Tag: health

  • Biomass and Other Transition Fuels are a False Solution

    Bio­mass and Oth­er Tran­si­tion Fuels are a False Solution - by Karen Orr, Ener­gy Jus­tice Network Clean, tru­ly renew­able ener­gy could ful­ly pow­er a large elec­tric grid 99.9 per­cent of the time by 2030, accord­ing to recent research pub­lished by the Jour­nal of Pow­er Sources. This can be done eco­nom­i­cal­ly and with­out gov­ern­ment sub­si­dies if…

  • Oregon Biomass Battleground

    Ore­gon: Bio­mass Battleground - by Saman­tha Chir­il­lo, Ener­gy Jus­tice Network Tim­ber Town Eugene, Ore­gon buzzes along near­ly obliv­i­ous to the for­est destruc­tion and her­bi­cide poi­son­ing around it. Much like a frog in a pot of water brought to a slow boil, the tim­ber indus­try relies on what anthro­pol­o­gist and author Jared Dia­mond referred to as…

  • Waste to Energy a Health Hazard?

    Waste to Ener­gy a Health Hazard? - by Mark Mar­tin, June 23, 2013. Source: Chris­t­ian Broad­cast­ing Net­work  Do you know where your trash goes? Land­fills aren’t the only option. Some goes toa  plant, where it’s burned for ener­gy. But some believe that may not be such a good idea. Like a giant claw, a huge crane slow­ly descends…

  • Seneca Biomass Incinerator Requests Increase in Pollution Cap

    Seneca Bio­mass Incin­er­a­tor Requests Increase in Pol­lu­tion Cap - by Diane Dietz, July 17, 2013. Source: The Register-Guard  The own­ers of a 2½-year-old elec­tric­i­ty plant fueled with log­ging scraps have strug­gled to meet clean air stan­dards since the facil­i­ty began oper­a­tions on the out­skirts of Eugene and are ask­ing reg­u­la­tors for a lit­tle more lee­way to pollute.  Seneca…

  • Biomass Opponents Take on Congress

    Bio­mass Oppo­nents Take on Congress Eighty-five orga­ni­za­tions from twen­ty-six states (and count­ing) have signed on to a let­ter to U.S. Sen­a­tor Ron Wyden (D‑OR), Chair­man of the U.S. Sen­ate Com­mit­tee on Ener­gy and Nat­ur­al Resources, insist­ing that the Sen­a­tor pro­tect Amer­i­cans from harm­ful air pol­lu­tion by end­ing his sup­port for bio­mass incineration. The let­ter, writ­ten by…

  • Energy Justice Network Pushes for Clean Air in Allentown, PA

    Ener­gy Jus­tice Net­work Push­es for Clean Air in Allen­town, PA June 18, 2013. Source: Col­in McEvoy, The Express Times  A clean air bill pro­posed by oppo­nents of the planned Allen­town waste-to-ener­gy plant may be at odds with state law. The city released a copy of a let­ter today from the Penn­syl­va­nia Depart­ment of Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion argu­ing that…

  • A Biomassacre Down Under

    A Bio­mas­sacre Down Under  A new report out of Aus­tralia, Bio­mas­sacre: How Log­ging Australia’s Native Forests for Bioen­er­gy Harms the Cli­mate, Wildlife and Peo­ple, by Mar­kets for Change, high­lights the harm to forests, cli­mate, wildlife and human health from log­ging native forests for indus­tri­al-scale bioenergy. Instead of being a clean, green solu­tion to wean Aus­tralia off of fos­sil…

  • Biomass Incinerator Proposal for Klamath Falls, Oregon Withdrawn

    Project with­drawn after fed­er­al fund­ing source issues June 14, 2013. Source: Andrew Creasey, Her­ald and News A pro­posed and con­tro­ver­sial bio­mass plant off High­way 66 will not be built due to com­pli­ca­tions with its fed­er­al fund­ing source. Kla­math Falls Bioen­er­gy with­drew its appli­ca­tion for a site cer­ti­fi­ca­tion Tues­day. The cer­ti­fi­ca­tion process had been mired in delays with…

  • Proposed Klamath Falls, Oregon Biomass Incinerator Will Not Be Built

    Pro­posed Kla­math Falls, Ore­gon Bio­mass Incin­er­a­tor Will Not Be Built June 13, 2013. Source: Her­ald and News A pro­posed bio­mass plant off High­way 66 will not be built, due to com­pli­ca­tions with its fed­er­al fund­ing source. Kla­math Falls Bioen­er­gy with­drew its appli­ca­tion for a site cer­ti­fi­ca­tion on Tuesday. The cer­ti­fi­ca­tion process had been mired in delays with the…

  • Garbage In, Garbage Out

    Garbage In, Garbage Out - by Mer­cedes Brugh One of the unan­swered ques­tions about the pyrolyza­tion garbage-to-elec­tric­i­ty pro­pos­al for Logans­port, Indi­ana has been about emissions. No proof has been offered about emis­sions. We have been told that the Pyrolyz­er plant will have to fol­low the “strictest emis­sions rules,” but that is no com­fort. Indi­ana con­sis­tent­ly ranks among the…