Tag: invasives

  • Biofuel Program could Invite Giant Grass Invasion

    Bio­fu­el Pro­gram could Invite Giant Grass Invasion - by John Upton, July 2013. Source: Grist  Here’s anoth­er envi­ron­men­tal incen­tive to ditch the car: That gas you buy at the pump could soon be help­ing tow­er­ing inva­sive grass­es wreak hav­oc on America’s ecosystems. The EPA recent­ly approved the use of giant reed and napi­er grass as bio­fu­el ingre­di­ents…

  • Report Predicts Bioenergy Crop Invasion

    A new report released by the Nation­al Wildlife Fed­er­a­tion (NWF) details yet anoth­er in a long and grow­ing list of eco­log­i­cal and eco­nom­ic threats from indus­tri­al-scale bio­mass ener­gy: the risk of bioen­er­gy crops becom­ing inva­sive species. Grow­ing Risk: Address­ing the Inva­sive Poten­tial of Bioen­er­gy Feed­stocks dis­cuss­es the neg­a­tive impacts on the envi­ron­ment and the econ­o­my that are like­ly…