Tag: forestry

  • Exploiting Private Forests for Bioenergy

    - by Roy Keene The debate over a sin­gle wood pow­ered elec­tri­cal gen­er­a­tor in Eugene has been myopi­cal­ly focused on just one project and one pro­posed fuel source. Sup­port­ers for Seneca Sawmill Co.’s pro­posed pow­er plant have yet to pub­licly men­tion that slash could be replaced with chipped trees as fuel prices rise, or that this…

  • New Report Urges Western Governments to Reconsider Reliance on Biofuels

    - by Justin Gillis, Jan­u­ary 28, 2015, New York Times West­ern gov­ern­ments have made a wrong turn in ener­gy pol­i­cy by sup­port­ing the large-scale con­ver­sion of plants into fuel and should recon­sid­er that strat­e­gy, accord­ing to a new report from a promi­nent envi­ron­men­tal think tank. Turn­ing plant mat­ter into liq­uid fuel or elec­tric­i­ty is so inef­fi­cient that the approach is…

  • Biomass Destruction Entirely Predictable

    - by Matt Miller and Ray­mond Plouride, Feb­ru­ary 4, 2015, Chron­i­cle Herald In a Jan. 9 sto­ry about dam­age to our forests as a result of the need to feed the giant new Nova Sco­tia Pow­er bio­mass gen­er­a­tor in Port Hawkes­bury (“Bio­mass project rais­ing green con­cerns”), Asso­ciate Deputy Min­is­ter of Nat­ur­al Resources Allan Eddy sug­gest­ed that…

  • Media Helps Biomass Industry Spread Wildfire Hysteria

    -  by Melis­sa San­tos, Jan­u­ary 4, 2015, The News Tribune Ann Stan­ton cred­its a state pro­gram with sav­ing her home from the worst wild­fire in Washington’s history. Despite her prop­er­ty being in the path of the Carl­ton Com­plex fire, which scorched about 256,000 acres in Okanogan and Chelan coun­ties last sum­mer, Stanton’s home and the trees…

  • Keep Corporate Polluters at Bay, Please Donate Today!

    Ener­gy Jus­tice Net­work is one of the few nation­al non­prof­its in the U.S. orga­niz­ing with grass­roots com­mu­ni­ties to say NO! to all forms of dirty ener­gy, from fracked gas, to coal plants, to bio­mass and waste incin­er­a­tion, to nuclear power. Over 2014, we have raised $89,700 from indi­vid­ual donors, only $10,300 away from our goal of $100,000! Will you…

  • 2014 Farm Bill Logs National Forests for Bioenergy

    - Decem­ber 17, 2014, U.S. Depart­ment of Agriculture Agri­cul­ture Sec­re­tary Tom Vil­sack today announced that more than 200,000 tons of bio­mass were removed from fed­er­al lands through the Bio­mass Crop Assis­tance Pro­gram (BCAP). BCAP, reau­tho­rized by the 2014 Farm Bill, pro­vid­ed incen­tives for the removal of dead or dis­eased trees from Nation­al Forests and Bureau of…

  • Soil Erosion May Get Us Before Climate Change Does

    - by Richard Reese, Decem­ber 1, 2014, Resilience Out­side the entrance of the glo­ri­ous Hall of West­ern His­to­ry are the mar­ble lions, col­or­ful ban­ners, and huge stone columns. Step inside, and the pop­u­lar exhibits include ancient Egypt, clas­si­cal Greece, the Roman Empire, the Renais­sance, Guten­berg, Mag­el­lan, Colum­bus, Galileo, and so on. If we cut a hole…

  • Study: Logging Destabilizes Forest Soil Carbon

    - by John Cramer, Decem­ber 2, 2014, Dart­mouth College Log­ging does­n’t imme­di­ate­ly jet­ti­son car­bon stored in a forest’s min­er­al soils into the atmos­phere but trig­gers a grad­ual release that may con­tribute to cli­mate change over decades, a Dart­mouth Col­lege study finds. The results are the first evi­dence of a region­al trend of low­er car­bon pools in soils…

  • 50-Megawatt Biomass Incinerator Completed in Woodville, Texas

    - Octo­ber 28, 2014, HartfordBusiness.com Glas­ton­bury con­struc­tion firm Gem­ma Pow­er Sys­tems has com­plet­ed the 49.9 megawatt con­struc­tion of a bio­mass plant in Woodville, Texas, three months ahead of schedule. The plant to be run by the East Texas Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive will oper­ate on chipped for­est waste. Con­struc­tion of the facil­i­ty began in 2012. Finan­cial terms were not…

  • The Forest Service and Collaboratives Garden Our Forests

    - by George Wuerth­n­er, Sep­tem­ber, 25, 2014, The Wildlife News If the pub­lic real­ly under­stood the illog­ic behind For­est Ser­vice man­age­ment, includ­ing those endorsed by for­est col­lab­o­ra­tives, I am cer­tain there would be more oppo­si­tion to cur­rent For­est Ser­vice policies. First, most FS tim­ber sales lose mon­ey. They are a net loss to tax­pay­ers. After the…