Tag: environmental justice

  • Transform Don’t Trash NYC

    - by Gavin Kear­ney (Envi­ron­men­tal Jus­tice Direc­tor, New York Lawyers for the Pub­lic Inter­est) & Eddie Bautista (Exec­u­tive Direc­tor, New York City Envi­ron­men­tal Jus­tice Alliance) New York City’s homes and busi­ness­es gen­er­ate any­where from 6 to 8 mil­lion tons of mixed sol­id waste every year – more than any oth­er city in the coun­try. And the man­ner…

  • Contaminated Love Canal Soil Going to Nebraska Incinerator

    - by Richard Pier­sol, March 1, 2015, Lin­coln Jour­nal Star About a thou­sand tons of con­t­a­m­i­nat­ed soil from the noto­ri­ous Love Canal envi­ron­men­tal dis­as­ter in New York is being shipped by rail to Kim­ball for incin­er­a­tion because the com­pa­ny that is dis­pos­ing of it ran into objec­tions from Cana­di­ans, who did­n’t want it. Love Canal, a neigh­bor­hood in…

  • What a 20-year Biomass Battle Tells Us About Environmental Justice Policy

    - by Brentin Mock, Feb­ru­ary 24, 2015, Grist It’s well-estab­lished that the Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency has been quite flac­cid when it comes to enforc­ing civ­il rights issues. The online news out­let E&E recent­ly took the time to remind us how bad it is last week, report­ing from Flint, Mich., where envi­ron­men­tal jus­tice com­plaints about a bio­mass ener­gy plant built…

  • December issue of Energy Justice Now | Celebrating 16 Victories for Clean Air in 2014!

    Nev­er fear, the Decem­ber issue of Ener­gy Jus­tice Now — the nation­al forum for the Dirty Ener­gy Resis­tance — is here! www.energyjustice.net Inside this issue: Cel­e­brat­ing 16 Vic­to­ries for Clean Air in 2014! - 16 Vic­to­ries for Clean Air -  From Shock to Vic­to­ry: The Planet’s “Immune Sys­tem” at Work -  Incin­er­a­tor in Fred­er­ick, MD Can­celed After Decade-Long Fight …and more! Please share the Decem­ber 2014 issue of Ener­gy…

  • Incinerator in Frederick, MD Canceled After Decade-Long Fight

    - by Patrice Gal­lagher, No Incin­er­a­tor Alliance On Novem­ber 20, 2014, Fred­er­ick Coun­ty, Mary­land’s Board of Coun­ty Com­mis­sion­ers can­celled plans to build a 1500 ton-per-day waste-to-ener­gy incin­er­a­tor, end­ing a 10 year cit­i­zens’ effort to kill the project and put bet­ter alter­na­tives for com­mu­ni­ty waste man­age­ment in place. The vote was 3 to 2, and all three…

  • I Can’t Breathe: Air Pollution Worse for Communities of Color

    - by Brentin Mock, Grist In North Car­oli­na, sci­en­tists from the Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency have found a “sta­ble and neg­a­tive asso­ci­a­tion” between poor birth out­comes among women and their expo­sure to air pol­lu­tion. That’s pret­ty much com­mon knowl­edge, if not com­mon sense, no mat­ter what state or coun­try you look at. But the EPA sci­en­tists also…

  • 300 Fracked Gas Power Plants Proposed in 45 States: Any Near You? [Energy Justice Now, Sept. 2014]

    Ready or not, here it comes: the Sep­tem­ber issue of Ener­gy Jus­tice Net­work’s new pub­li­ca­tion, Ener­gy Jus­tice Now! Inside this issue: - “Why We Must Fight Gas-Fired Pow­er Plants” - “Ener­gy Jus­tice Sum­mer: Stand­ing With Com­mu­ni­ties in the Shale­fields” - “What the Frack? Scrap­ing the Bot­tom of the Oil Bar­rel” …and more!!! Please share the Sep­tem­ber 2014 issue of Ener­gy Jus­tice Now with your friends,…

  • Springfield, MA Mayor Blocks Appeal Against Biomass Incinerator

    - by Paul Tuthill, Sep­tem­ber 12, 2014, WAMC The may­or of Spring­field, Mass­a­chu­setts won’t autho­rize an appeal to block con­struc­tion of a wood-burn­ing pow­er plant. A spokesman for May­or Domenic Sarno said the may­or will not approve funds to appeal a court rul­ing that ordered the city to rein­state the build­ing per­mit for the bio­mass project.  The…

  • Oregon Group Files Civil Rights Complaint Over Biomass Air Pollution

    - by Lisa Arkin, August 6, 2014, Beyond Tox­i­cs On August 6, Beyond Tox­i­cs filed a civ­il rights and envi­ron­men­tal jus­tice com­plaint with the U.S. Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency (EPA) chal­leng­ing the Lane Coun­ty Region­al Air Pro­tec­tion Agency’s deci­sion to allow a pow­er plant to increase its dis­charges of haz­ardous par­tic­u­late mat­ter. The com­plaint alleges that allow­ing…

  • Springfield, MA Biomass Incinerator Permit Reinstated

    - by Suzanne McLaugh­lin, August 20, 2014, MassLive Mass­a­chu­setts Land Court has grant­ed Palmer Renew­able Energy’s request to rein­state its build­ing per­mit for a bio­mass wood-burn­ing plant in East Spring­field, undo­ing the Spring­field Zon­ing Board of Appeals’ deci­sion that the build­ing per­mit was invalid. The deci­sion states that no spe­cial per­mit is need­ed and the build­ing…