Tag: Massachusetts

  • $355,375 Grant to Install Biomass Heating in Massachusetts Elementary Schools

    - Mass­a­chu­setts Exec­u­tive Office of Ener­gy and Envi­ron­men­tal Affairs, May 5, 2015, Bio­mass Magazine The admin­is­tra­tion of Mass­a­chu­setts Gov. Char­lie Bak­er and Lt. Gov. Karyn Poli­to has announced grant fund­ing for Heath Ele­men­tary School in Heath and the Hawle­mont Ele­men­tary School in Charlemont to con­vert to high­ly effi­cient bio­mass boil­ers from their exist­ing oil heat­ing sys­tems.…

  • Springfield, MA Mayor Blocks Appeal Against Biomass Incinerator

    - by Paul Tuthill, Sep­tem­ber 12, 2014, WAMC The may­or of Spring­field, Mass­a­chu­setts won’t autho­rize an appeal to block con­struc­tion of a wood-burn­ing pow­er plant. A spokesman for May­or Domenic Sarno said the may­or will not approve funds to appeal a court rul­ing that ordered the city to rein­state the build­ing per­mit for the bio­mass project.  The…

  • Springfield, MA City Council Votes to Appeal Biomass Permit Ruling

    - by Ryan Trow­bridge, Sep­tem­ber 10, 2014, WGGB Wednes­day night, the Spring­field City Coun­cil took up the con­tentious issue of a planned bio­mass incin­er­a­tor in the city. Oppo­nents claim the plant would only add more pol­lu­tion to an already pol­lut­ed city, but the state just ruled Spring­field does not have the author­i­ty to stop its development. It’s…

  • Stalled Springfield, MA Biomass Incinerator Gets Building Permit

    - by Michae­lann Bewsee, August 21, 2014, Arise for Social Justice Fun­ny how bad news can make you want to fight even hard­er for justice. Remem­ber the community’s fight to keep a bio­mass plant out of Spring­field? Yes­ter­day we found out that the Land Court grant­ed Palmer Renew­able Energy’s request to rein­state their build­ing per­mit, undo­ing…

  • Springfield, MA Biomass Incinerator Permit Reinstated

    - by Suzanne McLaugh­lin, August 20, 2014, MassLive Mass­a­chu­setts Land Court has grant­ed Palmer Renew­able Energy’s request to rein­state its build­ing per­mit for a bio­mass wood-burn­ing plant in East Spring­field, undo­ing the Spring­field Zon­ing Board of Appeals’ deci­sion that the build­ing per­mit was invalid. The deci­sion states that no spe­cial per­mit is need­ed and the build­ing…

  • Massachusetts Grants Millions to Biomass Industry

    [Mil­lions of tax­pay­er dol­lars go to pol­lut­ing bio­mass incin­er­a­tion under the guise of “clean” ener­gy. ‑Ed.] -  by Anna Simet, June 5, 2014, Bio­mass Magazine Mass­a­chu­setts has ded­i­cat­ed $3.5 mil­lion to nine renew­able ther­mal projects in the state through a new grant pro­gram, the Mass­a­chu­setts Renew­able Ther­mal Busi­ness Invest­ment Financ­ing Program. Funds for the pro­gram are…

  • Group Descries Logging in Northampton, MA Watershed

    - by Rebec­ca Everett, March 17, 2014. Source: Dai­ly Hamp­shire Gazette Chris Mat­era of Northamp­ton said he was dri­ving through Whate­ly to go ski­ing two weeks ago when he noticed piles of fresh-cut logs at the mouth of a trail into a forest. “I said, ‘Wait, isn’t that the water­shed?,’” he recalled recently. Mat­era, who heads…

  • New Law Will Make Biomass Heating Cheaper in Massachusetts

    - by Shi­ra Schoen­berg, Decem­ber 1, 2014, Mass Live A new law that goes into effect in Jan­u­ary will make it cheap­er to use renew­able ener­gy to heat a home – and could pro­vide a boost to the wood indus­try in rur­al parts of West­ern Massachusetts. “This is going to help (renew­able) tech­nolo­gies com­pete with and…