Tag: fossil fuels

  • Spatial Justice Tests

    - by Aaron Krei­der, Ener­gy Jus­tice Network  One of the main goals of Ener­gy Jus­tice Net­work’s Jus­tice Map project is to demon­strate the role that income and race play in the sit­ing of dirty facil­i­ties. You can use Jus­tice Map (by click­ing on Advanced Mode) to ana­lyze the race and income of peo­ple who live with­in, say,…

  • Families Get $4 Million For Fracking Water Contamination

    In March, a fed­er­al jury award­ed a total of $4.2 mil­lion to two fam­i­lies from Dimock, Penn­syl­va­nia whose drink­ing water wells have been con­t­a­m­i­nat­ed by Cabot Oil and Gas when drilling for nat­ur­al gas. “It’s been a bat­tle,” said plain­tiff Scott Ely, co-plain­tiff with Ray Hubert, in a law­suit against Cabot filed in 2009. “You’re up…

  • Constitution Pipeline Permit Denied

    - April 22, 2016, Ener­gy Jus­tice Network On April 22, the New York Depart­ment of Con­ser­va­tion refused to issue a water qual­i­ty per­mit for the Con­sti­tu­tion Pipeline, a 124 mile pipeline that would’ve car­ried nat­ur­al gas from the Mar­cel­lus shale in Penn­syl­va­nia to New York State.   Accom­pa­nied by heav­i­ly armed U.S. Mar­shals wear­ing bul­let­proof vests, a Con­sti­tu­tion Pipeline…

  • How To Reduce Premature Deaths Linked to Environmental Risks

    [Phas­ing out com­bus­tion-based ener­gy such as fos­sil fuels and bio­mass ener­gy can save lives] – by Nan­cy C. Loeb and Juli­et S. Sorensen, April 8, 2016, Truthout Mil­lions of deaths around the world are pre­ventable every year with­out any addi­tion­al spend­ing on research for treat­ment. And the cause has noth­ing to do with gun vio­lence or war. Accord­ing…

  • Dirt Cheap Clean Energy? | January issue of Energy Justice Now

    Just in time, the Jan­u­ary issue of Ener­gy Jus­tice Now — the nation­al forum for the Dirty Ener­gy Resis­tance — is here! Inside this issue: Dirt Cheap Clean Energy - Dirt Cheap Clean Energy -  Ener­gy Stor­age and Solar Inspir­ing Cus­tomers to Drop Utilities? -  Destruc­tion of Demand: How to Shrink Our Ener­gy Footprint …and more! Please share the Jan­u­ary 2015 issue of Ener­gy Jus­tice Now with…

  • Fracking Wastewater Treatment Facility Proposed in Pennsylvania

     — by Nicole Mul­vaney, Decem­ber 10, 2014, Times of Trenton An Israeli water recy­cling com­pa­ny is propos­ing a haz­ardous waste treat­ment facil­i­ty about 6 miles south­west of Tren­ton across the Delaware Riv­er in the Key­stone Indus­tri­al Port Complex. Elcon Recy­cling Cen­ter, which has an office in West Wind­sor, went before rep­re­sen­ta­tives of Pennsylvania’s Depart­ment of Envi­ron­men­tal…

  • Fossil Fuel Divestment: How to Evolve the Campaign Beyond its Shortcomings

    - by Mike Ewall, Ener­gy Jus­tice Net­workOcto­ber 2014 Some­times, envi­ron­men­tal move­ment cam­paigns that become very pop­u­lar aren’t the ones that are the most strate­gic. Try­ing to divert the fos­sil fuel divest­ment band­wag­on to a bet­ter path hasn’t been easy (or well-received), but some crit­i­cal exam­i­na­tion is long overdue. As activists like to point out, we don’t have…

  • American Lung Association Contradicts Its Own Mission on Fracking

    - by Ronald Saff and Mau­ra Stephens, May 22, 2014, Source: Truthout The Amer­i­can Lung Asso­ci­a­tion has acknowl­edged that frack­ing caus­es mas­sive amounts of can­cer-caus­ing air pol­lu­tion, and has urged stronger reg­u­la­tions, but after receiv­ing hefty dona­tions from a frack­ing com­pa­ny, the ALA switched to false­ly pro­mot­ing gas as “clean­er than oth­er fos­sil fuels.” “Sober­ing Sta­tis­tics Tell…

  • Call for Submissions: Energy Justice Now

    In June 2014, Ener­gy Jus­tice Net­work will be launch­ing Ener­gy Jus­tice Now — a first-of-its kind pub­li­ca­tion report­ing on the entire spec­trum of the dirty ener­gy resis­tance and high­light­ing the voic­es of com­mu­ni­ty orga­niz­ers bat­tling fos­sil fuels, nuclear pow­er, and bio­mass and trash incin­er­a­tion from sea to shin­ing sea.  We are accept­ing sub­mis­sions (200–1,000 words) on any top­ic rel­e­vant to…

  • Energy Justice Now: A Forum for Dirty Energy Opponents

    Since 1999, Ener­gy Jus­tice Net­work has worked with com­mu­ni­ties across the U.S. to oppose every kind of dirty ener­gy facil­i­ty — from coal and nat­ur­al-gas fired plants, to nuclear reac­tors, to bio­mass and trash incin­er­a­tors — to pro­tect human health and the nat­ur­al world that keeps us alive. While count­less pol­lu­tion push­ers have been run out…