‑Ed.] - by Geof­frey Craig and Derek Sands, Platts Con­necti­cut’s Pub­lic Util­i­ties Reg­u­la­to­ry Author­i­ty approved on Tues­day a New…

  • Commercial Use of Wood Energy is Heating Up

    - by Michael Mccord, Novem­ber 26, 2014, New Hamp­shire Busi­ness Review New Hampshire’s recent­ly released 10-year ener­gy strat­e­gy acknowl­edged an ongo­ing fact of life for the state’s com­mer­cial and res­i­den­tial sec­tors: New Hamp­shire imports 100 per­cent of its fos­sil fuels and nat­ur­al gas. Accord­ing to the NH Wood Ener­gy Coun­cil, New Hamp­shire pays more than $1…