Tag: erosion

  • Biomass: The Unsustainable Energy Source

    - by Atheo, Aletho News The pro­mo­tion­al mate­r­i­al from Big Green Ener­gy, aka Bio­mass Gas & Elec­tric, presents bio­mass as “clean, renew­able ener­gy,” sus­tain­able and green. The US Depart­ment of Ener­gy uses the terms “clean and renew­able” when intro­duc­ing vis­i­tors at its web­site to the topic. But is it accu­rate to describe the repeat­ed removal of bio­mass…

  • Soil is Not Renewable

    - by Friends of the Wild Swan and Swan View Coalition Soils are the foun­da­tion of ter­res­tri­al life. For­est pro­duc­tiv­i­ty is direct­ly tied to soil con­di­tions. Soil takes thou­sands of years to devel­op and is not “renewable“on a human time scale. Soil is an ecosys­tem in itself that must be healthy in order to pro­vide…

  • Soil Erosion May Get Us Before Climate Change Does

    - by Richard Reese, Decem­ber 1, 2014, Resilience Out­side the entrance of the glo­ri­ous Hall of West­ern His­to­ry are the mar­ble lions, col­or­ful ban­ners, and huge stone columns. Step inside, and the pop­u­lar exhibits include ancient Egypt, clas­si­cal Greece, the Roman Empire, the Renais­sance, Guten­berg, Mag­el­lan, Colum­bus, Galileo, and so on. If we cut a hole…