Tag: health

  • Biomass Opponents Silenced by North Carolina Commission

    Res­i­dents of six coun­ties in North and South Car­oli­na fac­ing mas­sive chick­en and pig-manure burn­ing bio­mass pow­er incin­er­a­tors, includ­ing a man dressed as a chick­en [pic­tured below], were barred from giv­ing tes­ti­mo­ny at a North Car­oli­na Util­i­ties Com­mis­sion hear­ing over bio­mass elec­tric­i­ty require­ments on August 28 in Raleigh. The hear­ing was in response to a request by Duke Ener­gy, Progress Ener­gy, Domin­ion…

  • Poultry Power Poops Out in North Carolina

    (Source: Mary Ander­son, Couri­er-Tri­bune) A 36 megawatt bio­mass incin­er­a­tor that would have burned poul­try feces is no longer being con­sid­ered for Bis­coe, North Car­oli­na, to the relief of Mont­gomery and Moore Coun­ty res­i­dents and grass­roots com­mu­ni­ty groups, such as Blue Ridge Envi­ron­men­tal Defense League (BREDL), which opposed the project. The devel­op­er, Poul­try Pow­er, a sub­sidiary of the Flori­da-based Green…

  • Nurse Speaks Out on Biomass Health Threats

    - by Deb­bie Mar­tinez, RN, Gainesville, Florida As a reg­is­tered nurse I find it alarm­ing that Alachua County’s huge med­ical com­mu­ni­ty has remained silent on dan­ger­ous smoke­stack emis­sions as more research now demon­strates that air pol­lu­tion from the city’s planned bio­mass incin­er­a­tor will pose a sig­nif­i­cant health risk to adults, chil­dren and the unborn with­in…

  • Florida Trash Incinerator Proposal Bites the Dust

    (Source: Lau­rie K. Bland­ford and Antho­ny West­bury, TC Palm) A trash incin­er­a­tor pro­pos­al for St. Lucie, Flori­da has fall­en through fol­low­ing a unan­i­mous deci­sion by the St. Lucie Coun­ty Com­mis­sion­ers to ter­mi­nate the con­tract with Geor­gia-based Geo­plas­ma, cit­ing eco­nom­ic con­cerns. The 24 megawatt incin­er­a­tor would’ve incin­er­at­ed 600 tons of trash per day using a tech­nol­o­gy called plas­ma arc, which turns…