Tag: firewood

  • Thanks to NY Biomass Incinerator, Firewood More Difficult to Find

    - by Pete Cree­don, Octo­ber 6, 2014, Water­town Dai­ly Times Always nice to see a com­pa­ny come in an offer jobs and oth­er things that will ben­e­fit the area it serves (“ReEn­er­gy wins huge con­tract at Drum,” Sept. 30). The ques­tion is, at what cost? The peo­ple this will affect in a neg­a­tive way are a small group…

  • Are Biomass Incinerators Gobbling Up Firewood?

    [While we are cer­tain­ly not advo­cat­ing for any form of burn­ing, includ­ing fire­wood, it’s inter­est­ing how the bio­mass indus­try com­petes with itself. ‑Ed.] - by Anna Simet, Octo­ber 03, 2014, Bio­mass Magazine Last week, I blogged about the pel­let avail­abil­i­ty sit­u­a­tion in the North­east (the “short­age” last year, what might hap­pen this year, etc.) What I…

  • Biomass Energy Drives Wood Shortage in Nova Scotia

    -  Rachel Brighton, Octo­ber 10, 2014, The Chron­i­cle Herald [More evi­dence of bio­mass ener­gy com­pet­ing for lim­it­ed wood source.] Open­ing up long-term access to west­ern Crown lands will relieve some of the pres­sure that has been build­ing in the forestry sec­tor this year. This week the province announced that 16 sawmills and man­u­fac­tur­ers had been grant­ed 10-year…

  • New Law Will Make Biomass Heating Cheaper in Massachusetts

    - by Shi­ra Schoen­berg, Decem­ber 1, 2014, Mass Live A new law that goes into effect in Jan­u­ary will make it cheap­er to use renew­able ener­gy to heat a home – and could pro­vide a boost to the wood indus­try in rur­al parts of West­ern Massachusetts. “This is going to help (renew­able) tech­nolo­gies com­pete with and…