Tag: minnesota

  • Biofuels Gain Traction at Minnesota Legislature

    - by Jon Collins, March 31, 2015, Min­neso­ta Pub­lic Radio A bill to cre­ate a $5 mil­lion tax cred­it to advance the devel­op­ment of the bio­fu­el indus­try in Min­neso­ta is gain­ing trac­tion at the state Legislature. New­er tech­nolo­gies allow the use of plants like native prairie grass­es or alfal­fa for con­ver­sion ethanol. The so-called advanced bio­fu­el tax…

  • Study Finds Ethanol Worse For Air Quality Than Gasoline

    - by Bill Hud­son, Decem­ber 17, 2014, CBS Min­neso­ta For years, the state’s corn and ethanol indus­tries have tout­ed the envi­ron­men­tal ben­e­fits of burn­ing the alter­na­tive fuel in our vehicles. But new­ly released research from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Min­neso­ta Col­lege of Sci­ence and Engi­neer­ing is rais­ing eyebrows. The study com­pared pol­lu­tion lev­els from gaso­line fuel and…

  • Minnesota Ethanol Plant Fined $25K for Air Pollution and Noise

    - Decem­ber 11, 2014, Asso­ci­at­ed Press The Corn Plus ethanol plant in the south-cen­tral Min­neso­ta city of Win­neba­go has agreed to pay a $25,000 penal­ty and take steps to reduce its air pol­lu­tion and noise levels. The cor­rec­tive actions announced by the Min­neso­ta Pol­lu­tion Con­trol Agency on Wednes­day mark the lat­est step by offi­cials to bring the…