Tag: incinerator

  • Dirty Energy Ash Blamed for Toxic Soil in Greenwich, CT

    - by Bill Cum­mings, Decem­ber 28, 2014, CT Post The dis­cov­ery of PCBs and oth­er con­t­a­m­i­nants at Green­wich High School two years ago is only part of a mosa­ic of can­cer-caus­ing tox­i­cs that have cropped up at var­i­ous sites around one of the nation’s wealth­i­est, most exclu­sive communities. Pol­lu­tants have now been con­firmed at three oth­er loca­tions in Green­wich,…

  • Incinerator in Frederick, MD Canceled After Decade-Long Fight

    - by Patrice Gal­lagher, No Incin­er­a­tor Alliance On Novem­ber 20, 2014, Fred­er­ick Coun­ty, Mary­land’s Board of Coun­ty Com­mis­sion­ers can­celled plans to build a 1500 ton-per-day waste-to-ener­gy incin­er­a­tor, end­ing a 10 year cit­i­zens’ effort to kill the project and put bet­ter alter­na­tives for com­mu­ni­ty waste man­age­ment in place. The vote was 3 to 2, and all three…

  • Commissioners Scrap Frederick, MD Incinerator Plan

    - Asso­ci­at­ed Press, Novem­ber 21, 2014, Her­ald-Mail The Fred­er­ick Coun­ty Com­mis­sion­ers are scrap­ping plans for a waste-to-ener­gy incin­er­a­tor after more than five years of debate. The Fred­er­ick News-Post report­ed that the board vot­ed 3–2 Thurs­day night to can­cel a con­tract with Whee­labra­tor Tech­nolo­gies Inc. for the $471 mil­lion project. The board unan­i­mous­ly vot­ed in favor of haul­ing the coun­ty’s trash…

  • College Trash Habits Cause Concern, as Does Incinerator in Chester

    - by Bob­by Zipp, Novem­ber 20, 2014,  Swarth­more Phoenix Two weeks ago, a group of the Green Advi­sors con­duct­ed a waste audit of Kohlberg Hall and the Sci­ence Cen­ter. The pur­pose of the annu­al audit is to cre­ate a visu­al rep­re­sen­ta­tion of the amount of waste pro­duced by those build­ings and test how well the…

  • Florida Waste Company Seeks to Close Incinerator, Transfer Trash

    - by Brit­tany Wall­man, Decem­ber 9, 2014, Sun Sen­tinel Neigh­bors of the “Mount Trash­more” land­fill in north­ern Broward descend­ed on Coun­ty Hall Tues­day, wor­ried about plans to close a trash-burn­ing incin­er­a­tor in the region. Hun­dreds piled into Coun­ty Com­mis­sion cham­bers, some hav­ing arrived on a bus from the Wyn­moor Vil­lage senior con­do coum­mu­ni­ty in Coconut Creek.…

  • Stafford Incinerator in Virginia Not “Financially Beneficial”

    - by Neil Seld­man, August 22, 2014, Insti­tute for Local Self-Reliance The Region­al Sol­id Waste Man­age­ment Board that over­sees the Coun­ty and City of Fred­er­icks­burg land­fill will not pur­sue a garbage and indus­tri­al waste incin­er­a­tion-gasi­fi­ca­tion facil­i­ty. The Coun­ty received no bid that it con­sid­ered finan­cial­ly ben­e­fi­cial to the Coun­ty and City and dropped the project. StopTheStaffordIncinerator.com has…

  • City of Allentown, PA Terminates Contract for Waste Incinerator

    - by Allen­town Res­i­dents for Clean Air, Sep­tem­ber 30, 2014, Stop the Burn The City of Allen­town is pulling out of the con­tract with Delta Ther­mo Energy. This news sure­ly spells the death of the exper­i­men­tal trash and sewage sludge incin­er­a­tor that threat­ens Allentown. HOWEVER, the company’s air and waste per­mits are still out there. The air per­mit could be sold…

  • 20 Years, Yet EPA Still Fails to Protect Us From Polluting Incinerators

    - by Phillip Ellis and Neil Gorm­ley, Octo­ber 4, 2014,  Huff­in­g­ton Post Joe Poole Lake is a pop­u­lar des­ti­na­tion for Dal­las and Fort Worth res­i­dents look­ing for a week­end escape to the great out­doors. Lined with bar­be­cue grills, hik­ing trails and sandy beach­es, the 7,400-acre lake and its wood­en wel­come sign invite end­less oppor­tu­ni­ties to relax…

  • Allentown, PA Kills Controversial Waste Incinerator Proposal

    - by Emi­ly Opi­lo, Octo­ber 1, 2014, McClatchy-Tri­bune Region­al News More than two years after the deal’s con­tro­ver­sial approval, Allen­town has ter­mi­nat­ed its con­tract with Delta Ther­mo Ener­gy, end­ing spec­u­la­tion about whether the com­pa­ny would ever build a pro­posed waste-to-ener­gy facil­i­ty in the city. In a let­ter dat­ed Sept. 26, Allen­town solic­i­tor Jer­ry Sny­der wrote that Bucks Coun­ty-based Delta…

  • Unforeseen Dioxin Formation in Waste Incineration

    - by  Ingrid Söder­bergh, Sep­tem­ber 18, 2014, Phys.org Diox­ins forms faster, at low­er tem­per­a­tures and under oth­er con­di­tions than pre­vi­ous­ly thought. This may affect how we in the future con­struct sam­pling equip­ment, flue gas fil­ter­ing sys­tems for waste incin­er­a­tion and how to treat waste incin­er­a­tion fly ash. These are some of the con­clu­sions Eva Wei­de­mann draws…